Introducing Hearthstone’s New Mode: Twist!

What’s about the archivements for classic?

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Is Classic being killed because having five choices would be too much, or is it simply to push players towards Twist and to ensure Twist’s success?


99% this.
Classic isnt a giant money making machine,
Twist will likly atleast get a bunch of money ealry on/at launch, like mercnaries.
Before eventually being abandond a year or 2 later


So there is no reason to remove Classic.
Some of us like the fact the format doesn’t change…dont want to learn new cards,etc
So bring in your Twist. I wont be playing it.

Keep Classic.

And we all know what you did to Mercenaries…Twist will end up the same,


Maybe they can’t change the intefrace for the new mode to fit :rofl: — the competence for such a task no longer present in the developer team — so they decided to cut it. Or mayble they wanna reduce the load on their servers (maybe ban all those bots instead, eh?) or avoid the hassle with a ‘mirrored’ collection — but then why if they have already implemented it in the first place?

But otherwise, I mostly agree with you.


If you mean ‘high Legend’, then yes.

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Why would they be obligated to refund?

If you buy a game, let say the latest assassin’s creed, you play it for 60 hours, finished the game, uninstall it, do you ask Ubisoft for a refund?
If you buy a movie ticket, go watch a movie, and as you leave the theater, do you ask for a refund?

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“A partire dalla patch 26.6, in arrivo a fine mese, Hearthstone sostituirà la modalità Classica con una nuova modalità chiamata Imprevedibile!”

Mi è bastata la prima riga per imbufalirmi. Che bisogno c’è di togliere la Modalità Classica? Una delle poche cose belle rimaste assieme a BG, a cui sto giocando poco ultimamente (da quando la scelta dei 4 eroi è diventata paytowin). Perché non fare la Imprevedibile a parte? Io boh, senza parole. Basito. Gli unici motivi per cui giocavo dalla beta erano 70% Classica e 30% BG: hanno appena spazzato via il 70% dei motivi che mi spingevano ancora a giocare nonostante tutto. Così. Perché sì. E io sarei pure uno dei player “nostalgici” verso cui la nuova modalità sarebbe indirizzata. Vabbé, un altro player in meno. Addio.

P.s. - Tra l’altro, vorrei far notare che molta gente ha investito una vagonata di oro (se non proprio soldi reali) per completare il set della modalità Classica e voi gliela state spazzando via da sotto il naso come se niente fosse e per giunta con 0 rimborsi. Vi sembra giusto? A me per niente. E non venitemi a dire “sì ma le carte comprate per la classica saranno utilizzabili in wild” perché sappiamo tutti che essendo carte vecchie non sarebbero per nulla competitive in tale modalità, quindi è l’equivalente di toglierle di nascosto. Scelta assurda e terribile. Sarebbe davvero bastato aggiungere Imprevedibile senza rimuovere la Classica ma credo che il vero scopo di tutto questo sia proprio sbarazzarsi della Classica in quanto “fastidiosa” (faceva guadagnare poco ed era l’ultima modalità rimasta in cui le carte non erano a scadenza come lo yogurt nel frigo, quindi “pericolosa e da eliminare” perché troppo conveniente lato utenza). Che schifo.

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The same. I’m furious.


I’m going to reserve judgment, but this sounds awfully close to exactly what I’ve wanted for a while now.

Would love a ‘Machine vs Nature’ format (Twist?), where only mechs, beasts, and elementals (?) are allowed, with an obvious smattering of support and other tech options.

“Sword and Board” Taunts and weapons, mostly.

“Return to X” There’s been plenty of expansions that released cards that only became some kind of relevant later in Wild when a future expansion released needed support to make them work. Would be cool to see like “Witchwood and Expansion XYZ” or “GVG and Sunken City”

“Wrath of the Witch King” Witchwood and Lich King flavored expansions jammed together.

Like, I can appreciate the hate that the mode is getting, I think, but this is potentially opening up a whole lot of really cool ways to experience the game, with relatively minor effort in adjusting parameters.

I don’t know, I’m just choosing to be optimistic about it, it’s exhausting jumping straight to being negative about things all the time.

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Or just made a new format entirely without removing any of the existing ones.


No. New modes that are just rehashes of existing modes that aren’t even balanced are not welcome.

You know what format I want? Classic. That’s it. Make this a separate mode without removing another one. What’s wrong with having more choices of how to play? This is a literal cash grab. I can’t wait to lose interest with this game even more than I already have with the incessant powercreeping and terrible business model that has only slightly improved over time so that I can finally feel at peace with leaving it behind. And it seems I will be doing so with Blizzard games in general after 28 years playing them with the greedy decisions they’ve been making across the board lately. I hope Microsoft does acquire you then liquidates your whole company as well as Activision, corrupt as they are, and that Dreamhaven becomes the new Blizzard with many of the old Blizzard veterans in it. /spit on your rotting husk


Could you guys offer a discounted (since opening packs from many sets is more likely to give duplicates) custom pack for each twist that can open cards from all valid cards in the twist minus current standard cards?

i havent seen this no neutral ranked mode …before

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Of course not! Apparently, in their worldview, greed is good, and making jokes about it is a way to get fired:

Oh, Microsoft might (or not — the status of that deal is a bit unclear at the moment) devour them, yes, but why do some people expect good things from it? Just remember Nokia and other such acquisitions — anything positive came out of it?

If one villain downs another, there’s little reason to root for any of them, I’d say, even if you’ve grown to despise one of them on a personal level.

Oh! Sounds like a good idea, and I wish you and everyone success with it.

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Crimsonted if you really can’t see the problem is serious. As far as I know the Classic Mode was rather played by nostalgics, just look at the forum where a big fuss arose precisely for the free removal of a much loved mode (extremely more balanced than those wild and standard trash cans, this is objective let’s face it). So yes, taking it off is like doing harakiri. In order to optimize earnings, Blizzard (and I have always defended it in this respect because it is very right that it monetizes its product, but if you take away the ways in which I play I become a beast) feet and this time he made it big but really big, it could very well be the straw that overflows the vase … because that considerable portion of users who lived in Classica (including yours truly) were all people who hated the “cards” system expiration” and was still on HS mainly for Classic (and maybe for Battlegrounds) or would have left long ago. People who preferred to invest gold and/or money to complete the Classic collection and have a “complete” and well-packaged game that would not have undergone upheavals over time (and with the added certainty that since they weren’t expiring cards, once purchased they could have keep them and play them to the bitter end without worrying about having to keep up with an ever-changing meta… which not everyone likes). What does Blizzard do? Since he had stopped monetizing the Classic (mode lovers had long since finished their collection, I remember investing huge resources) he suddenly removes it, replacing it with yet another mode with expiring cards, which forces you to spend on it gold/money to keep up with it (exactly like wild/standard), moreover without providing any type of refund for those who had spent a lot on the Classic mode. Total disrespect. That is, it’s as if they had suddenly removed the Wild (imagine being a user who is on HS just for Wild and suddenly they removed it, replacing it with a new mode that you absolutely don’t care about… how would you take it? A bit of empathy). Same thing happened today. They have created a really dangerous precedent, even for you Standard or Wild lovers eh, because if this thing passes it’s as if you implicitly “authorize” Blizzard to make and unmake any mode as you please, without any refund system as it has always been until today… so if tomorrow they touch you and your game by removing all your beautiful Standard collection in favor of boh, the amazing new ‘Random name of something you don’t like’ mode then don’t cry, you would have already accepted the same policy previously without a word, just because it concerns a method not of interest to you. It is the concept that is wrong and we should all be in the front row defending the Classic, both those who play it and those who don’t play it, because having it overwritten is a dangerous precedent (for the reasons illustrated). And in fact, as we have seen with Mercenaries, they limited themselves to stopping supporting it but keeping it playable for fans, it’s not that they removed it, as it should be (an honest choice in that case), why not do the same with the Classical? For a monetization issue, I suppose. With Classical it was too convenient to overwrite in favor of Unpredictable, thus hoping to “force” the nostalgics to switch from one mode to another, but all they will get will be disgust and a mass exodus, because if they don’t provide a serious refund as far as I’m concerned we are bordering on cheating. Now do you understand the problem?


I already said this in another thread, but I just finished building the full Classic set in November after 7 years of collecting and I have been enjoying Classic mode a lot. I made it to Legend for the first time in February and since then I’ve been hitting it with a different class each month. I looked forward to playing more than I had in a very long time. I hope Twist will have Classic-only seasons from time to time so I can have that feeling again.


did you read his post ? he doesnt expect something good …its the opposite he wants people to lose their jobs and the game people have fun playing to be shut down basically the worst outcome possible from it

Did anyone get an answer about what happens to classic achievements when twist replaces it?


This coming patch is a patch I might actually look forward to more than any mini-set so far.
Twist feels like it could be wild, but sensible. Something I’ve wanted for a whole long @$$ time. I love my old cards and their playstyles, even more with synergies with new cards, the fact that they never get to shine bright like they potentially could, is because the wild meta is quite narrow and doesn’t really allow for outside-the-face thinking.

That said, the first Twist being no neutrals, Holy smokes I will not be missing the neutrals for at least a month.

I just figured that, we who appreciate the devs effort might raise our voices too, good job on this mode!