Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

I am not a big costumer, but I spent money in this game and I feel closer to be a F2P player as well.

Regardless myself, Avasiia has a point and you should to check these types of players to give them full dust for the cards, which they bought (using money).

To be clear, I don’t fit in the type of player, who bought classic packs using real money, excluding the two “noob” promos, which it came a random legendary.


This is rediculous! Classic format should include all cards and adjustments as they are in 2021 not 2014. And we don’t get refunds? I have almost the complete classic set and it will become useless now!

I can’t take Activsions greed anymore. It’s time to find a new cardgame. Any reccomendations?


I own every classic legendary bar vancleef in gold, they’re not giving me the new set in gold in exchange. Ergo, I have an issue.


Even if just the first two gets added, then that will be fine. Since those came out in the same year as Hearthstone, those can arguably can be considered “classic” as well, plus one can argue if blizzard delayed HS until late 2014, then all the content from Naxramas and G&G would have been in the game on release.

They confirmed that the cards originally from The Witchwood would be returning and would again be available from those packs, and that the Hall of Fame is being retired.

I do agree the implementation is slightly awkward, but I believe it is also an excellent way to introduce players to the concept, especially for Standard players who might enter Wild later and see the phenomenon of Core cards from Wild sets.

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that not the point.
if you want 2021 classic set - play legacy.
if you want OG 2014 classic set -play classic

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the brigth side is a good change overall, but the downside is you actually wont gain anything cuse like they said you don’t get ownership on the core set. but you actually lose value from clasic cards, and it gets worst if you ever invested on clasic.

i will dust all my goldies but that dust is the last free from now.
but i regret every penny i throw at clasic bundles.

any way the game became cheaper this way thats another brigth side, at the same time they betray the trust pay customers


“all cards as they are in 2021”.

No please, keep your jade druid, evolve shaman, all the stupid rng mage cards and many more cards from the classes and non-classes out of my main game mode please.

i have nearly a complete classic set as well - i spent good money on it back in the day

i honestly dont have a problem with it. cards games need change, fluidity, and diversity. i’m all for it.


Oh sorry I missed that.

Yes you are right it’s actually a good way to go about it. Bravo!

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I remember the good ol’ days of playing classic HS (granted, I still had fun through BRM as I still believe the game still had strategy and skill through that expansion) while eating , not losing to luck (the BS lucky stuff mostly), actually feeling good about my wins because it didnt feel like I cheated for it, not nearly as frustrated when losing because I didnt feel cheated, strategy, skill, outplays, everything that made the game more fun.

I would still play without eating too.

This post was pretty much about the classic game and through the BRM expansion of when I said I had the most fun, and the game having the most skill and strategy.

On top of all of that, the rewards track, achievements, the new ranked system will all be compatible with the Classic Format too! So, the game will be even more fun that means than it was back then, and it was already fun enough!

Can’t wait.

I say that the fair solution to this change is to satisfy all players when buying the new expansion, big or small, for players to get the new classic cards for free because some players cannot spend money on the game continuously and the purchase prices will be reduced and this will lead to an increase in the number of players. Because most players play the game just for fun and not for money or real gain

also this. There is no point of a classic mode if they also include some recent cards lol.

Fully agree, I’m losing out on a lot of dust that was going towards my golden Classic set.


Also, with the new classic format, this will pave the way for blizzard to make balance changes to just the cards in that format if it ever needs any. That’s what Riot does on league, they have separate balance changes to the main game and ARAM, and when 3v3 was still in the game, they had separate balance changes for that too.

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Honestly not upset by this, several other collectible card games have a Core set that allows them to do a reset/reprint period and set the tone for the next couple of years, this allows the designers to bring back cards that could be synergized well with upcoming ideas and set expectations for what kind of mechanics might show up. For me this is a good digital method of having that same concept (and even helps F2P players by providing the core set without charge). As long as some of my already collected goldens show through on the Core set I’ll be happy - nothing like bringing out the ‘classic’ card to sub in for a reprint.

Achievement hunting for goldens is fine and dandy for the new cards in a core set (or being able to choose a card to get a golden version, ala choosing your reward portrait for a season), but if the intention is to make folks re-obtain golds for EVERY core reset, annually, that might be pushing it, that’s asking folks to re-earn/ re-obtain something perpetually if a card stays in Core for more then one year (not cool).

If you need an idea for an alternate reward track, howabout earnable alt art or visual effects for cards if they are returning for core? For example some of the Alliance/Horde cross-themed cards from the origin campaigns use this concept. This makes it so folks who have already obtained a gold has something else to play towards, but doesnt remove the benefit of having already obtained that gold through spending or effort.

Also, not upset some of the classic/basic cards are being sent to Wild. Malygos, Edwin, Alex, and others need a rest to break many of the 1-turn win conditions (Thats assuming any of those cards are being cut for Core). Even then, As Shadowform coming back attests, the Hall of Fame isn’t a sacred burial ground anymore, they may return in a future Core set if the theme and mechanics allow!

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Are they going to add the Hall of Fame cards back to the classic packs/ remove the cards the was to replace them?

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As a long term player of HS I have invested a lot of money and time. I have got the entire Basic and Classic set in Golden finally - and now you are saying you are a) rotating them out of standard b) not giving dust refunds. WTF? Are you going to refund all the cash I ploughed in to get those cards which we were assured wouldn’t be rotated out???

That will be the last pack of cards I will be spending cash on now. Forget it. It was hard enough trying to keep up and complete a golden set - now with the core set changing every year - that becomes impossible.

Greedy. Money grabbing corporation.


you do realize they can make balance changes just to the classic game mode right? Also, keep that confusing rotation garbage out of my new main game mode please.

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Really in this case the complaints seem out of place, people are nitpicking the little bad details in a change that overall is good and super generous.

The refunds in the case of nerfs and HOF are a courtesy. They really dont have to do it. And now the context justifices it even more.