Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

  • All balance changes for these cards over the years will be reverted, but cosmetic changes will remain. For example: Felstalker will be Felstalker and will not revert to Succubus. Also, all Basic cards from the Hall of Fame will be Common rarity in the Classic format.

Come on, seriously? Why? None of those changes were even good to begin with.

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With all the respect, do you realize that some players (like ie. me and i guess I am not the only one) purchased the classic pack ONLY for the fact it is PERMANENT and it will be there forever (for the time of the game existence)?

Thats why there were refunds in past. Argument that “we re getting new cards for free” is no argument at all, everyone will get them, but not everyone has spent so many. And I am quite low-to-no payer and 99% of my purchases are for gold, but imagine someone who spend like thousand €/$ to get all the classic cards, or even all the classic golden cards.

So the disappointment, close to rage, of some guys is in place and is expectable.

This is also answer to SuddenReal how is this greed - like this.


Lol what? You’re “close to rage” over a video game?

Classic format…love the idea. Core set refresh each year…yes keeping it fresh. I am so thrilled to see how these changes affect the coming meta. Can dust original classic cards…finally I can get rid of all those gold classics that I never use, I have just never really cared about having gold cards, animations are nice but I’m not gonna sweat just having to have them. Can’t wait!

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What happens to Whizbang?

  • Whizbang will remain in Wild as part of the Boomsday set and will be updated for every major release moving forward.
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I said some players may be, if they have thrown their €s out of widnow, i would not be surprised. Unless you are son of some kind of lord or sheikh, and you are adult, you have to work to earn them. So yea, like I said, they have the right of raging.

I am just explaining to those who are surprised, not presenting my own stance, like i said, i pay mostly by gold, I play it for free, so I dont have to care much :slight_smile:


Some people here seriously piss me off…

All threads are full of people complaining about not having enough deckslots and hating on the new reward system.

Now we get 27 deck slots and literally a whole expansion worth of cards for free, and people still find the nerves to call it greed and scam.

The devs are not ruining the game, you guys that think you have to “represent the community” by talking sh*t are.

I for one WELCOME this new patch with all my love. Thank you Hearthstone Team! <3


The core set concept looks really nice! Having a set of certain cards choosen from a big pool contributing to a healthy Meta sounds promising.

The classic format is something I think every Blizzard game should have. I love Classic WoW and have been dreaming of Classic Overwatch for years. Classic Hearthstone is something I never experienced, but this mode doesnt have Demon Hunter so I’m sure I’ll like it! I wonder what kind of previously considered “terrible” cards are viable there.

The only thing that, for now, seems very odd to me is the addition of Shadowform to standart. It hasnt seen play in years and goes completly against the design philosophy of Priest (No Face Damage!). Makes me fear the Core Set will not have a card pool as good as I hope. However, I might be completly wrong about this. Perhaps Priest will get an Inspire-theme next expansion or Shadowform recieves some balance changes (2 Mana, change your hero power to "Deal 2 damage to a minion - for example)


You’re keeping the same amount of cards, they’re just being swapped. They did promise that they would always be in standard but considering the power creep nowadays, few basic and classic cards are meta defining and made the game stale. This will shake up the game a lot. It’s really not a scam and we’re getting the entire set for free which will make new players more willingly to stick with the game. Blizzard has done a lot of bs, but give them credit where it’s due, this is a good change.


This is bs I made some of that set golden cuse they weren’t suppose to rotate.


but thats exactly what they give you for free now with the core set . they give you the same ammount of cards rotating out by removing the classic set , which only partialy rotates out btw . You want the equivalent amount of cards? , congrats thats what you get

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To be fair, those who own every classic card aren’t really getting it for free, it’s simply being swapped.


Hi de cards Coming back from wild r they part of the free cards we r getting?? Because i dusted every wild cards xd ???

This is an incredibly welcome addition to the game. I don’t know about others, but in my friends group, I am the longest time player. Everyone I know has dropped the game due to the power creep (and cost creep), so this is an excellent chance for me to play with them again. This change is going to be healthy for f2p players.

I also like the idea of the core set, which I feel like will have a lot of the benefits of wild (which I mainly play), without some of the very frustrating aspects of the format.


yes they are. all the core set cards are free

The new cards are not a substitute to classic, they are more akin to a substitute to the basic set which is given for free.

I spent 100 euro on classic to complete my set 2 years ago under the promise that I would be able to play those cards in standard forever. Not only the dev broke this promise, but they won’t even refund dust (not even talking about money/ blizzard credit) so I could craft cards that wouldn’t even be evergreen that I could play in standard.

This is a scheme to have people pay again for an amount of playable cards they already own in the game. How is that fair?


I have a lot of extra duplicates from wild. I pretty much didn’t disenchant anything ever, if it wasn’t nerfed.
Everything else, I am keeping for possible future nerf. (or more fair dust economy)
So, what if I have +9 of one card from wild, which rotates in core set. Will I be able to disenchant extra cards which I have after rotation ?

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What are you talking about? You don’t lose any cards. You get the Core Set for Free every year (as it’s gonna change). And you will be able to dust old classic cards (if you want to as they will still be playable in Wild). The changes they make is the opposite of greed.

wont the classic format get boring fast with only the 2014 cards ?


Tell that to the people who play classic wow. The other formats will still be available, so it’s just a nice addition and really excellent for new players learning the game.