Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Who the hell wants to play classic? freeze mage, divine spirit priest, face hunter, tempo rogue… so boooring. I’d much rather have a rotation mode.


i think people will get bored of that mode really fast
if they never make any changes to it as time passes


What happens to older cards in my collection which are going into the Core set? For example Patches the Pirate. I crafted him in the past. He could come into Core and going out of it later. What happens than in my collection? I lose him and get a replace from new Core? That would be unacceptable. A crafted card is my property until I decide to disenchant it.

its like doom in the tomb back then, you will keep the card if you already have it , if you dont have it you get a free copy that cant be disenchanted

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I hope Hakkar the Soulflayer is put in as part of the core set. That card was niche, but still extremely fun when it was usable.

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You will have two copies of it, the free one that cant be dusted and will go away the next year, and your own one that you will be able to use for ever. But you can only use one of those in a deck


so when the core set rotates we will have to craft the core rotating cards in order to play em in wild?


There are obviously balance issue with managing an evergreen set over such a long period of time and I agree that the set needed to be refreshed / balanced. And as it’s indeed a very complex topic I won’t try to dive in. But it wasn’t what my initial reaction, which I agree may have sound overly inflammatory, was about.

What I disagree on is that rotating the set out of the blue without any form of compensation for the resource players sank in classic instead of other standard sets that might not have rotated this year is not an appropriate way to do it. Had they at least mentioned that they planned to rotate classic eventually, even without any specific, a couple of years ago, anybody getting a classic pack would have known what they were in for. But this brutal change a month before rotation, without any dust compensation over classic cards, is not the way to go, and will obviously leave many feeling deceived.


Yes, the core cards are free to use just for one year. After that, they will change for new cards. So after one year, if you want to use one of the previous core cards, you will need to crafy it (if you didnt had your own copy already)

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the compensation is an entire set that you get for free and it was known for over a year now. They mentionedc it when they talked about the priest changes that came this year and said that it will come in the future . The no dust compenation is ok in my eyes since like i said you get a new set that you would have crafted withe the dust refund you would have gotten . If you say its to sudden then its oon you since they talked about something like that happening quite a while ago


And the Tournament mode? T.T

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I really hope whizbang is changed to be basic. I disenchanted him because he wasn’t updated and now I will be at a net loss of 1200 dust if I want to recraft him. For a ftp player that hurts.

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twenty characters……

The new set is not a compensation for the classic set. In fact, you will get it regardless of whether you own any classic card or not.

Those cards will be lent to you each year and go in and out just like when they temporarily brought back some cards from wild to standard a year back.


i just meant that because of that you wont lose out on any value of the standard collection . This is a great change for budget and free to play players a change that makes teh game cheaper overall . But you earlier complained you would have to craft / buy new cards from the coreset earlier that replace your old classic cards . The classic set rotatest out so you can jsut dust them like a normal expansion that rotatest out + you get the preplacement for free. which makes it an overall dust gain in my opinion . if you say you want a dust refund for the set then you would need one for eevry rotating set aswell. And like i said this should not haven been new to you this was know inforamtion for almost a year now .

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I dont like Blizzard suddenly change the rules of the game. Сlassic cards have been going wild for a long time (hof), but we have always received compensation for this. Free core set is not enough.
Suppose there are only 29 new cards for me (all others cards are already in my collection). Blizzards are going to send 152 classic cards in wild. By current rules, they would be in the hall of fame and I would get a ton of dust as compensation and that is more than enough to craft any cards I want, not the ones that are given to me for “free”.
All balance and meta issues in the game need to be addressed. But not at our expense, please!


Another patch where Saronite doesn’t get reverted :frowning: , buff decks haven’t been the same ever since.

Kudos to Blizzard. Seems like a step up for f2p experience. I haven’t logged in since the new progression system fiasco, but Classic format seems tempting since I joined the game only after the Blackrock Mountain and didn’t experience the original Hearthstone.

I just wonder if the core set will also be available in Wild and will the added core set cards will stay in Wild after rotation.


Although I can see the benefits of such a change for newcoming players I have problem: All the money that I spent on classic packs for years to complete the classic collection is now vanished. When I was buying these packs it was said that these cards are forever. How is this not a fraud? I want a refund in real money for all the classic packs I have bought IN MY BANK ACCOUNT. Not dust and/or gold. Why should I accept that they have decided to not keep their end of the bargain? Maybe someone should sue them for this?


I like these changes in principle, and I can even understand that they might not have known they were going to do this three or five years ago, so they couldn’t exactly warn us that the classic set wasn’t going to be in Standard forever at the very beginning, and that’s fair enough. But the fact remains that some people spent a little bit on classic sets, and some people spent a lot (either in gold or in IRL money). Those who spent little might have focused on expansions and gotten a lot of value out of those cards (getting more unique rares and (perhaps) epics overall). Regardless, everyone will be getting the same core set as a replacement. I think there’s something unfair about that.

Like I said, they couldn’t exactly have warned us, but I think some sort of refund (at least in terms of dust) would have been fair, that would have been dependent on how much of the classic set you had collected previously and/or how many resources you sunk into that.

I know, you get the core set, and some have argued that your dust might have gone there anyway, but again: everybody gets that same core set, regardless of how much you had in the classic set. Some people with small Classic collections will effectively gain dust; others will lose out big. Again, doesn’t seem entirely fair. (Plus, if I understand right, you won’t actually “own” those cards anyway, just get access to them while those cards are in the core set, as that too will rotate.)

I’m not advocating against the changes outright, because like I said, they are nice in principle. I like that it will freshen things up, and will probably address various long-standing balance and design-space issues. I’m not even saying this has much to do with greed or scamminess; probably the aforementioned issues and freshness were the main consideration on the part of Blizzard. I’m only saying that I would have liked to see some compensation based on the extent of your classic collection. Perhaps not the full dust value (as you still will have the cards, if only for Wild mode), but perhaps a part of it, or something? I don’t know.