Introducing Mass Pack Opening: The New Way to Open Your Pre-Purchase Bundles

Thank you so much for this feature. The only thing I would like to additionally know is how many packs deep my last legendary was for pity timer purposes.

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I understand making the hero portrait available to everyone, since it has nothing to do with fireside gatherings other than unlocking it, but I don’t think the card back should be made available to everyone. It’s called the fireside gathering card back. I worked hard to get my fellow college students together to start a Hearthstone team, and I prize that card back. I get super excited when I see someone else playing with it because, more so than with any other card back, I feel a connection with them because I know they are also dedicated enough to the game to physically go to a local event for it. It’ll feel pretty bad seeing it everywhere and knowing that my most prized possession in the game has been stripped of all meaning.


This is a crazy idea I know…but have the powers that be considered…maybe…bringing back firesides, AND allowing virtual/in games ones?

I’ll take my Nobel now.


I understand your position, but there are tons of players who didn’t get this card back because of an error of Blizzard… me included… and didn’t have chance for Fireside gathering event either… So I am happy for this even if that means anynone can get it for a while. This card back means the Beta phase times and the very first card back ever made for HS. :slight_smile:

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You’re right, Blizzard. Hearthstone is pointless. It’s just a bloody cycle of revenge every time you collectively release a new expansion.

How else do you explain over 50% of the classes and over 70ish% of the types of decks being unplayable in any given meta at any given time throughout the entire games history?

Let’s face it. Your game isn’t about caring for your players uniqueness’s and offering them freedom to explore how they like. It’s about locking them into a negative feedback loop where they give YOU money. Common. Help out a little with some balance for once. It’s so simple. Just a few numbers. We get it. Now actually think about balance in a way to CARE for players, instead of just always trying to initiate the next negative feedback loop to deadlock players like you collectively are just Warlocks with emphasis on the LOCK oppressing your player base.


There will be balance again when they have removed Discovery (30 cards are 30 cards… thats it…), mana cheat, 40 card decks and hand manipulation… Because these are the things which are creating chaos basically… using up a Legendary minion 3 times while it is Legendary… should be able to use it only once… mana cheat which is making it possible to play your whole hand and create an unavoidable kill… Hand manipulation which is giving in 90% your most important cards to the enemy or making them waisted… These are the things which are killing this game… not to mention aggro… which is killing more than half of your HP in 5 turns… ridiculous and pathetic.


If I were to hazard a guess, the skin in question might become available again… for Rune$tones (just like last time). Your suggestion does not account for this outcome, though, so no soup for you!

You own nothing in this game.

Chinese players had their entire accounts. Classic players had their dedicated Classic collections, which were supposed to be playable ‘forever’.

If your favourite card back is less exclusive (besides, it used to be gated by ‘IRL’ requirements rather than something else, one could question how ‘fair’ that is, but it’s not the point), you might consider yourself having got off easy, so to speak, and keep enjoying your favourite memento (after all, nobody is taking away your fond memories)… while it lasts.

No intention to get you down — just a bit of realism here, and I hope this perspective might help you.

How about a cycle of hype and disappointment? Not even my idea, by the way:

So ‘waisted’! :grinning:

Adding that ‘Jade Telegram’ to Twist was a ‘brilliant’ idea, though: let’s backport some *** from the modern… ahem, era to what was supposed to be the old Hearthstone redux.

Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous !


Mass opening packs, are a welcomed change.

Still no auto squelch.


And that has not changed at all, Wild exists and all classic cards can be played there just as they always have.


Not exactly as they always have since these cards have been updated. The Classic mode allowed to play decks as they were when the game was released. Since this game mode doesn’t exist anymore, the classic collections can also be considered as gone.


I agree with you even though i dont have the cardback you worked hard for that cardback i think it’s ok for people not have to have every collectable especially if they did not mak effort for it.

If you get the fireside cardback without hosting it it kind of does lose its novelty in that you could only get it through hosting a fireside i presume.

Lastly the only reason i could come up with why it you could get it without fireside is for covid fears in regions where it still might be an issue.

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i think it is sad and a mistake to end fireside gatherings. i never got to do one or go to one and it was kind of an ideal to play like a tabletop card game with some people to get to know them or that i already knew this digital ccg.


You didn’t have to be the host to get the rewards, you just had to attend. Kudos to all the Innkeepers though, creating great experiences for the rest of us.


Really sad to see this. I’ve been looking for ways to meet fellow hearthstone players in my city. I kept checking to see if a gathering would be made. There’s no way to find friends through this game now since no one is organizing gatherings anymore…

Hmm, try to organize your own Fireside Gathering. Create a topic about it with a nearby city name and check how many ppl start to apply in a month. This forum is active enough I think… but that just an idea of course… :slight_smile: There are also other HS community sites where you can advertise it.

It’s not about my memories, it’s about feeling a connection to anyone else with the card back: “oh hey, you have the card back! You’ve also been to a fireside gathering!” - that’s what’s being taken away from me.

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Hate to break it for you, but, from what I’ve heard, some people were essentially playing with themselves (multiple accounts… same thing with Morgl, by the way) just to get that card back or at least discussed such possibilities. You never know…


As usual instead of investing some time and money into a feature to bring people together physically, blizzard just dumps it.
“we love you blizzard wtih all our heart. your game is excellent, bug-free and free to play friendly as well. I was so happy that Titans came out together with caverns of time. I did not know where to spend my money that is falling out of my wallet.”
So I’m clear. my last sentence means the complete opposite, but blizz just blocks criticism, if written out.
F blizzard. they can rot in capitalist hell

When will mass opening work? Its not working me yet.

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Being a host I am a little disappointed that Firs Side Gatherings have been removed, but they have been closed since COVID started and I have been waiting eagerly to start them again, however this is not going to happen. I am looking forward to Duos, but I think we need something added like a tournament mode or similar to replace it

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