If you aren't planning on adding more reborn minions, why even give paladin the reborn quest

The fact that we have all these unanswered questions is disgraceful for any large company, the least they can do is answer them when directly asked.

If they communicated properly, we wouldn’t need to jump at them with questions in the first place.


Bowser you made this thread hilarious.


The literal ONE time we get an official response lmao.


We all know Dean responded just to spite Bowser.

You win this one, developer man.


I think I speak for most when I say I didn’t see that one coming… Is Dean’s Twitter link the bat-signal?!?

Well played Dean, well played.


Welp, looks like reborn is one and done, as expected.

Now back to the initial complaint.

It sucks that this deck will be forever limited to the incredibly small pool of viable reborn minions.


I stand by my belief that we need to reuse keywords and explore them more.

In most cases the game evolves in some really clever ways that could be even more clever if they were combined with old keywords. Like Inspire: The next minion you play this turn has Echo.

Cool. Cant happen if we never plunge into the glorious depths of our brilliant game design! Release your fears! Embrace the glory of a new su…old keywords!


Just noticed it’s August.

How time flies…

I don’t understand the issue here:

Lifesteal was another set’s keyword (KotFT) which finds itself in releases to this day and as far as I am concerned it has been one of the most format influential keywords, part of what made Mountain Giant a lower risk/high reward thing, along with a plethora of hand value generating for so many classes.

Why should anyone assume Reborn won’t make another appearance as well? What decides which keyword gets passed on and what doesn’t?

There should be an expansion that revisits all keywords.

It could even be a mini-expansion.

Bring back some inspire and recruit mechanics even if it’s just 1-3 minions.

I can’t for the life of me figure out why they completely ditched inspire yet still continue to use stuff such as discover, rush and lifesteal that was introduced in past expansions.

The excuse that the player base is essentially too ignorant and will get confused with all the keywords while at the same time pushing for Hearthstone to be an E-sport is hypocritical.


I think more important issue is that I can’t make out if the text is yellow or orange, It looked yellow at first, now I feel like it’s… yellow? I think I might be going color blind and I blame Reborn minions and their loud color for it.

Blizzard should sell medicine for that. Release something actively painful, then sell us the cure.

Amara was a good target the one season it and Seance overlapped >.>


I mean I agree with you that having to learn a couple more keywords wouldn’t be too big of an issue, but I find anything hypocritical with that stance. I mean you don’t expect the average player to be able to do what a person striving for the e-sport scene should and keeping things simple is a way that makes it even easier for casuals to watch the e-sport scene without getting lost as easily.

Personally I am waiting for the day Blizzard has enough faith on the average hearthstone player’s ability to figure out how the arrow buttons work in the deck selection screen, because I wouldn’t say no to some more deck slots so I can both have a deck for each quest type and have some room to experiment with.

Did you actually read the blizz post? Heavily implied that reborn is this expansion only, and the deck is intended to see variance through other powerful minions to copy.

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I feel asking the same question to the same people who said there’d be no more hand disruption or highlander support;

so yeah, pardon my skepticism.

Solid point there. Games always evolve so the answer may be true when given but prove out to be false

There is one fundamental difference between HS and paper card games in terms of introducing keywords: if you hover your cursor over a card with certain keyword, a box with explanation will appear. So there’s really no need to learn them beforehand, you can always check back what exactly does a keyword mean.


I guess deans reply more or less means we wont see new reborn minions.
Thats cool though,there is enough reborn minions for the quest (decent to copy as well so nice synergy between reward and quest condition) and the minions are of good enough quality. The paladin quest is easily my favorit of all quests,why couldnt more quests be like this.

I think 1 to 3 more reborn would at least be reasonable. Even a solo solid 3 drop would be better, 1 and done on quest condition feels bad