Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

I’m just replying to hate words used by the poster. It’s easiest to insult people. It’s much harder to discuss. I’m trying to explain that some of us actually look at this game as a CCG (collectable!! card game), and that we are their best customers, and that they give no rat’s *** about us… and I think that in the long run it will drive us away (they did it to me once with WoW)…

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It would be so cool if we could buy the old adventures with gold. That would be an insta-buy for me as F2P.

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How about all the golden copies of core set cards you get to dust? Do you have any idea how much dust that is?

Classic Format is great addition for everyone like me that enjoys specific version in Hearthstone history (I hope it becomes something like this eventually). I would love if there are multiple ladders for every expansion ever created, so I don’t have to keep with the pace of the expansions releases over time. New sets with 135 cards every 3,4 months is insane for many people - I always wanted the dev team to reduce their pace for new content - Classic could be great solution to workaround this.

Please read my posts before replying… I said SOME compensation, not FULL… they could e.g. buff the crappy cards of the classic set to make them somewhat useful in wild… or any other compensation, e.g. fixed dust giveaway or whatever… there must be some compensation that would be a good compromise.


Looks like an insulting backstab to paying customers, especially whales (in particular), more spending will be encouraged by F2Ps? GL with all the new F2Ps activi$ion…


twenty characters……

Dusting our own collection at 1:4 dust ratio is no form of compensation for Blizzard’s false advertising (they said Classic set would be Standard permanent). The Core set cards are not permanent so they can not replace already owned cards.


Where is my compensation for the gold legendary cards?


I am very upset about the departure of the classic cards. I can go to the hospital for depression, which is blamed on Blizzard due to the departure of the classic card collection.Blizzard must compensate for the magic dust to create all the classic cards for the price of 40 ordinary dust and 1600 legendary cards and for the gold 100 ordinary and 3200 legendary dust. Magic dust will please many people and you will not have to go to the hospital for treatment.

I have 20 gold legendary classic cards on my other account. Who will reimburse me for my losses? all of these transfers. Drifts. Savagery. Badly. Hospital. Treatment ?

Will I wait for a refund for the classic 64.000 magic dust cards?


Try not to let this get you down mate. I totally agree it is a stab in the back from Blizzard - there is even a new thread that has been started specifically for Blizzard compensating us for this. Check it out. You aren’t on your own!

Gaming can be a big part of people’s lives - especially at times like this (Covid) where we cannot go out and do the things we would normally do. Having the consistent things in your life changed and you having no control over those changes can be really difficult.

If you feel your mood is taking a dive - please speak to your Doctor and try and focus on the things in your life that are positive. I fear this isn’t the place to be open about your mental health, as there are a lot of unsympathetic people that will say things that are likely very hurtful. and could leave you feeling worse.

So - number 1 - get support and help to get yourself into a good space mentally. Know that you have made your point about how unhappy you are and that it has been heard (thank you!)… Get yourself well - and check back in, in a few months when know doubt Blizzard will come back with a response to the community one way or the other (like they did with Reward Track outcry).

Stay well mate :slight_smile:


God bless America. My country and hope.

My karma was cleared and I recovered. A miracle happened. Health is now 175 percent to 175 percent better. Mental health improved by 137 percent. Karma has been cleared completely of 20 legendary cards worth 64.00 magic dust. Thank you for taking care of me. I will continue to address you. You helped. My doctor.

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I’ve been pretty down on Hearthone and Blizzard as a company for quite a while now, they’ve had misstep after misstep, but I just wanted to say, making a rotating core set, and making said core set free instead of monetizing it, is the best thing I’ve heard in a long time, it seems like the variety it brings will be very good for the health of the game while letting the players who are time and monetarily limited interact with the game in a much better way, I just wanted to say thanks.

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Friend, you are a great fellow that you understand what is happening in the game. I’m happy for you. Happiness. Healths. You have a lot of strength. Be always so positive.

Thank you. Well I am not a doctor - but I am glad you are feeling better :slight_smile: Blizzard have not confirmed that we will be getting any refund at this point in time - we are really just at the stage of making our feelings felt. As I said - we have said our bit. We just have to wait now.

Go and enjoy life and try not to let all of this get you down.

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My friend and my doctor. You bring good luck. I immediately took 1st place on the battlefields. All gold and legendary cards are ready to give, beginners players and 1 gold Blizzard card for pagons. Karma is now cleared. Hellscream is glad that such a person and friend plays Hearthstone. Hellscream recovered.

I actually agree - the Core Set will make the game much more accessible to new players and enable them to have a fighting chance to create a deck that is competitive. It will likely increase the player base and help to keep the game fresh… If you are a new player coming into Hearthstone or are still trying to build up your collection - this is awesome news for you - be excited! The game can be great fun to play!


Blizzard just need to be mindful that it isn’t good to just sweep away their old fanbase/customers that have been with them since 2014 and invested heavily into their product. We have an expression; ‘sweeping dirt under the carpet’ which figuratively means ‘to hide something, to ignore something, or to conceal something that may be unpleasant or embarrassing to deal with’.

I can’t help but feel Blizzard have presented us with a shiny new carpet (Core Set) with one hand whist they try and sweep away the dirt (the upset customers who have heavily invested in Classic) hoping it will go unnoticed, or that their outcry will get swamped by those who have not invested in the game heavily and perhaps do not share this opinion and therefore present an opposing view. That is never going to work.

Blizzard. Own your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. If you want to keep your loyal customers happy you are going to need to a) acknowledge why they are so unhappy and b) do something constructive about it.


One of the most laughable things I have heard, is this man comparing himself as a minority who knows the struggle of the black or LGBTQ population because he wants a dust refund for his hearthstone cards. Yeah this guy totally knows the struggle. In b4 his response comment “I’m actually a black gay alien from Mars”

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