Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Too many to list but still missing a few… After a few years of those cards not being used In standard play it didnt seem like I was ever going to play with those cards again so I dusted them. This whole classic mode seems more like a fu to all who didnt keep those cards or where not around to get them in the first place… Sry this suks more now.

If you dusted your classic cards and didnt buy more, you seriously shouldn’t have any now. i don’t understand where the classic cards you have came from. And, yeah, blizzard does keep saying that they want people to stop dusting all of their old cards and are putting out content that encourages larger collections of old cards

We will just forget I said anything about those classic cards I supposedly got…“Nothing to see move along now.”

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They should reward collectors with something better than minor advantage in modes - e.g. some dust on start of every expansion or year, based on your collection. That way a collector could appreciate the “value” of the collection, similar to a dividend, and profit on it. They could calculate the amounts not to break the economy, e.g. every 10 single legendaries in collection - 5 dust, 40 epics - 5 dust etc… That would encourage people not to dust cards, to make collections… also it would make old collector/customer player base that pays for all of this feel appreciated/respected. And it would drive sales even further, 'cause the bigger part of collection one owns - the more he wants to complete it.

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Hey, I have a question:
What happens to the Corecards, after the rotation in 2022?
Can we keep them or are they gone forever?

Is Drain Soul in 2022 nerfed to 2 damage again or Void Terror would be a 3/3 again and some new cards, like Ritual of Doom are removed from the game?

So next year I cant play the New Ysera from the core set?

Not every card will rotate the next year. Ysera might stay in the core set, as many other cards. If it happens to rotate, then there will be a way to get it back, maybe it will be craftable or maybe it will be free for everybody.

I never seen the point in classic wow starcraft diablo or hearthstone why live in the past

I’ve never played any of those games you mention other than Hearthstone, and I didn’t play Hearthstone until 2019, but I still enjoy Classic Hearthstone if only for it’s current novelty. I do also playing games that came out years ago that I was either unaware of at the time or just never got around to playing. There are definitely games I play for nostalgia too, and there isn’t anything wrong with that, but play Classic format is not just in order to “live in the past”; it’s fun.

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Some will remain in Core. About 30% will leave Core.

If you own the original copy, you will still own it. If you don’t own the original copy, then you won’t have it anymore.

As far as we know now, the changes are permanent. Jaraxxus (outside of Classic Mode) will always be a hero card from now on, Drain Soul will always deal 3, etc.

This part we don’t know yet. (It hasn’t been officially announced/decided.)

I played Starcraft for MANY years after it was released. I even played some this year. I greatly appreciate Blizzard’s provision of the service for all these years.
Classic Hearthstone is a different story. Many if not all the old Classic cards are basically unplayable in today’s game. Many were moved to Hall of Fame, some were nerfed to unplayability, etc. Playing Classic Hearthstone allows us to experience those cards as they originally existed. For many of us, it’s experiencing the original Hearthstone we know and love all over again. Imo, it’s much more enjoyable than today’s Standard or Wild.

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Community, good day! The introductory update released before the release of the last add-on made it possible for all heroes to receive gold cards of various quality - common, rare, epic, legendary - for achieving certain ranks by all heroes. As far as I understand, this is a reward for a one-time achievement for a certain number of victories for all classes and the reward for this is limited to gold legendary classes. After logging into the game on March 30 and the release of the “Forged by the Steppes” add-on, I found that I could not play the dropped cards in all game modes, but only in STANDARD.Now I want to ask, did Blizzard reward me and the others for many years of experience (achieving a certain level of victories by each hero) with cards introduced for one rotation, which will go away in a year (or when the standard mode will change there)? Why then enter achievements with a win counter for this purpose? Why can’t I play Classic with the legendary cards that I received for these achievements (for example, the golden Alakir)?And what is the ownership of these cards that I received for MY achievements, otherwise how can it be called an achievement if everyone is given the same reward, and it can only be played in 1 mode, which I almost never play, because I play Wild mode and now I want to diversify the game with the classic one?

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me quedan aun sobres clasicos?? sirven de algo , ya que no deseo jugar formato clasico,

Blizzard gives nothing to people who already owned the cards in the core set. Half of the new legendaries in the core set are garbage compared to what we had before. Forged in the barrens standard meta has two viable decks. Wild meta has two viable decks, and nobody even plays classic. So all those classic packs we bought were for absolutely nothing, thanks blizzard.


So if I owned a card say from witchwood set prior to core set being introduced, which is now a core card, will I be returned my witchwood card to my set after the core set changes after its 1 year? It’s not clear to me right now which of the core set cards I will be returned after core set rotation… if any… will they be returned? If not that will be a big problem.

Did you ever get your answer to this, I’m wondering the same

You didn’t lose those cards. They’re still in Wild. You just get the Core Set extra.

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Лучшее, что случилось с этой игрой это классический формат. Браво близары, спасибо вам большое!
Спасибо спасибо спасибо за классический режим! Thanks for classic!!! Thanks, Thanks Thanks, Thanks!!!

Are you going to somehow complement the classic format? can you add at least a few maps from old expansions like "NAXXRAMAS, Blackrock Mountain etc.) also you can change a couple of cards like Force of Nature etc. It would be really cool to change the meta in classic somehow, because this game mode is already a year old and during this time, I think everyone is already bored with playing the same decks.

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We (Classic players) will be very happy to see something like a shake-up of the Classic format, as you did when you returned Nzoth’s, Taurisan and other cards. Add to the classic format - Reno, Justicar, Medivh and others, would be very cool. It would attract new players to this format who missed these cards, and would also make current players very happy.

This sounds like “not classic.”