Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

Big nerf for someone who only plays standard.

Someone - let’s call him Kevin - has put time and resources in to collect the entire classic set. Kevin knew he could always use them in standard. Now after this patch, Kevin’s entire collection is rotated to wild, and he now has the same collection as Brad, who started playing last week. Kevin feels cheated.


F for Kevin. Kevin will be missed. Kevin uninstalled hearthstone.


Kevin is (was?) also one of Blizzard’s best customers, who was willing to spend thousands of dollars to get his cards in golden.


I hate to say it bc your post is well written.
So is blizz hooking up everyone with free-core (sounds like a metal musical subcategory) set every year, or just 2021?

If the hookup is ongoing, that’s a big deal. Like, assuming they rotate sets in an out or whatever, some standard player who never could play like Loatheb all a sudden can, for a year, for free? Right? If they print new cards each year, that’s free cards for everyone as well.

So this really only hurts (and it probably is a large group) of ppl who started hs after wild started, so like 2017 or so, only played standard, only ever intended on playing standard, and preferred playing those basic/classic cards to whatever the new set contains.

If you started HS pre wild, i mean there’s no argument, you bought classic/basic with intent on playing those cards possibly, not "in standard only’ bc standard wasn’t created then it would of been impossible to buy from that mental angle.

If this is some 2021 “free-core” hookup only, and never free in future years, to whatever the new core set contains, swaps, new cards, whatever, then that is wack.

People are getting their standard-cards swapped, for standard, “this for that”, and the only way that matters is if someone was new to hs, so like 2017 or after, and bought “this” only expecting to play “this” in standard forever and never “that” which is the new set. Or, if blizz is only doing a 1 time free core set offering, and not in future years, bc then it’s just a huge ripoff for standard folk.

I think I see your point, but I think even bigger problem is that classic set stops being what it was, regardless the promises from Blizzard not so long ago. As a free to play player (bought starter pack though years ago) I feel a bit cheated for collecting almost all classic cards. So, I 100% agree, some dust compensation in a “topsy turvy” situation like this is in order. No doubt about that!!


I hear you man. My point is that he should get over it. This is a good change for most people. He is upset because the changes don’t specifically positively effect him. I have 0 sympathy for this type of person.

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Ah so your point is screw the minority, we give no **** for them, since WE are all good? That is so lame.


Your first part can be ignored, because it’s a may, and even then involves years where some that would have otherwise been usable can’t be.

Your second part can be ignored because you can’t compare it to paper, but other online systems, and, frankly, LoR blows HS out of the water. You state as if fact the situations “if they were truly greedy”, ignoring that that would just be greedy and dumb… truly greedy is as greedy as possible while getting people to defend the worst pushes… Oh, hi. tl;dr - the dust system exists because unlike real cards you CAN’T EVER trade them away, so they needed a hook. Also, Wizards never made a promise about a particular set that included foils… so anyone knows that going in… and the one promise they did make? Oh, look, they’re holding to it.

Your third part can be ignored because it’s irrelevant. You can have the meta shakeup without this OR you can do it this way, breaking the promise, but provide a salve for that (give full dust period for the cards, even if not HoF treatment) that would obviate criticism… just saying the meta needed a shakeup isn’t an argument at all in response to the promise.

So, yeah, confident I’ve established all the reasons you can be ignored (paradoxically requiring doing quite the opposite for a short bit), I’m going to proceed with that, as should others.

Buh-Bye :slight_smile:


If people actually expect full dust refunds for their entire classic collection then they are way out of touch with reality. Blizzard will never do this, and I think deep down you all know that. Therefore, you’re just here to complain and whine. So yeah, screw the vocal minority/dickheads who won’t rest unless they have things their own way.


Well, no… If a card is dusted, you no longer have that card, thus it’s not permanent. Yes, the core set is loaned, but once you have them, you can keep on using them. And while the core set may change each year, you keep on using that set, thus making it permanent.

Also, what everyone seems to forget is, in order to play the 2014 Hearthstone mode, you need a Classic set. You can’t use the Core set for it. The Core set is only for Standard and Wild.

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These people are too thick to understand your point. It’s like investments, if you knew that a company would go bankrupt would you still invest? (Classic set) No. You would invest elsewhere. (Other sets).

The core set is not compensation for your loss of playability of the standard set, it’s a replacement that is given to everyone regardless. Many of the standard cards are too bad to be played in wild so yes, you’re losing those cards because there won’t be any reason to keep them.

Standard set was promised to be eternal, permanent, that was a lie.

Blizzard is not being greedy towards new players, they are greedy towards their older player base who was with them from the start. Totally backstabbing them since they invested time and money into an useless stock that was going to die and become worthless.

The core set is not free, it’s freely playable. You’re not given cards, you’re given access to cards. There is no compensation since you’re not rewarded for owning the classic set. How is this hard to understand? That’s why they are greedy.


I bought something promised to never break*


That’s why they have the Core Set for free.

Agreed. It’d be nice. Cause I’m with Dekkster, and he’s like me, he hates to delete a deck just to make room for another. I’ve been asking for this since Old Gods when I joined the game. Aside from this, it doesn’t make since to add a hero, and then limit how many decks for each. With 18, that leaves 1 for two heroes, and 2 for the others. Makes no sense. I hope they increase it to 30 decks slots. Then it’ll make sense to have 10 heroes.

I think it would be cool if the classic mode would rotate monthly, or something like that

First of all, who on earth buys Classic Packs when you can literally get one pack free each week from Tavern Brawl?

Second of all, if you play Wild you don’t lose anything. If you don’t play Wild you can dust the cards. You people really need to stop acting like you’re not getting anything in return.

When I got started in Witchwood there were no beginner ranks, no free decks and classic cards were some of the most played in the format. The only real way to get started was to spend money and buy packs if you wanted to have a real deck. Classic packs were also considered some of the soundest investment because they were evergreen and the set had a fair share of cards that always saw play. Obviously over the years the dev power crept the set and made it progressively less and less relevant, but it was still filled with cards you could fall back on.

I seldom play wild, so for me rotating the set means I lose more than 200 cards I paid money for believing the claim made by Blizzard that I would be able to play with those forever.

Of course, I could dust my cards like you can dust any card you opened from packs and get a fourth of what those cards are worth crafting. However since the beginning of the game when a card was nerfed or brought from standard to wild the players got their cards refunded in dust and, as far as I know, it is the first time ever no dust refund has been offered under those circumstances.


First of all, nothing got nerfed, and second, it’s not A card that’s moved to Wild, but an entire set, and for that there IS a precedent.

Yes, at the time it was a sound investment, and yes, it sucks. I won’t deny that.

But you know what else I won’t deny? That there is a serious flaw with using a static set as a foundation, because you are limited to that foundation. That narrows design space. I’d rather have a rotating core set so more fun can be had rather than come to these boards and see them complain about cards in the Classic set that break the game because of this or that card in an expansion.

Thank you for the kind words when describing the minority. I would like to see if you would treat other minorities the same, e.g. black population or LGBT. You can read my post above, I DO NOT think that we are entitled to out-of-reality-touch full dust refund, I just feel swindled to invest and get NOTHING. I would expect SOME kind of compensation for the lack of the hall of fame this year and years to come, that would be a decent move by blizzard. For everyone, not only hard core collectors like me.


…why are you comparing yourself to them
this isnt apples to oranges is apples to bricks

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