Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Stop spreading misleading information. Check your facts before posting nonsense like this. the Core Set replaces Basic and Classic set. You don’t lose anything. And you can still dust the Classic (and maybe Basic) set as well if you don’t intend to play them in Wild.

bring back carnivore cube, play dead, terrorscale stalker and deathstalker rexxar.

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irrelevant answer, tell them your self !!

You should read the announcement first before responding.

You won’t be able to play most cards from the classic set in standard after rotation, because they will HoF them, but this time without any dust refund.


The Core Set will be free for all players and will replace Basic and Classic in Standard as a curated selection of 235 cards intended to provide a modern collection of starting cards to players of all types and make Hearthstone even more approachable for newcomers. Some of the Core Set cards are returning from previous sets, some are reimagined favorites, and 29 cards are completely new!

Is really not that hard to reado you know.


What are you talking about? Yes obviously you won’t be able to play them. You get the Core Set instead of that. They’re not getting HoF’d, they’re moving to Wild. And you will be able to dust them. Period. Go take your made up negativity somewhere else. If you want to believe to all the nonsense you’re saying keep it to yourself instead of misleading other players.


I’ve been waiting for you to introduce Whizbang back on a more permanent basis. It’s very disappointing that you have ignored this call from the community. Most of my friends left HS after Whiz went to wild. I was looking forward to dragging them back and having fun playing HS with them again. I still have minuscule hope that you will introduce a new card with a similar effect but it’s not looking good


The worst thing Hearthstone ever did was decide to have an evergreen set, so much constantly felt stale seeing the same cards for the past 6/7years.

This is honestly the best change they have made since releasing the game, they’ve finally done it!

Everyone with negativity is the reason I felt they wouldn’t do this, but I’m glad they had the backbone because this will make the game more enjoyable and fresher every year! …And they’ve chosen to give the core set out for free!! (I would have no issues if it wasn’t free, so this is amazing)

People can moan, but it doesn’t mean they are right, for once, thank you Blizzard!


In spite of the pessimism I have read on here I am willing to give Blizzard the benefit of doubt on this one.
This seems REALLY good for the game. Rotating core sets will give a whole new, fresh flavor to every expansion and the Classic format will be fun to revisit.
I can’t wait to see how I manage seven years later. Will I get steamrolled or will I own? hmm.

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My claims are not made up.

The key issue is this: Blizzard changed the rule on something that was promised to stay unchanged in the game forever and which players assumed to be true when they managed their resources.
All the players that invested time in the form of gold or money under the assumption that those resources would grant them cards that would be playable in standard forever were deceived and probably wouldn’t have spent money or gold in classic packs instead of other standard packs if they knew it would go to wild the following year.


dude you have not read the announcemt the core set is repleacing both classic and basic crads…

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The changes are great and refreshing!

I guess I can open the classic packs now that I’ve been saving for months in case the rework meant they’d be replaced… Nice.

Should keep things fresh each year… Fair play

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the cards can change but the game will never feel fresh as long as decks played across all ranks are always the same netdecks. This whole ordeal is just making sure people have no bearings at all at the start of every new expansion so they just netdeck faster.

Also glad they added the 4th dimension of randomness for randomly generated cards so that you dont even know which pool of randomness is available for those random cards. I sure hope all of you remember what the randomly selected cards to be in the core set were everytime someone plays a card that discovers something


you think its only about money and greed which it clearly isnt. The classic and base set were at times huge balancing problems. Lock at edwin for example. He was constantly restrickting design space , letting rogues steal wins at times and preventing to good combo enabeling cards from being printed until they finaly nerfed him after they made foxy fraud. the same could be sad for old force of nature and savage roar which was a main stay of the meta until it was changed .By now a lot of these cards are either useless because of power creep or cause constant balancing issues since they werent designed with modern days in mind . So now they offer players a solution which doesnt take away their standard collection , since you get 235 cards for free replacing these cards which change every year. It also guves them more design space with some more cool card desgings . Maybe give priest a decent board clear so they dont need to use pyro all the time. Maybe remove sorcerers apprentice so you could make more interesting cheap mage spells . They can now create a core set that plays well with the planned cards in standard , giving them more design freedom and giving players a better expierence , especially f2p players since they get 235 cards for free, including epics and legendarys


They are not giving you free cards, they are giving you free access to those cards. And those cards will change every year.

You can’t disenchant the core set cards, but you will keep your own personal copies of those cards. And those personal copies can be disenchanted at anytime, the free copy will still be usable, but only for one year and you would lose your personal copy.

Free copy of a card= might be gone the next year and can not be dusted

Your own personal copy= can be use for ever (in wild) and can be dusted


The Core Set will be free for all players

what ?

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Neat idea.

Might become a secondary casual mode for me since I could never get into BG’s.

I won’t be leaving standard for nostalgia’s sake but this is a great secondary option for player’s who miss oldschool HS (or hate standard enough)

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I just hope Blizz doesn’t give us trash classic/basic cards considering there will be less of them

Haha, i can already hear the Warsong Commander and Frothing Berserker gathering it’s troops. Thank God Grim Patron is in Blackrock.

Seriously tho, this sounds like a nice thing, being able to play the classic decks again.

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twenty characters……