Introducing Hearthstone’s New Mode: Twist!

Wondering the same thing about Classic achievements


They 100% wont refund.
Becasue like cna tehcnicly still us e them in wild (even though tis totally different)


Regardless of how this mode is run, it must be better than classic mode since all they have to do is rotate through different years of hearthstone if it’s too hard to balance, and there will be even fewer bots in this mode than wild due to the constant change.

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So does this mean that people who only play Classic won’t get the seasonal card back on the 1st? I noticed that even though I’m Diamond 5 in Classic that the chest icon still shows as being locked and now it makes more sense why that happened. I’m not too upset with missing out on the packs, but I do want to at least get the card back for the month. I haven’t liked the current standard and wild metas so I was exclusively playing Classic since the expansion began.
It’s upsetting that this change wasn’t announced at the beginning of the month so that people who do like collecting card backs could have at least tried to cobble together a few wins in other modes.


Generally, that is, not necessarily related to your particular case if there are indeed problems, it does mean that reading skills still rule:

June’s ranked rewards will be based on your highest ladder rank across Standard, Wild, Classic, or Twist.

Just tested it — it appears as a locked (?) chest, but have you tried clicking on it? In my case, it shows all the rewards earned in Classic exclusively, up till Legend.

Does it?

How could you have reached D5 without getting that card back already, unless you specifically have been afflicted by some strange bug? Have you checked it in your collection?

PS That’s right, you don’t have to wait until the end of the month to get a seasonal card back: 5 wins, and it’s ‘yours’ (well, sort of… you don’t actually own anything in this game, all could dissapear like a ‘poof!’) immediately.


I found Classic relaxing and fun and was working toward the same goal as you accomplished (all gold decks for it). Twist is too much like a longer season of Tavern Brawl, which I don’t play and don’t enjoy. They also recently ruined Duels, which I did like and they didn’t have to make unplayable. It’s really a shame.


I hope they give you a full dust refund since it’s no longer evergreen


Most of those cards aren’t even VIABLE in wild


They probably won’t give anyone a dust-refund because they argue: “You can still play these cards in Wild.” I also crafted King Mukla especially for my Aggro Pally in Classic. In Wild this card doesn’t make sense. So it would be nice to get the 1600 dust back. But I guess they keep their eyes closed.


I fully know that.
Even stuff like gul’dan dk is to slow/unimpactfull for wild.
but you can technicly use them, therfore they wotn give a refund.

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Id really say that for anything scholomance and beyond vs anything before.
Pre and post scholomance are basicly 2 different games with how their designed and handlded

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off: May I ask how can you use Uther avatar on this forum? I can’t find in anywhere on US forum… only on EU… :\

well have to wait and see if they ban something from pure paladin

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Wait, don’t they make all cards available to you in Twist mode?
Or do you have to buy cards from old sets?

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I’ve been on this forum for a few years now. Back then, Uther was still available.

They will sell full decks for Twist mode. You can buy them also with gold.


I also invested in gold classic decks, it was a dream come true. I don’t need better queue times or anything, this was the only format I enjoyed playing. Tavern brawl sucks, who wanted it ranked?

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my account is ruined. I will never play this game again.


Hmm, I see… Thank you.

I’ve just returned to the game just for Classic mode and I really enjoy it. This mode is the only reason I download this game from time to time and check it. I also tried the new standard then I just stopped playing it after I saw the mechanics. It is far away from the original Hearthstone idea which I enjoyed many years until Shudderwock nonsense appeared.

I support adding new modes of course but do not remove the Classic please. Let the original one live. The only change I would support would be introducing old expansions in chronicle order to the Classic mode.

Do you guys really wait for my return? :sweat_smile:

By the way I also matched up against bots while climbing but especially after Platinum 5 the match ups were really competitive and enjoyable. I won some games with 1-2 health. I really miss that feeling. Stop ruining your game Blizzard come on!


Blizzard, and a few streamers
mostly blizzard, so they can squish the money out of you before they abandon the mode


I mostly play wild, with a smattering of classic and standard. I recently finished crafting a full golden deck in the mode, believing that I would be able to enjoy it for years to come, yet it vanishes a week later.

Eliminating it is horrible, twist looks fun, but the news of it is completely soured for me knowing that a game mode I enjoy is gone.

Wild is often presented as the “play old decks you enjoy” format, but constantly adding new cards to the mode means while we have lots of variety the meta is ever changing.

Classic was sitting down with an old deck you love, playing against familiar cards, and knowing what to expect each match. It’s the cup of hot coco to the fancy mixed drink at the bar, both are fun but for different reasons. Even if I didn’t play it as much, it was a long term project to come back to.

Why can’t we have both? Why does one have to get rid of the other?