Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

HS gets 40% of its revenue from players collecting Golden cards. Thats 40% of paying players that are getting short changed in this transition. This is a panicked response to improve the game to retain customers. Every dramatic change in the game requires a grace period that alienates core paying players. Meaning, they are throwing a hail mary to save the ship from sinking.
If it doesn’t work then 50% of those core players will leave the game. Games don’t recover when their core paying customers leave.

HS should reinburse the collectors but their new management is betting on the hail mary. Its a long shot put as management are replaced yearly, they’ll stick to a bad decision until they get fired or the company goes belly up.

Good news is that BLZ has a large nest egg built over other investment. They won’t let the ship sink to “0” but its going to be a bumpy ride folks.

I have a redemption customer plan written up if BLZ cares to review it.

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I have no idea what you mean with the hail mary. The core set? That’s something that’s long overdue.

And if Blizzard reinburses those collectors with boatloads of dust, they no longer have to whale since they have enough dust for the next few expansions. That’s more than 50% of those core players leaving.

And again, they are not getting short changed. They decided on their own to invest and they still have those cards. It’s their decision not to play other game modes where they can still use those cards.

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Exactly! A decision made on their own, based on some old lies (as if a lie has to be new to count as a lie :rofl:) and false advertising! But, who cares… Activi$ion not, for sure! :rofl:

I know some people will ragequit investing, but that will be such a minority because the game is too damn good and they can get away with a lot worse, I’m sure they have surveyed and tested a lot before deciding that this equals most money in the future. The cheapskate feeling lying slimy trail they leave over and over again throughout all their cash cow games simply just further undermines the Actiblizz logo goodwill… that anyway sank in the past decade… so who cares since we all continue pouring the money in? :rofl:

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Except (again, for the umpteenth time) they weren’t lies at the time. Also, the last time Classic and Basic were advertised as always staying in Standard was 2016 when Wild was just introduced. So, how is that false advertising?

Times change, things that were true five years ago are no longer true now. That doesn’t mean it was a lie five years ago.

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Looks like an improvement for sure. Nowhere near as good as Legends of Runeterra, but may allow people to actually play without having to spend a fortune to have anything. They need to do Wildcards like LoR, but Activision/Blizzard is too greedy to do what Riot has done.

Dust is better than wildcards, since you don’t have to spend your dust on a card of a strict rarity. You can spend 1600 dust on 40 commons, 16 rares, 4 epics or 1 legendary, but in Runterra, you HAVE to use a champion wildcard to craft a champion.

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Is there any estimated date for the release of the patch 20.0?

No i dont think its will. classic format was really popular backs in days.
i was crying when its was going away back to 2014 :frowning:

Ok. If I think on it further I can agree that for players like me the key issue was the lack of warning.

Given that, I would still like the option to disenchant the classic legendaries I made at the end of the year for full dust. I’d even be happy if they set a limit on how many cards you get to disenchant for full value. For example, the first 5 classic legendaries you disenchant …or some other mechanism like that. While admittedly that doesn’t address the concerns of the players that crafted a golden set, it does partially address the concerns of the newer players.


So the core set is released in full now… my question is can I dust my copies of these cards and still get them in the core set when it releases whenever that is? Mar. 23rd I suspect?

you can dust your cards and get the core set cards when they release on Mar 23, but the core set cards can eventually be rotated out of the core set, and at that time you’ll no longer have access to them if you dusted your original copy

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awesome thanks for the reply

Blizzard you own me 800 euro i invested in classic card packs.


lol you can use them in wild as usual, what is problem?

“You can use them in wild mode and continually lose to secret mage and raza priest”* blizzard should give dust to collectors of the classic set.


Seriously? Druid has no direct damage spells in the core set? Who tf came up with that idea? With no way to clear an early board, druids are basically going to be free wins for any aggro deck.

same… what about the player wich recently crafted a classic legendary … feels good that I have dusted the useless 4 mana van cleeve for 1600 dust immediately

Seriously, I crafted legendary cards of classic set Golden because Blizzard promised Basic and Classic will remain in standard forever.

Now you are eating your words and not giving any refund?


There are Topics requesting compensation in both Community Discussion (there is a link in this Topic under the Original Post at the “popular links” section, or else Reply 222) and the Multiplayer Discussion if you want to join us there.

SuddenReal you keep stating Blizzard last advertised that cards in Standard would always be around in 2016. With reference to a previous post I made, I would contest that. The fact that the Hearthstone Player base has always referred to the Classic Set as ‘Evergreen’ suggests this information must have come from somewhere. That name in itself would never have evolved if players believed they’d rotate out. For terminology to evolve in a game - the majority of players must have believed from what Blizzard said - that the Classic Set would be around forever. This terminology has been used by Hearthstone’s top streamers - and players that regularly feature in Hearthstone’s tours etc. For that many people to be of the belief that Classic would be around forever - there must be some weight in the argument we are putting forward.