Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

My complaint is that if I knew classic was just a standard set rotating like any other I might not have bought classic packs a year and a half ago, and instead I would have got packs that would have been more valuable to me instead of trying to complete it because I thought I would have it forever in collection like the dev told us.

Alternatively when they used to take out classic cards, the thing that they always did was refund players the dust value of crafting the card so that players could replace the card without another standard card, which was the whole reason the Hall of Fame existed.

Of course, I also get it, it’s great for new players just starting to get all those cards to play with, and I’m all for it and as I said I also agree the set needed to be updated. But for the players that already spent gold to buy classic packs, it’s annoying that they opened those packs thinking those cards will be in forever, and it turns out it’s not. So what I don’t agree on is that giving no compensation for it at all and simultaneously removing the HoF which gave players a lot of dust each year is not a great for many as well.


Welcoming all the changes. Excellent work, dev team. But core set rotating EVERY year?! Isn’t that a bit much?! Why can’t they rotate every two years like the expansions?!

In fairness, while the individual expansions stay two years (or a bit less for the later expansions of a year), the actual set of expansions does already rotate every year, so that’s not so new I don’t think.

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I guess my worry is that there is this ‘comfort’ of knowing what certain cards do having them being around for some time (especially when thinking about deck ideas). That knowledge will be gone after only one year, so we’ll have to ‘re-learn’ that ontop of the new mechanics introduced by the expansions…

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That’s true as well, although in my case I don’t mind that part so much. Of course, if you play Wild, you always have that comfort for all cards. Of course, there are still reasons to choose Standard over Wild, but still—something to consider.

The classic set was so bad, that nobody should invest on it since 2018. I don’t think that trash should be refunded.

claro hubo personas que si compraron sobres clasicos y aparte el que te daba una legendaria y 10 sobres porque supuestamente eestarian permanentes

I don’t quite agree… sure, a lot of the cards were not very good, but a bunch of players spent a lot of gold or cash on it to get those specific legendaries that do get frequently used for various decks.


las cartas del set clasico las podre desencantar en cualquier momento que desee despues de que se haga esa actualizacion??

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After reading this a couple of times I now understand it. I like the changes. Old cards will work like Nzoth when it returned to standard for a while. The only think I do not understand is why you are bringing 4 Outland cards to the core set. I mean Outland and the new core set will be rotating simultaneously in 2022. What is the point of doing this?

“Classic format” I can finally get back into hearthstone!!! Thank you blizzard!!! I wanted this for so long! “Classic format” will be the best game mode ever.

remember players will be able to use those without pulling them from packs thats reason enough to add them

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Firstly, it’s worth noting that as a new class, Demon Hunter received fifteen cards each expansion during the Year of the Dragon, as opposed to the other classes’ ten cards. This leaves them with more cards in each expansion from this year, and thus more cards to use in Standard as of next year.

Blizzard probably liked the four cards in question well enough in design and/or balance that they consider them to be viable “Core” cards for the year.

By using four of Demon Hunter’s presumably sixteen card slots like this, they do not have to find them elsewhere.

This is especially important because Demon Hunter does not have Wild cards to choose from like the other classes do.

Mages will have to use their brains again!!!

I still think the classic version of HS had more strategy and skill than later on of what was added. I do hope the first expansion will be added too, cause sludge belcher was in there. That still feels classic to me since the game still kept its strategy and skill

PLEASE none of the following cards in the new Core Set:

  • Alexstrasza
  • Malygos
  • Savage Roar
  • Bloodlust
  • Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Those cards need to go to the Classic Format! PLEASE :smiley:

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No more evolve shaman, no jade druid among many other things…oh i cant wait! I can finally not only relive the nostalgia of the better, original hearthstone, but can still play much more of it in the months and years to come!

No more using BS and RNG to win!!!

the 2014 classic set mode will only be that… 2014 classic/basic
there will be no expansions - at least not yet.


The Demon Hunter’s initiate set (wich is part of the Ashes of Outland set), was suppose to rotate this next expancion. So I think that they mean that 4 of those cards will go to the core set and remain in the game for now.

The article lists both separately.

Core Set Breakdown:

  • 88 cards returning from Classic (54 class cards, 34 neutral cards).
  • 54 cards returning from Basic (41 class cards, 13 neutral cards).
  • 55 cards returning from Wild (36 class cards, 19 neutral cards).
  • 4 cards returning from Ashes of Outland (4 Demon Hunter Class cards).
  • 4 cards returning from Demon Hunter Initiate.
  • 1 card returning from Hall of Fame (Shadowform).
  • 29 new cards (20 Class cards, 9 Neutral cards).

There will be four Initiate set cards in the 2021 Core set, but coincidentally also four Ashes of Outland cards.

no just good old fashioned face smashing by Hunter
and 4 mana leroy jenkins

lol be careful what you wish for.

how many freeze mage losses and out of nowhere Force/Savage combos for lethal will it take before all you nostalgia monkeys are crying for mommy?