Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Activision doesn’t give away anything for free. Even these cards. You can’t disenchant them. Old legendary cards given to people “for free”. Uncraftable, can’t disenchant. This is all a scheme for the game to look more appealing to new players. But this is a pvp game. Them having a weaker collection of cards works in my favor. I have all those cards you’re adding, what do I get? And then you’re pissing all over your own customers to payed for all these cards. What do they get? A minus in their bank balance. Mighty nice of you.
A freebie would be announcing at blizzcon that next expansion, the whole collection is free, that you’re giving all those 130 cards away to players to own and disenchant if they choose so, that would be free. You’ve made tens of billions off this game so far, how about giving one away. To your own players. Make them happy in these horrible times, bring them to your side. Slap those people in the face, the ones accusing you of greediness. A really bad joke of course, you would never do something like this, you’d sell your mothers for money. You wouldn’t give away a free disenchantable legendary. So, everyone talking about free stuff, this is not the place, nothing is free in Hearthstone.


Близзард - это крупная компания. В крупной компании тебе не дадут даже 1 доллар потому что 1 доллар принадлежит компании. Компания вначале своего пути выходит на рентабельность, иногда с тяжелыми потерями, а после рентабельности на получения доходности и выплат дивидендов ее аукционерам. Близзард нельзя не в чем обвинять. Правило мы не дадим Вам 1 доллар распространяется на все крупные компании.
Близзард - это не благотворительная организация. Компания создает игровой продукт. Интеллектуальную собственность в виде игры и тот кому нравится участвуют в этих играх (игроки), акциях, близзконе и т.д… Все на добровольных началах. Приобретая те или иные смыслы в игре за реальные деньги.
Hearthstone нравится миллионам игроков! Чтобы этот проект не закрыли надо вкладывать, каждому игроку в Hearthstone, каждому по 5-10 долларов в год и всё будет хорошо. Кто-то вкладывает в игру 500-1000 долларов по золотым картам. Всё от ваших желаний и потребностей.

someone lied to you the core set will be free its been confirmed

Can I disenchant all classic cards for extra dust since I will get them back for free in the core set? I only play standard so I dont mind losing all those classic cards that wont be in core set because I wont be able to play them in standard anyway.

Всё можешь распылять. Лучше подожди. Возможно дадут полную стоимость карт по волшебной пыли. Я тоже всё распылю и забуду.

Freely accessible, not free.

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The proper advice for spending money to start a collection has up until this announcement been to make sure you first have a solid foundation of Classic since a) Classic cards form the foundation of many decks and b) there were full dust refunds for HoF’d cards.

Relying on the weekly Tavern Brawl pack alone would mean you’d need to spend a couple of years before you got a solid Classic collection (and not even a complete one). Spending $20 or so on Classic packs was a great way to kickstart your collection and give you a foundation to build competetive decks upon.

So yes, spending money on Classic packs used to be a good option.

The compensation for Classic leaving Standard is everyone getting the Core set for free (level 10 on a class for the class cards and combined class level 60 for the Neutral cards).

And for the pedantics hung up on specific semantics: I said the Core Set for free, not the cards in the Core Set for free.


Ребята открыл новую тему “Путь в легенду” требуется Ваше мнение.

Classic boys better be ready to get slammed by charging molten giants xD
I made them golden with the last HoF and you can bet your @ss i’ll be smashing all of the people with em !

overall good stuff

Edit : nevermind, warsong commander will be the vertion after the one that gave charge aura… which is probably for the best all things considered

My English is very strong. I learned it at school.

I totally agree here


I guess Hearthstone 2 ?

Blizzard with the upcoming patch, please give us an easier way to re-arrange our decks !

With 27 deck slots, i want to have my classes/modes regrouped and it’s really not easy if I have to delete and remake a whole bunch of my decks in order to re-arrange them especially because there’s gonna be Cassic mode on top of Standard and Wild !

See Patch Deck Ordering

Hello, now I know this is not the right place to ask but at this point I am desperate and I need to know. Anyways can someone please tell me why players get into games to only use their hero power so that time does not expire but do nothing else except prolong their lost. Is it just to annoy you??

People doing that are actually using autoclicker programs. They aren’t even in the game. They are just running a program to farm xp while they sleep, etc.
I don’t know if Blizzard will do anything to address this.

Thank you for the info.
BTW. That blows​:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You never own these online cards when the game dies anyways. It’s already a VERY good deal for all standard players. Instead of having to craft or buy a ton of standard cards, you can access them at zero cost and only pay for a few when they rotate to wild if you want. If you really need cards of your choice, the Reward Track and other stuff are there for you.

Why don’t you grant us a golden version of each existing classic card we own or full dust refund. I feel a bit duped. I’ve spent heaps on classic cards over the years thinking they will be a totally safe investment for standard. now that investment has been devalued with no compensation


Because that would be enough dust to get (at least) a whole expansion for free.

Nobody is losing cards. The Classic set will still be relevant (even more so) in Classic Mode. And the Core Set will be given for free. No need for any investments what-so-ever.