Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format

twenty characters……

I don’t know about you, but for me, it became clear years ago that any good Basic or Classic cards were eventually going to get nerfed or moved to Hall of Fame.

At least now the devs are being more honest in that they aren’t acting as though there will be evergreen cards for Standard.

I cared about collecting Classic cards until I realized the good ones were always going to be nerfed or moved out. What’s the point after that?

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Yes. Wild remains the same except new expansions will always affect the meta and change which decks are on top. It’s also possible that some new deck will arise and dominate Wild (as Tiller OTK did for a week) but it’s not so likely.

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BRING :clap: WHIZ :clap: BANG :clap: TO :clap: STANDARD

The new Classic format will work like that. You and your opponents will only have access to Legacy cards.

Blizzard should allow Classic golden cards to be dusted for full value honestly. I agree that it’s unfair to people who crafted in gold specifically because they thought the cards will always remain in Standard. You guys really got the short end of the stick here. Very sorry to see them do this to you.


Put yourself in his shoes. What if you spent thousands of dollars on a card game because you wanted golden cards that the company said would always be usable in their current game format (Standard in our case). Of course you would be upset, too. Who wouldn’t be?


twenty characters……

I play on multiple servers/accounts and focus on 1-2 classes on each server. That helps a lot. I have at least 1 viable Standard deck or 1 viable Wild deck on each server so I can hit Diamond 5 each month.
This way, I can experience lots of different decks. I disenchant anything not from the classes chosen (My main account has six classes, the rest have 1-3, mostly 2), which generates dust to craft the good cards.
It’s not the best method but at least I get to craft the cards I want this way.


They said no full value refunds because no cards are being nerfed. A big slap in the face for people who invested real money to craft golden Classic cards.
I truly hope they realize that this move will offend their most valuable customers, because otherwise true collectors who only want to play Standard won’t have any incentive to craft golden cards anymore.
Official quote:
Are there any dust refunds associated with this?

  • No. We are rotating Basic and Classic to Wild just like other card sets that have moved to Wild in the past, and providing the new Core Set for free. No cards in Standard or Wild are being nerfed.

They are actually being very disingenuous here because the new Core set is not being given to us, it’s being lent for a year. A lot of people are getting confused by their language, thinking they will get free cards, but we’re actually just being loaned cards.


twenty characters……


twenty characters……


it’s mind boggling that some people think the following cards (not a complete list, way too many to include from mage, all the other classes and non class cards) actually makes the game fun and strategic:

Game Master’s effect
Occult Conjurer-Battlecry is way too good for the stats of the card
Ring Toss
Firework Elemental
Mask of C’Thun
Grand Finale
Firebrand-effect of the card is way too good for the stats of the minion
Trick Totem-Not sure why that joke is in the game for, and mages shouldnt get totems anyway
Raz Frostwhisper-Way too strong of an effect for its tankiness

Yeah way too many other cards. Discover crap should not be in the game either. Whole point is to idk…BUILD A DECK! Dont have a card in your deck? Too bad cant use it since you didnt add it. it sucks in all games but even worse in HS since there is little counterplay in the game to an action.

Also, all the cancer cards are even more cancer from buffs and all of that crap.

So some of my choices and other choices may not seem that bad on the surface, or already seems really bad, compound it by buffs then all of a sudden you have a card that should not be in the game.

I see your point with this, but your statement is kind of disingenuous itself. The core set is not a loan (as you said), it is a permanent, free access to a set of cards. Every year those cards might change (which it is clearly said), but it is permanent and free (not a loan). The only things that i think they didnt clarify but they should, is that we cant dust those cards and that our extra copies are still valuavles.


Also, classic HS through at least BRM kept the classes unique and different. So it actually feels like you are playing different classes. The later expansions caused all the classes to lose their identity.

Maybe my language was a bit strong. I, too, am excited to see which cards will be included in the Core set. I am really looking forward to the new meta. Removing Basic and Classic cards will be really great for new players, so that also gladdens me greatly.
The problem is that a lot of people are getting confused, thinking they will get the cards themselves permanently, and so are talking about disenchanting their existing copies of the new Core set cards.


twenty characters……

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Wait… does that mean classic packs will no longer be available as a reward in Tavern Brawl, as those packs are now pointless, and it’d be replaced with current release packs?

For many years, I’ve been trying to build up my basic/classic set cards, just so I can make a competent deck in ladder. This change is both good for me, and a load of doodoo. All of those years are now wasted. I could disenchant them all, as I don’t play Wild, but I like having copies of old sets. So realistically, this change is actually severely against me.

If I played Wild, it’d be beneficial to me. If I disenchanted wild/legacy sets, it’d be beneficial to me. The only benefit now, is that I’ll be on the same playing field with those that have completed there base/classic set. They probably hate this update the most if they like keeping old cards xD

Like… yay? I think?


They did explained that tho. Every year some of the core set cards might change. But the core set as what it is, is free and permanent.


The cards are loaned and rotated each year. The loan is permanent, there is a big difference. And no, you can’t disenchant the Core set free cards. If you could, then they would in fact be permanent.

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