If I were to hazard a guess, the skin in question might become available again… for Rune$tones (just like last time). Your suggestion does not account for this outcome, though, so no soup for you!
You own nothing in this game.
Chinese players had their entire accounts. Classic players had their dedicated Classic collections, which were supposed to be playable ‘forever’.
If your favourite card back is less exclusive (besides, it used to be gated by ‘IRL’ requirements rather than something else, one could question how ‘fair’ that is, but it’s not the point), you might consider yourself having got off easy, so to speak, and keep enjoying your favourite memento (after all, nobody is taking away your fond memories)… while it lasts.
No intention to get you down — just a bit of realism here, and I hope this perspective might help you.
How about a cycle of hype and disappointment? Not even my idea, by the way:
So ‘waisted’!
Adding that ‘Jade Telegram’ to Twist was a ‘brilliant’ idea, though: let’s backport some *** from the modern… ahem, era to what was supposed to be the old Hearthstone redux.