Deal 3 damage at the end turn

As soon as my opponent played this card and I read what it does, I hit concede and quit the game.
Again, remembered why I quit playing and never spent a dime on it.

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But Mograine isn’t even good. If you die to his battlecry effect, then you would lose the match anyway.


But wait, you can brann mograine to make it 6 and discover 2 more mograines from hemathurge for 12 per turn.
But then again thats 18 mana spent and youre probably dead before the first mograine because the meta is a little dumb.

The one match where mograine is actually useful is vs BSM because they have so much armor and freeze that you cant ever get board anyway.

you mustve been at 6 hp without means to heal then

7 mana deal 3 damage at the end of every turn.

Hmmm…maybe your complaint would be valid if the deck (Triple Blood DK) actually had killing power.

The strength of Blood DK is control and sustain, not damage.


So did you just pass the four turns where the Blood DK spent his entire turn putting down a 7/7 that didn’t impact the board? You couldn’t seal the deal in four turns in the late game against a target dummy?

Yeah, you were playing a bad deck. Or Blood DK yourself.

Doubt he was playing blood dk himself. If he was he has a chance to deal with mograine before it even comes down. Or play his own and have a mograine race.

Imagine getting mad for taking 30 damage in 10 turns when there are decks doing that damage to you in 1 turn from hand :rofl:


People just love their do nothing decks and cry when anything forces them to do something besides win by fatigue.


Alexandros Mograine, the card you are talking about in this post-- or as I like to call him “Alejandro Mograine” is a terrible card. I have it in my Reno Blood DK list simply because I opened the Signature version of him a while ago and I have maybe played him 20 times out of like 200 games played while having him in my deck. He’s way too slow to do anything and the only time you can even play him is if your opponent does basically nothing the previous turn and its turn 7 so you play him on curve. Other than that a completely useless card in 90% of matchups.

Have you seen him played alongside Brann? This guy’s out of control.

Imagine getting mad for having great class removal but no finisher when there are decks that rely on minions, or don’t have class removal. Those classes should have no win condition either and be helpless to fatigue attrition classes :rofl:

Card is absolutely weak and should be 6 damage not 3. So you take 3 damage from minions a turn but not 3 from a passive effect? Do you even play the game?

Me in Wild. Priest you shall not win!
Plays Mograine with Brann.

If you simply don’t like the effect, then I guess you can concede and leave the match, but this card isn’t strong in this meta. The fact you’re opponent was able to play this card meant one of two things:

  1. They had nothing else or made a bad play


  1. You’re playing a similar playstyle (stall/control/slow)

Morgraine has a neat effect, but it isn’t game winning, let alone an example of power creep (if this is what you were implying by "this is why I quit playing and never spent a dime on it)

“only 3^^” best i got 9dmg each turn from but is deserve to lose vs me druid deck and fight go almost fatigue

Actually the least annoying part of that deck. By some distance

I agree with the OP, that card is busted and game breaking. You have no idea its even an option that can be coming, there isnt a way to undo it or mitigate it. Its just a win condition the moment its played. Especially when its comboed with Brann and other things like bringing it back to hand or the 3 cost copies they shuffled into their deck when it was played the first time, and each 3 cost copy putting more 3 cost copies in the deck. essentially making every draw another one of these but way cheaper.

Its broken af. When I encountered it for first time in a scenario like above, I was taking not 3 dmg at end of turn, but 21 damage at end of turn. It did not take long at all to completely wreck my match.

I miss /s in your comment…

If you think this is a win condition, you are an unfathomable NOOB.