Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Seriously I’m over it, screw all the whiners I hope you feel ignored and get 0 compensation.

Have you got nothing better to do than troll the forums mate? If you are just here to attack other players - that isn’t particularly helpful or needed. If you feel you can offer a something constructive kindly do it in a way where you don’t attack people verbally - or do we really have to go down the ‘reporting you for misconduct’ avenue?

Whilst I may not agree with Blizzard’s actions - I try and respect other people’s views.

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My friend and my doctor. You correctly express your thoughts, if there were more such people, then Hearthstone would be a different game, a game that would be many times better. We will defeat all the demons and enemies that surround us here. People who know how to insult other people are not people at all. I don’t care about all the gold legendary and non-gold legendary cards.It’s just very nice to look at them and admire will become and will be better in the future and there may already be a little bit of improvement. Don’t pay attention to the people who are trying to insult us here - they are haters.

Go to your mother and drink some hot milk. She finished, and what did you finish? to swear here?

I am an American in the spirit of strength and my inner freedom. YES, God bless the USA.

I was here to celebrate the change. Found out that the forums was actually full of whining sad sacks ruining what should have been a positive moment for the game. I know you people will never be happy with anything so I will leave the forums for good and you can complain and whine here to your hearts content. But realize that the only people you will be talking to are people who agree with you, because anyone with a differing opinion gets chased off and called a hater.

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Erm… still not your Doctor haha :wink: But I agree - people can express an opinion without resorting to inflammatory, hateful and derogatory language. That sort of behaviour shouldn’t have to be tolerated.

School kids are always upset. Because the money for breakfast is spent on boosters. Students - this is the main customer base is Blizzard, which buys boosters. The students will whine.

My doctor as a philosophical institution in your understanding or catch phrase.

My friend will expel the local haters and other strange people from the forum.

Ok let’s move on. This is getting off-topic. Everybody has a right to a say regardless of age, sex, gender, orientation etc. We shouldn’t assume people are school kids because somebody is offensive, or assume school kids are by nature offensive :wink: Let us just try and be nice to one another!

Topic for discussion: ‘Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format’ lol.

Students are always not happy because they did not buy breakfast. Hearthstone is a must-love. Say no to haters.

From this article I gather that the new core set will contain 156 class cards:

  • 54 class cards returning from Classic
  • 41 class cards returning from Basic
  • 36 class cards returning from Wild
  • 4 DH cards returning from Ashes of Outland
  • 4 DH cards returning from Demon Hunter Initiate.
  • 1 class card returning from Hall 0f Fame
  • 20 new class cards

So these cards will not be evenly distributed among the classes?

Probably not.

I imagine Warrior, Mage, Rogue are getting mostly cards from their classic & basic set, and shaman and paladin are getting a lot of cards from wild.

Same to you, I don’t own you anything and hope you get 0 from reparations. :wink:

Надо получить 128.000 пыли в двойном размере за 20 золотых легендарных карт.

I think we will probably have to wait until after Blizzcon before the breakdown of Core Cards is revealed. If we go off speculation that there were 9 classes originally - 54 is divisible by 9 (returning Classic Cards) and 36 (returning Wild Cards) is divisible by 9. That doesn’t follow for the 41 Basic cards… so erm… Who knows???

Это означает то, что какие карты дадут, на тех и играть будем. На этом вся смысловая нагрузка заканчивается. Близзард компания и она не обязана ни у кого ничего спрашивать. Сказали новые карты? Берем карты и играем.

supuestamente uno compra el paquete que te da 10 sobres clasico y una legendaria , porque cree que esas cartas no van a rotar , ahora resulta que si rotaran y no las usare en standar?? sabiendo eso no les compro ni un paquete de su tienda ya q ya contaba copn todas las clasicas

Да и черт с ними с этими картами. Забей на это.