26.6 Patch Notes

The Twist mode will be changed back to Classic after the test phase I think… but this bunch of teenagers tells me something you are mentioned… maybe that is why every new expansion is worse and worse… too young people are working for the Blizzard on Hearthstone, don’t have enough experience to develop this game… I am sorry to say that… but it seems like every old developers have left this game to it’s fate… the balance is in a horrible state… OR the MM and the manipulated mechanics should be changed to not let good players progress blocked for weeks. I have real hopes for Twist mode now… maybe that will change something… I have reached D5 in 3 days (Standard) this month… this is my record from now on… but then reached D3 3 times and nothing… for weeks I can’t even win a single match… This week I couldn’t win 5 matches in standard and this can’t be accident after a progress like this… this is manipulated… And not fun… nothing to do with skills either…

Age is not necessarily correlated with competence. I could name some other factors with which the developers apparently compensate for the lack of the latter, but I dunno if I should…

No it is not necessarily, but I didn’t talk about competence… I said experience… Competence comes and improves with experience… People are focusing on balance but I think there is a bigger problem with the manipulated mechanics behind the game which are forcing you to lose and make your progress blocked. They should do something with this instead… They create unbalance to make good players blocked, and this is not fair… It is a real frustration when the game is using my matches to let others go up and giving no chance to win for weeks sometimes… This week I could do weekly win 5 standard matches only in Twisted mode… because standard is just not letting me win 5 games a day… no matter if I play 20 matches… can’t win 5… and that is ridiculous… even if the game is just want to block my progress because not find me worthy for Legend… Ppl are talking about 50% win rate… but it is 75% lose rate now for me… this is not entertaining and not even fair…

You see, Blizzard was investigated by the state and it just so happens a lot of these “old developers” u mentioned were involved :stuck_out_tongue:

classic was the only game mode i played, for so long, i just got diemond on it, did not know it was going to get removed, do i at least get the rank rewards for it? why not keep it and just add an extra gamemode? no one asked for this twist thing, it is a waste of gold or money for everyone, stop ignoring your community, it is so annoying.


Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous!

Reading skills still rule, you know!

June’s ranked rewards will be based on your highest ladder rank across Standard, Wild, Classic, or Twist.

Very sad to see Classic go. Hopefully they bring it back at some point.


Thank you, english is not my mother tongue and it was a long time ago when I was a student. :slight_smile:

That’s not the point. :grinning: I try to not nitpick about typos and grammar, because I understand, but ‘ridiculous’ is such an overused word on these forums that I link that particular topic, which is making fun of that trend, on many an occasion. :grinning:

This is all great but I’m away on holiday from the 30th of June for two weeks. Means I’ll miss out on drops and events.

Twist mode is same garbage like all game, you doing nothing for balance and you thing somebody will buy your next expansion?

Can always count on Boreas to chime in a defend Blizzard when they make a bad call.

  1. There were not long queues, 2) The solution to bots should not be "get rid of the entire format 3) Plenty of people played and since the cards don’t need maint it would have been a minimal cost to keep the mode up.

in another game i play a mode was removed the amount of complains about it made them return it again a very short time after it was removed

havent seen half the complains about this here or on reddit so i doubt that many people care about it

and i checked before posting on this thread

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You defend everything Blizzard does, no matter what.

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whoever is making these updates, for minion pool removed/added - use pictures.
The people who play your game don’t like it for the names. The only people who know the names of the actual cards are you people who work for Blizzard.


Probably my first post here, ever…
Could you please bring back Classic? I liked it and didn’t mind the longer queue times. Scrolling through the posts here - looks like there are some other people missing it, too.

I know it probably won’t happen, so farewell…
Warcraft III

An other thing that bugs me: Why couldn’t you announce it properly? I just booted the game and tried to find Classic. Now I won’t get my monthly card back. I have almost every single card back since release, what a bummer…


The article about Twist assures us, "June’s ranked rewards will be based on your highest ladder rank across Standard, Wild, Classic, or Twist. " So your rewards for June should be safe. If you were able to earn all the monthly cardbacks so far, even the ones where Classic format didn’t exist, you surely have enough of a Wild collection to win five games in there over the course of the month.

That said, I am also disappointed that Classic is gone. It was my favorite format and I put a lot of dust and gold into completing the Classic set because I thought those cards would be useful in Classic for the life of the game. I got my diamond Ragnaros and my Legend cardback out of it and got way closer to several 500 win portraits thanks to all the games I played, so I am happy about all that, but I sure would have liked to continue playing Classic.

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I have never touched classic. The cards used there were wild cards, right? I’m asking because I am seeing players upset about having crafted certain cards that are now useless to them. Just a little confused about that, but I totally get where you and others are coming from.

I think the issue is that a number of players dusted rotating wild sets, but the Classic set was around for many years before Core was introduced, so a lot of people had complete or nearly complete collections of Classic cards and played Classic mode when it was introduced even though they did not play wild.

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The cards were wild, yes, but once Classic format was added suddenly there was a good reason to start spending dust and gold on Classic packs and cards again, because in Classic format they were once again playable in their original forms rather than the nerfed versions available in Standard and Wild. We were spending resources to unlock the original versions of the cards which were then taken away without compensation.