Introducing a New Game Mode: Hearthstone Duels!

Well, dunno if anybody from Blizzard reads this, but contrary to many others, I like the new mode even though I lose a lot at it :slight_smile: I like the fact that it has a casual mode - no rewards, but still counts for quests so no problem with that. It would be a lost investment to pay an entry fee for me, since I suck that much at deck building and playing :slight_smile:

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So it sounds like this game mode is completely unplayable for players new to hearthstone as they would be hard pressed to build a collection of wild cards. Battlegrounds is fun because everyone has the same opportunity to succeed, they just need to be able to execute the best strategy throughout the run.


Well, the early access version uses cards from Scholomance Academy, One Night in Kharazan, Curse of Naxxramas, Basic, Classic and starting with Nov 12, Whispers of the Old Gods will be added to the list, so yes, quite a lot of wild cards, but since the deck is built from 15 cards, one copy each, I think it is not a problem. Actually, my most successful run was with DH which does not have any wild cards.

Just wait for the net deck lists, then you will only have to craft a few wild cards, you don’t need the whole collection, and you only need to focus on 1 more than half the classes involved to make sure one of the classes you are offered is something you’ve collected. Also, you only need 1 of each.

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New game mode is $100 over here!!! :anguished: :angry:


Yeah but $100 in Kazakhstan is like $3.50 American :crazy_face:

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You could have made a game mode without priest and you squandered it. You were so close to greatness! Wasted potential.

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Not sure why you are this heated on a topic but in this case, it would be like if battlegrounds required you to own Blackrock mountain for the best chance of winning. This isn’t hearthstone standard or wild. This is duels, it is supposed to be an entirely different game mode so it seems out of place for wild players to have an advantage. While yes, I guess wild players have less standard cards, which isn’t really true, standard players have no wild cards. So what don’t you get about it? The majority of the player base is at a disadvantage for playing the game that is pushed to them. So in your own words, Congratu f lations, you just figured it out.


Most of the cards you will want are commons really. Only legendary you will really need is lotheb. You don’t need everything.

can u pls give card free to this gamemode ???

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This mode will probably be abused by combos with just Standard cards since the starting deck size is 15. Druids can go for a high-roll Gibberling rush. Hunters can be hunters with a more consistent deck. Shamans with the murlocs that give you other murlocs could be trouble. Paladins can probably rush with small minions and buffs.

The control classes might get crushed early in Duels no matter what size their collection is.

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Out. Of. Touch. Far as I recall dungeon adventuring was the most loved thing since hearthstones release


The mode is incredible, but it is very difficult for those who do not have the cards in the collection. Making the game totally pay to win.

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Absolutely ridiculous that it uses older cards. You’ve basically further made your game more Pay to win and less new player friendly by forcing them to pay money/gold for old expansions that are not relevant in standard. And as a long time player, I’ve been punished for disenchanting all of these old cards. And then there is the price… Activision blizzard only thinks about money; greedy a$$holes.

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As this is a player vs player mode will we be able to complete quests playing this game mode?

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I don’t dust my cards, but for the life of me can’t see why you’d make this a collection-based event. Should be craft a deck from a pool, same as arena IMO.


Holy chicken juice soaked fried noodles! All those cards I dusted I would need to recraft… That would be such a huge feels bad moment, i’ll just pass.

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I remember the day when it was argued that implementing a faster time control mode would split the base and now their splitting it left and right.

Wins in casual mode of duels should reward credit towards 10g for 3 wins. It makes no sense to not give credit for win but does work for doing quests.

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Never ever dust cards (except duplicates), even if you only play standard. This is your Hearthstone collection. You never know what is going to come and go.