If you aren't planning on adding more reborn minions, why even give paladin the reborn quest

That’s not quite the answer I was looking for.

I think the OP and what I am thinking is why you made it only possible to complete the quest with cards from Uldum. Or/and are you bringing back the reborn keyword for the next expansions?

Because this way the Paladin Quest demands these cards to be played with little choice in the reborns. Also people who don’t have many new cards but got the Paladin quest can’t even play around with it.


Are you suggesting that this card was printed to encourage people to spend mone…dust on cards?

Paladin Spell of the future…give a random minion in your hand reborn.
Fits the hand buffing of Pally, helps quest.

Well despite the whole quest discussion (ok the quest ended up being good) i ll just stick to what the OP said here… And truth is that we ve seen this happening in the past:

  • Face druid featuring Gonk, the Raptor among other cards in a meta where you had already decided to gut druids wild growth ?
  • Freeze shaman in a meta where shaman had nothing but a few evolve tactics and didnt saw any play for about a year ?
  • Big warrior during the Cobolds and catacombs time featurng Woecleaver and gather your party in a time period where warrior could do nothing ?

See theres a pattern here. When a class used to be strong you usually send it to the bottom of the meta, not even by giving it playable things but by giving it meme archetypes that simply cannot work.

So yeah OP was wrong about quest paladin here but still his main idea is correct.
Also aside for these i see no reason for certain keywords not to reappear in various expansions…

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But there are not enough to offer much variety in what Reborn minions you use if you want to consistently complete the quest. It’s a similar situation to C’Thun, where you had to use almost every buff card (with one or two being optional) to have a reasonable payoff once you played the big thing.

Quest Paladin has ~13-15 fixed slots in Quest, Murmy, Micro Mummy, Temple Berserker, Candletaker, Bone Wraith, Khartut Defender and possibly Wasteland Assassin. The rest of the Reborn minions are either too expensive to be reliable or they’re Generous Mummy.

While the remaining 15-17 cards can vary, adding removal (if you want to interact with your opponent outside trading) and card draw quickly leaves you with a deck that has 22+ cards that simply can’t change while the deck is still in Standard.

And the cards that can change will be the stuff you’re trying to get value out of. While having ~8 cards to mess around with might sound good, it’s not good for creativity when that is all you can mess around with in a 30 card deck. Other decks that also have a limited pool for their endgame plan tend to have actual options for their early game.

Overall, making a quest focused on a mechanic that only shows up in a single set feels short sighted. I can’t think of a single other Legendary that only works with cards from the same set except C’Thun, and C’Thun was given special treatment as the promotional Legendary, it is Neutral and you got a couple of activators for free with it. Even Heistbaron and Tekahn who both work with Lackeys pull from multiple sets to trigger their effect.

On the other hand, you could have gotten Making Mummies as your log in reward and not have opened a single Neutral/Paladin Reborn minion from your packs (unlikely, but technically possible).


In fact the quest could have been summon X 1 health minions. That includes reborns. Maybe they also tested it and that’s why the weird Paladin minions this expansion?

More than likely that’s what happened, it explains why paladin got a third of it’s set unusable 1 health minions that still haven’t seen play.

Reborn Charge
2 mana 1/1 beast

Reborn is also a dumb keyword because it defines being something it doesn’t have yet… that bothers me.
Reborn minions should start with 1 health and then come back with full health, but that also would be pretty dumb imo.

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Any plans to add more reborn minions?

I like the idea of a variety of payoff directions however I am concerned that since there is a limited pool of reborn activators for the quest, it will stifle creativity.

The reborn pool is essentially mandatory to consistently complete the quest.

As a result, there are a fixed number of deck slots that cannot change in order to keep quest paladin competitive.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Wow I didn’t see that. I was just reading the forums as I usually do and thought the thread was a good place for insight, even if we disagree.

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It’s a fair assumption to think all expansion keywords are that expansion only unless stated otherwise. Sometimes we have a mechanic that makes sense to keep around in Hearthstone long-term (Rush, Discover) but we let most keywords live in one set only so they rotate to Wild cleanly and make way for new keywords to learn.


Here’s your source

Geez, with responses like this I wonder why they don’t come around more often.


If the devs decided to show up to their official forums more often and actually communicate issues, a response like that wouldn’t be warranted. The fact a multi-billion dollar company can’t afford to properly talk to its community is just a joke, so of course people like myself are going to jump at their throats whenever we get a chance.

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I don’t play a ton of games, but it strikes me that the design teams of lots of games don’t talk directly to their communities at all, so maybe if they prefer to do it on Reddit where it is seen by more people, cut them some slack.

I will say, on topic, the OP made a good, tho salinated, point and they should think about a way to make this quest more useful broadly.

Reborn minions aren’t just the fuel for the quest, they also synergize really well with the reward so maybe think about expanding the pool of minions.

Other options would be giving minions in your hand reborn. Would fit with handbuff paladin archetype, and all the deck to field more diverse minions while still completing reasonably.

Or you could have a Toki like minions that “gain a key word from the past…”

Communicate doesn’t mean literal 1 to 1 conversations. I mean announcements of any form, or even just acknowledgment of an issue. Im sick and tired of the radio silence.

I understand the need to keep things fresh, and I appreciate the feedback to this thread. But I still think that paladin specifically needs a way to have more reborn options to play.

The class was pulled 8n multiple directions for Ross, and none of those directions really got much or any support in SoU.

I don’t think the class is in a terrible place or anything but it really seems to lack a coherent design philosophy, and it really shows when you look at the highest levels of play.

I am hopeful that the development team realizes this and acts accordingly for the next expansion or at least adds more reborn minions at some point during this expansion.

Including consistency, and a followup of statement/s made…


Its a two way street in that regard. Could Haunter have been a bit more courteous in his comments? Sure.

But, at the same time, the Devs (and Blizzard as a whole) have neglected these forums for far too long, even more so since they showed Jesse the door. For example, this doozy:

And what do they do a few months later??? Hold ANOTHER AMA on reddit while completely ignoring their OFFICIAL forums! And thats not the first time similar comments were made.

With all due respect Dean, you deserve the highly critical, passive aggressive comments, directed at you when you (infrequently) post here. Outside of this thread alone the last dev comment here was over 3 months ago. IIRC you mentioned on the old forums you wanted to “be more active here” (paraphrased), yet that has not been the case. You have a total of 12 posts on these forums in like 6 months, many of which were in the AMA session.

All I am saying @RinseWizard, is there is every reason for forum regulars to be irritated. If the devs as a whole were more active here, then they wouldnt get their metaphorical heads bitten off when they do post.


Someone had mentioned that it could be a company policy on how Dev can be restricted to what form of communication and the contents.

However, if we take a more broad view on Dev-Player communication (not necessary direct), do we see it done in a acceptable level?

If yes, then there is no need for further discussion.
If no, then if it is a problem with,

  • is it a operational/system problem?
  • is a need of dedicated person required?
  • if there is a need but restricted by company policy - provide a feedback to higher management, perform a review
  • the dedicated person not doing a good job - do a review for improvement, or a replacement
  • any other options available to improve communications

While it may not be fair to the Dev whom choose to communicate here, but the Team need to review if they are doing a good job.