If you can't create your own deck and win

You’re not good at this game.
It’s a game of intelligence and making a winning deck that works, is a sign of intelligence.

Taking sure fire OTK decks made by the development and winning a lot means you’re not intelligent and not good at this game.

I’ve played this game, for free, for 10 years and yesterday I surpassed my highest rank ever by a lot. Using a deck I created myself. Which is what I’ve always done. Highest rank I ever achieved before yesterday was Silver 5. Now I’m Gold 7

I made an undead priest deck that destroys the meta. The only thing that can beat me, is crappy OTK gimmick decks the devs made.
You’re not good at this game if you use a deck you copied off the internet. Not sorry. My deck destroys death knights repeatedly.

What has beaten me is the cheese from dumbs. OTK decks made by the developers so dumbs can win. “DUH play this series of cards and win. IM A GEEBUS!!!”

OTK and developer decks should be banned.

This is a game of intelligence and it’s been dumbed down for dummies.

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Don’t forget the MM… it can block your progress when ever it wants… when you make 1 mistake… just 1… you can find yourself back on the last stand with 0 stars… this has nothing to do with skills…

Highest rank I’ve ever achieved using a deck someone else made is top 200 Legend. I prefer the way I do things to being hardstuck in Gold.


Dude, first thing first, take a chill pill and put the salt away. You’re coming to the forum to talk trash to players who play OTK decks? Seriously?

People do create their own decks and they do win. However, if you’re looking to compete and get into legend, then home brew decks are usually not going to be meta, and will struggle. Sure, they are fun, and sure, they can win matches, but not consistently enough, generally.

YOu’ve been playing this game for 10 years, and from the sounds of it, you are most likely a F2P player, and there’s nothing wrong with that, I use to be F2P as well. However, you do seem to have massive chip on your shoulder.

Actually you didn’t, because if you did, your deck would be meta, and you would be a lot higher than gold 7.

Congratulations for getting into gold 7. It is always great to be able to climb higher than you have in the past. I genuinely mean that, but you have a poor attitude and if you changed it, and actually took accountably for you skill instead of blaming the Devs for OTK decks, then you most likely would be a lot higher than gold 7.


Grats on gold 7. best i ever got to was gold 10. hated the rest of that month as all i saw were the same exact decks on repeat and i lost every game. wasnt worth the climb to only get to a spot in the game that made me hate the game. never encountered a game that gave you incentive not to play when you won more. its such an odd thing.

Still here eh?

If you hate OTK decks, why not make a sure fire homebrew of your own to counter them instead of constantly complaining about them.

No you

No. This whole line of text is GeEBuS.

Why are you complaining when they made the game accessible for you?


I agree, just sheeps copy decks from internet.

This ^ story is potentially a trolly fabrication, but it contains the kind of details that will actually resonate with a lot of struggling players who just want to have fun while trying to be more competitive.

A reality check:

While there has not been any new Player Ranked Distribution Data since about 2019 or 2020, probably significantly less than 1% of Ranked players make it to Legend in a month, maybe around 6 % of players make it to Diamond Rank 5 or higher, and maybe around 37 percent make it to Gold or above, since a lot of Ranked players actually only play a few Ranked games in month.

So a Gold level player is probably close to being an average player and they are not a Rank that would be considered to be good. Ergo, a player who cannot get above Gold in Ranked, would not be considered a “good” player. So for ten years, if the OP’s story is true, they have been a mediocre player at best, and regularly playing inferior home brew decks may be one reason for this.

Sure, non-interactive OTK or Combo-decks are examples of bad design in a game that is supposed to be both competitive and fun, but playing such a proven net-deck is not an indicator of low intelligence or skill.

Although playing a mediocre home-brew deck on a competitive ladder may indicate lower intelligence or skill, or a least a commitment to having fun while playing a novelty deck over being committed to playing a deck capable of winning more.

Ironically, Shadow Undead Priest decks are currently one of the most net-decked decks played in the lower ranks right now, followed by DK, Mage, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, and Paladin decks.

As an archetype, Shadow Undead Priest is a deck that pretty much builds itself with only two auto-include Legendary minions of Dark Bishop Benedictis and High Cultist Basaleph. ETC is a free Legendary that can be included or not. This deck’s prevalence in the lower ranks helped me to obtain a win streak of nearly 100 games, across multiple accounts, while playing an almost complete (just missing Astalor) Mage net-deck:

Just played yet another Undead Shadow Priest at low rank. As a mage, you try to slow down the priest’s recursive graveyard or reborn undead abilities by freezing minions early game, while pushing board damage to face until you have enough burn in hand to finish off your opponent.


I left out above that Imp Warlock is fairly common to encounter at low rank as well.

If what you hate is otk decks just outright say you hate how uninteractive otk decks are. When you entangle your complaint with netdecking, as if that’s actually a part of the issue (it’s not), you just make your complaint sound much less valid than it is and harm your own credibility.

You don’t care whether your opponent built or copied their otk deck, you care about the lack of counterplay against it. The source of a deck is never the issue, only how the deck is to play and to play against.

At least this was put at the start of the post so I knew the rest was garbage


I just came back to the game after many years. Not sure why but I was given my choice of a bunch of premade decks. I chose a rogue Jackpot deck because it sounded fun. I’ve been having so much fun with it that I’ve had no desire to make my own deck. I’m also very intelligent. Believe it or not, people are able to enjoy this game in many different ways aside from the narrow standard you are preaching.

Maybe just have your fun making your own decks and feeling smart when you win and let other people have fun copying decks they find online. You don’t know about these people. Maybe they don’t have as much time as you. The card library is pretty intimidating for newcomers. I think it’s smart look up advice on deck building.


Rank Gold 2 now, 2 Stars, so close to 1 and platinum.
What keeps beating me? OTK developer decks. No sorry, your fav streamer didn’t invent the deck or figure it out. Developers made sure fire win decks for noobs and dumbs.

Haven’t read any replies, don’t want to internet fight. If I can make it to diamond or legend before the end of the month I’ll post my deck.

It’s Priest, I only play priest, I don’t know why.
Lots of undead, reborn,resurrect, some legends and it basically kills everything but OTK

Caught a quick glimpse someone saying this is a troll, no. I learned about this game from someone I met in jail. Not even lying. LOL I don’t spend money on games I can grind for free.

So close to rank 1 and platinum.

Being good enough at the game to place a rank at all is a good player. Bronze 9 and higher are good players. Exceptionally good would be silver, Gold would be super exceptionally good. And I assume there are more layers above that I dont know about that would be deemed beyond exceptional and top tier competitive elite and so on.

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So you stuck every undead that involuntarily damages the opponents face and you call that deck building skill and also you are in the wrong game, this is not even close of a game of intelligence. Take your pills you are starting to be delusional

That guy is definitly a troll, the whole way this is writen and the usage of keywords make this kinda obvious.

But I wanna add, homebrew dosnt mean bad. Just most good selfmade decks are very similar to top decks.
I played the same (30 cards) beast hunter deck 3 times to legend, top 2k.
This deck is homebrew cuz nobody else plays beast 30. But for obvious reasons it runs many cards from beast 40.


Oh, I agree, but look how much discussion he stirred up because some players actually relate to some of the things he said.

I keep in mind that nearly half or more of the players in Ranked do not make it past Gold during a season for a wide variety of reasons. I would also like to see some official, recent Ranked Distribution Data for the newer Rank System.

I just took the opportunity to make a few points.

Edited to add:

Ain’ t like there’s a wide bunch of options to make a deck (at least for standard) like back in the day, making a deck now is pretty much intuitive and every, for example, blood dk deck will have the same cards regardless of who makes it.
Alexandros, lifesteal cards, lifesteal spells and vampiric blood, cards that discover spells, removals and a bunch of strong individual cards like Denathrius or Astalor.

It doesn’t really take that much skill
Also, don’t be that negative towards deck pages, they’re a good tool not only for copying decks when you lack the time or creativity, they can also be used as inspiration to make your own decks.

Its the end of the month. At least 3/4 of the opponents you have now are bots. Good job on beating all the bots with basic cards. I’m at gold 9 or 8 as well, and I know this is true because its how I got there when all I do in the game is just finish my quests then log off.

The bots are diluted at the beginning of the month when everyone is at the same base ranks. By the mid to end of the month the majority of the games are bots because players are now spread out all over the ladder.

BTW this is the only deck I really use, made it myself because I don’t buy cards, it does ok, against real players with the disruption and silences. I always auto-concede priest at the draw, but I’m getting close to that for rogue.
Does it make me a genius at deckbuilding (something I spend no time on?) No, I don’t have a natural ability for that or desire to spend hours trying. My husband does, and he routinely beats me at card games with deckbuilding elements (he hates hearthstone and doesn’t play it). But I have a Masters degree in Microbial Genetics and I’m a Software engineering lead at my company. Intelligence isn’t measured by one thing.

1. Manathirst

Class: Paladin

Format: Standard

Year of the Hydra

2x (1) Flight of the Bronze

2x (1) Reckoning

1x (1) Righteous Protector

1x (2) Battle Vicar

2x (2) Coroner

2x (2) Flash of Light

2x (2) Vitality Surge

2x (3) Aldor Peacekeeper

2x (3) Alliance Bannerman

2x (3) Bronze Explorer

1x (3) Grimtotem Bounty Hunter

2x (3) Muckborn Servant

1x (3) Prince Renathal

2x (3) Silvermoon Sentinel

1x (3) Timewarden

1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

1x (5) Steamcleaner

1x (5) Taelan Fordring

1x (7) Lor’themar Theron

2x (5) Amber Watcher

2x (5) Azure Drake

2x (5) Onyxian Warder

1x (5) Shadow Hunter Vol’jin

1x (5) Translocation Instructor

1x (6) Rivendare, Warrider

2x (8) Brasswing

1x (8) Kazakusan

1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity


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By OP’s post, if we, for example, were to give a Tier S deck to a new player, and a homebrew to a seasoned player, I guarantee the seasoned player still wins because it takes more than just a mouse and digital cards tossed onto the board to win a game.

You claim to be intelligent but you continue to play something you know will be beaten. If you’re seeing the OTK decks, then change. That’s the intelligent move. You can make it yourself even. To state it’s a net deck issue is just dumb.

Intelligence at its peak