Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Are you stupid? This is a digital card game, once they game dies, you own NOTHING. Most of the cards will stay in the core set too. You don’t own anything in your digital games anymore, please wake up. You don’t even own anything in your life after death.

It’s actually more painful to have a fellow player call me stupid than it is for the devs to change the shaman hero power.
The devs made a change because of the direction they want to take the game in overall. I get it. It disadvantages me and others but we’ll live with it. We’ll be ok.
But you calling me stupid for whatever reason hurts a lot more.


You still don’t get it. There’s no rules. You signed the agreement. Whatever assumption you made based on never-existed and falsely-assumed promises lead to is fully deserved. It’s your responsibility to fully understand a product when there are information about it. If you refuse to, you face the consequences.

I agree. Changes the nature of the game.
And as others have noted, the frustration is that folks with limited dust crafted classic legendary and epic cards instead of legendary or epic cards from the current set because classics were supposed to forever be available in standard. Blizzard isn’t living up to what it said. Caveat Emptor I guess.


Except that’s not the case. If you read these type of thread carefully, you’ll see the majority of the complaints are not “I crafted classic legendaries and epics and now I lost that dust” but in fact are “I have the entire classic set in gold and now I get no dust in return”.

Another troll resorting to personal attacks on other forum posters. Grow up. The game hasn’t died - and any product - be it physical or virtual - still has to be sold under laws that are both fair and transparent. To say there are no rules is also an invalid statement. Blizzard are not exempt from the same laws that affect every other trader.


If you read Rocky’s statement that you quoted - I believe the crux of their argument is that:

Whether we crafted our Classic Packs in Gold or otherwise - players still stand to lose a huge investment. And we are not saying we get no dust in return - because there is the option to disenchant. We are saying we should get a full dust refund because the cards were sold and advertised as being part of Standard Format forever.
Blizzard’s decision to go back on their terms of sale feels very underhanded to many players - and that is what we are protesting about.


No, the crux of their argument is the whole thing I quoted. Don’t cherry pick what fits in your agenda. He even mentions limited dust specifically.

read this.

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What I am saying is that many folks made decisions on which cards to craft based on the guarantee that these cards would always be available to play in standard. Some players who had only limited dust crafted classic legendaries BECAUSE they were supposed to be around after the rotation. If I only had 3200 dust, I would choose to craft classic cards because of the long term playability.

If I knew that classic was going to rotate out I would have made different choices. But I made a decision based on a false promise. Getting the full dust value back if I disenchant would be a reasonable way to make it right.

Yes I know that’s not the complaint of the majority of the thread. At the same time I understand the frustration of the folks who went to the trouble of getting the entire set or crafting gold versions. They are saying that they should get full dust value because they made the decision to do that based on a false promise.


do you know how much dust they’d get back for a full refund? like enough to craft 3-4 expansions worth of cards. anyone who put that kind of money/gold into something like full golden in something as changeable as a game has only themselves to blame.

They made their decision based on a misinterpreted promise. Not rotating through regular rotation just means it wouldn’t rotate like other standard sets, they never said never. Also, most ad companies reserve the rights to explain their ads, the same goes for Blizzard.

Sure. I get why they aren’t doing it. It accept that it even makes sense from the standpoint of improving play and leveling the playing field a bit.

But that doesn’t change the fact that Blizzard didn’t follow thru on their promise about classic nor does it address the concerns of players that crafted classic cards based on what was essentially false advertising.

I just don’t agree with the argument that it’s a players own fault for believing what Blizzard said. Yes it’s a game and rules can change but folks should have been able to take the company at their word.

And a refund if and only if you disenchant would be a way to compensate. Frankly, I’d be happy if they only applied that full refund to disenchanted legendary regular or gold classic cards. That wouldn’t fully address it but would be something.


That said, I you may have a point if it was only implied and all of us misinterpreted the promise. Doesn’t change the fact that we made decisions based on the understanding that classic wouldn’t rotate. And blizzard certainly didn’t explicitly say it would (as they did with all other releases).


No, players misinterpreted the promise. It’s their fault.
Not rotating like regular expansions =/= never rotating.

Why? If you crafted Classic because they would be around after the rotation, then a different choice would be gone for sure after the rotation. That would be the same result.

Look, I do agree that Blizzard could have announced this sooner, but demanding compensation for the best change since the introduction of Wild (which we also didn’t get any dust for) is ridiculous. Nobody forced these players to craft golden cards, they did so on their own free will.

And the argument “they did it because it was supposed to be forever” doesn’t make sense from a logical point of view. If you have the full Classic set, you’d assume you’d focus on the expansions, but instead you get a bunch of cards you’ll never get to use, i.e. never get to show off, and the cards that you do have in gold, are not even twenty percent of your deck. That’s impressive. Either you go full gold for everything, or don’t bother. Because those golden cards you framed in your room, they’re still there. And that’s what they’re complaining about, that the cards they can’t show anyone, well, that they can’t show them to anyone.


So your argument is mostly focused on those who crafted gold cards in order to have a full “set”. I am sympathetic to the frustration of those players.

But there also is another category of player: those who, like me, have been playing for 1-2 years and have been trying to slowly build a reasonable collection from which to create competitive decks. When I finally got enough dust to craft a legendary, of course I crafted those I expected to be around for a while (I.e. the year of Phoenix and, mostly, the recommended classic legendaries). And yes, I would have made a different choice on what I crafted late last year. Would not have crafted classic cards that were going away in 3-4 months. Would have crafted year of Phoenix which go away in 15 months. All I am saying is that, given how late this was announced and the widespread understanding about the longevity of classic, it I think it would be reasonable to be able to disenchant those legendaries for full dust value. It wasn’t “stupid” to have thought they were going to be around… all the secondary hearthstone sites reinforced this.

Again, I get why they aren’t doing it. But I still am irked.


There is the option to edit your posts at the down right corner of each post, using the “Pencil” mark. :smiley:

It’s a risk from what I gather. U will only be given the core set for a year and since we don’t know what cards are staying in the core set from classic and what cards are leaving you could lose cards that you might want back if you play the Wild or classic formats as it is stated classic and basic are moving in their current entirety under the heading of Legacy. So if you dust cards you own now in the classic set, chances are you won’t have them to play with in Wild. Bottom line: If u don’t care about completing collections for achievements, and don’t play Wild then from what I have seen information-wise, it is not a risk to dust your Classic cards. However, if are a collector/completionist, play Wild regularly, and/or just like having the option of Playing Wild if and when the standard meta gets stale and/or frustrating, then don’t dust any cards of the Classic set prior to this rotation. Obviously, you could go the route of just disenchanting Classic cards that you don’t regularly use and that you don’t think you ever will, but if it’s something that is still a good card and might get nerfed, it’s better to wait until that happens and get more dust than to disenchant it right away, unless u desperately need the dust to craft something. Also look over the info concerning the new classic mode, as you may want to play that at some point and depending on how it works you may need/want your old classic collection which will exist with basic as a single set called legacy from what I understand.

I’m not.

But let’s talk about other players, like you. Re-reading what I said previously (especially the part you quoted), I realise I came off a bit too hard. Like I said, they should have announced this sooner and you pointed out precisely why (which, in retrospect, was something I had in mind but given that first line it obviously escaped me at the time). You’re right, it wasn’t stupid to have thought they were going to be around forever, but (I hope you understand) I do get a bit frustrated when I use the same argument about the expansions before Wild was introduced and that get dismissed because, well, Wild.

That’s pretty much the main issue at hand here. The time table of Blizzard. Making this announcement one year before hand would have changed everything, but now they’ve given us, what, a month notice? That’s what’s wrong. That’s what people should be annoyed about. But instead we have people crawling out of the woodwork, saying “gimme gimme gimme”, like they’re entitled to something, just because they decided in the past to make a choice they now regret. And that’s what I have an issue with.