Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

we need the old expantions, naxxramas blackrock mountaine goblins vs gnoms make a vote for all the classic players love these card love this version of hearthstone

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hey man you seem to post alot here, how about we make a vote for classic player to see if we can introduce an old expansions NAXXRAMAS, BLACKROCK GOBLINS VS GNOMS TO classic

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Sounds like wild is right up your alley!

no, wild also includes all the other expansions. The thing he wants is not offered.

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Itā€™s wild lite. Letā€™s call it what it is.

Itā€™s not classic.


Considering other games that had this ā€œgives more design spaceā€ and just used it to basically recreate the same stuff they just removed with a change here and there (like moving the card to another class).

Anyway, it seems that people assume that everyone will play the classic format. But if we consider that maybe the player is not interested into playing it, this is a major change that may not be that good. We should always look at the both sides of the coin.

In the end, the issue is that you should never make a promise that youā€™re not willing to keep if needed. Just donā€™t promise.

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man for players like me they dont play standart neither wild i like the classic cz i knw the cards and they arent broken i like the old meta just need a little variation with the expansion wild have all crazy stuff you cant tell what your opponet is running and stantard is so diifrent from what HS ones was