Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

How so? There’s a grace period for dust from cards going to the Hall of Fame. That’s only after they move to the Hall of Fame. So, if a player came back, say, after the second expansion hit, they’d receive nothing.

Untrue. Plus they’re taking away WHAT YOU PAID FOR because you’re naive and didn’t read their contract. Regardless it’s your fault.

As a returning player from last year, I will sumarize what i got to avoid speculations, I was inactive from 11th august 2017 to 2nd june 2020 (I have screenshots of it, I will search for them):
6560 dust
free deck of galakrond guile (I think there were 3 legendaries)
And thats it. I did not craft any card and got to #5 in first season tho, so yea that was helpful.

As for refunds and all theese things, I do not actually need refund itself, I am rather sad that whole Classic is gone, it has directed the game certain way, now it may change from year to year completelly. I hate any change in standard, refunds feels good, but seriously, priest is not what it used to be, now shaman is completelly changing (it has 2 earth and 0 air totems), oh wow, but there are in general two kinds of people: one kind is conservative, the other inovative, one will always hate changes, especially extreme, but even good changes they will hate, the other will wellcome even bad changes.

I am rather conservative obviously and I understand it is like 50:50 between others. However I am glad that payers decided for a small sabotage by not purchasing bundles, it will not change anything, but it is at least expression of unsatisfactory.

Playing free to play is actually quite easy if you have already something, thanks to duplicate protextion + arena + rank #5 rewards, it takes like only 2k gold to get all the common + rares of currect season and you earn like 6k (or in other words, i had 14,5k gold at 19.0, now i have 18,3k and missing 5 rares from last set, I did not crafted any card this expansion as far as I remember.


I remeber, Iksar said, Minion Jaraxxus would be still playable in Wild.
Is that true? D:

I believe minion Jaraxxus will only be playable in Classic. Hero card Jaraxxus will take his place in Standard and Wild


Umm… I do not understand what fault are you talking about and why do you think that I’m naive… with some people it is not easy to communicate, you state stuff that I never said nor meant, so… whatever, I leave it at this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is Climbing to legend for the first time will still be awarded with classic legendary given that most of them are leaving standard … How will that work ?

It will probably be changed to a random legendary from the latest set.

Damn, sorry about your golden collection - there are a lot of trolls around on this discussion and Blizzard probably pays little attention to this kind of complaint, but I and hopefully a lot of others are with you on this. This should’ve been a positive announcement, but now I might just stop playing HS until I inevitably get the itch again. x)
I wouldn’t disenchant yet if I were you unless you just want the dust for standard - classic format is probably just a token gesture that won’t have much fun value, but still, who knows what they’ll do with it.


The more I look over the Core Set from an experienced standard player point of view, the less I like it. It is less to do with what’s in it, and more to do with what isn’t. The way I see it, players who earn more gold by playing more and who played this game for years putting real $ into it deserve to have an advantage over those who don’t, otherwise what’s the point? Basically Blizzard is rewarding relatively new players lvl 10 of each class or higher, and punishing it’s more established and loyal player base, by making the majority of our classic collections, worthless for standard play. It will come back to bite them though, as long standing players of standard will be much more likely to switch to Wild, which costs no money to keep playing and still be somewhat competitive or just quit the game entirely as blizzard is restricting much more cards than it used to and it’s not really giving a reason. For instance the neutral cards from classic, most are going away and some like Sunfury Protector which saw little to no use in standard is now leaving for good. With class cards Blizzard has the excuse of not wanting one class to have more cards than another, post rotation. Neutral cards can be used by every class, meaning that every class’ standard card pool would increase by the same amount. Sure some classes use certain neutral cards more than others, but that’s likely to be the case with the upcoming neutral cards from Forged in the Barrens and the neutral cards that will remain when the Core Set goes live. I do appreciate Blizzard giving everyone the Core Set for free. Rotations in general already give standard players less to work with, and are necessary as they keep the meta fresh, challenging and exciting, at least for a time, but going out of there way to limit card usage even more just feels wrong. The new cards in the core set are nice and will certainly make things interesting. However, I just don’t feel like we’re getting enough for what will be lost. Why take out cards like Sunfury Protector? It isn’t broken, didn’t see competitive play in standard recently, and could offer something fun and useful in interacting with upcoming cards. This holds true of other classic neutral cards, and is especially disappointing with certain classic neutral legendaries that did see some play in standard. I will keep playing, but I may end up gravitating to Wild if I don’t like how the meta shapes up a few weeks after rotation.


could anyone post a link for old decklist/codes for old deck lists?
All decks on hsreplay e.t.c. only contain nerfed cards

It’s so annoying, especially when I was about three legendary cards from finally completing the Classic set.
I personally don’t like this move of rotating Classic. It definitely takes away that feeling of working hard to obtain a set.

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“Cards that were added to the Classic set later in Hearthstone’s history will not be usable in the Classic format or drop from Classic packs, but will be craftable as part of the Legacy set in Wild”
Sooo Just purchased the 20 classic packs bundle and in the 1st 5 packs I got 2x Call of the Void and High Inquisitor Whitemane. Of course I stopped opening… When will these cards stop dropping?? Definitely not the kind of cards I was expecting to get when I purchased…

They’ll no longer be in packs as of the 30th

thnx a lot for the feedback :slight_smile:

20 minutes into Hearthstone “Moneygrab” and remembered why I stopped playing Hearthstone so long ago. The only reason to bring back this unbalanced garbage is to make some of the cards we worked so hard to get completely worthless as of the 30th.


If you dusted all of your wild card, why do you expect to have leeroy jenkins now? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say

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The core set isn’t available to use until the 30th, and it will not be available to use the the classic mode anyway. Blizzard wants you to own classic cards to play classic mode.

When the golden cards were given I also received cards from the classic set that I had dusted years ago. I made decks and have been playing in this mode but I am missing several of the old legendarys. I assumed this was given as part of the mode but now I am wondering if this is a bug…

What cards from the classic set were you given? This definitely sounds like some kind of bug, but I am not certain. There are quite a few bugs with the latest update.