I get why Classic is done

I saw that classic was going away so I logged in because I couldn’t remember if I ever made legend rank in classic.

I had not, so I made a zoolock deck and set about seeing what would happen with the short time left.

I had five bonus stars for some reason, so I had some real players my first couple of matches. But from gold 5 to legend, I only played an actual player in one game, the final one before legend.

All of the rest of the opponents were random characters/Chinese names that played similar decks with similar bad logic. For example, they would trade the minions on one side of the dire wolf alpha instead of just killing the dire wolf buffing two minions. It was really bizarree because it was bot like, but not sure it was 100% botting.

Anyway, after winning 53 straight games I made it to legend in just a few hours.

The mode has been left alone so long that the bots now have rank and mmr to match to players at all levels. I would guarantee there are bots ranked above me in legend, and that suggests the mode is irredeemable.

I don’t have interest in twist, but I wish they would have put nax into classic as the next step instead because some of my favorite oldtime decks were in that era.

Hope you guys are well. Go get your easy legend ranking if you never have before. Most of my zoolock games were turn 4 or 5 easy lethals.

Here’s the list I used. I dropped the soulfires because as fast as the games were it was a bigger disadvantage to drop cards than the advantage of four damage for free.

Classic Zoo


Class: Warlock

Format: Classic

2x (1) Abusive Sergeant

2x (1) Argent Squire

2x (1) Flame Imp

2x (1) Leper Gnome

2x (1) Power Overwhelming

2x (1) Voidwalker

2x (1) Young Priestess

2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha

1x (2) Ironbeak Owl

2x (2) Knife Juggler

2x (3) Harvest Golem

1x (3) Scarlet Crusader

2x (3) Shattered Sun Cleric

1x (4) Dark Iron Dwarf

2x (4) Defender of Argus

1x (4) Leeroy Jenkins

2x (5) Doomguard


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I’ve said it over and over that more players would get involved and/or come back to the game if they made classic into a “legacy” format with rotating sets from the first few years. Yes, there are very few actual players on the climb but you have to get to top 500ish legend and then there are very interesting games with opponents other than zoo. It’s easy to get there but just takes a little bit. There were so many ways to make money off of older sets. People are spending gold and dust to make golden classic collections, and you bet I would be crafting my GvG, League, and Blackrock cards if they made an expanded old school format. Not gonna play twist if it’s all new sets. Boring


On the euro server in April I reached legend with only encountering a handful of real players. That was in high diamond. I’m quite certain the rest were bots, weird names (only lower case random consonants), playing crappy cheap decks with bad plays.

Then at the end of the month, they were all gone. Poof, just like that. Haven’t seen a bot since. (But I haven’t played much).

I played zero games of classic hearthstone.

The sad thing is… I don’t want easy Legend… I want FAIR Legend… however in standard…

I play/played classic as my main mode, after first month facing bots has been quite rare (but ive also always faced bots, in standard, wild, or casual so thats not a unique to classic)

And id just want/wanted them to keep classic classic
and anything else like rotating old metas (NOT whatever the hell twist will be when ti changes), smae for naxx.

Cause Classic imo a really fungame, pretty balanced aswell.
Naxx would only make classic worse and way less fun.
Huntertaker, the highest winrate deck ever, or zoo but now you cant even clear their boards
Or just undertaker in other decks. Loatheb is so overpowered its still insane in Wild almost a decade of powercreep later.
Naxx is cool PvE content, but for meta it goddam sucked even back then

I myself won’t miss Classic. I love the decks, but no one played. Queues took forever, and I constantly faced the same people (bots?) and decks.
Team 5 could have done more to attract players, but they did not bother.

I played three games of Classic last night just to see and sure enough, two of my opponents played like this. As freeze mage I would lay down the Frost Nova/Doomsayer combo, and they still played minions. One time I put down a Doomsayer by itself and not only did they play a minion; they also sank five damage into it.

It’s weird because I can’t even figure out an incentive for doing this. Are they selling the accounts later maybe? It’s not like WoW where you can trade gold and items.

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I’ve seen quite a few of these accounts in wild. They mostly play the Gadgetzan miracle druid troll deck, and aren’t botting when they play that deck. My theory is they took the gold they got from botting classic (and also botting with even shaman and pirate rogue in wild) and used it to make the more expensive druid deck. Some of them use the gold for arena “superdrafts”. There was a guy from China who blew the whistle on them on reddit and twitter.

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Wouldnt be that broken, they would take always the last balance patch, so it wouldnt work like that.

Maybe if they balanced classic it would be more interesting.

Rogue, druid and warlock are broken and shaman and priest dont exist.

The rest of the classes just fight for the mid tier, paladin doesnt have a good finisher, hunters dont have solid 1 drops and mages are weird to play, warrior is the most decent.

About this topic: ugh, another person ‘discovering America through one’s window’, i.e. the issue of bots, discussed a lot on these forums.

In short, the proper solution to that would be to address the issue of bots, not to shut down the mode — obviously enough (although what is obvious for a person playing such decks? Not much in this world, probably…).

I don’t recall whether I’ve reported it all and for which months in particular, but yes, sometimes the streaks between D5 and low Legend have been particularly riddled with especially bad bots with basic decks.

:roll_eyes: Oh, yeah, another one of those

I find your analysis rather superficial, but it’s been discussed many times already, don’t feel like repeating myself, sorry…

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you know?
Cause undertaker wasnt nerfed at all during naxx
it got nerfed during Goblins vs gnomes
GVG was 8/9/10th december 2014
Undertaker got nerfed on 29th of January 2015

AKA it was NOT nerfed during naxx, so naxx would have huntertaker

Those are the best
But midrange shaman is a very good deck; burn is quite good aswell. its just Zoo lock it does badly against (and lighting storm rng rolls can really screw you sometimes )

Priest is the worst class (but any has to be)
but its viable for sure, There has been alot of experimantion with cards and decks that turned out to be good.

Control Paladin is pretty legit actully, even using stuff like elven archer, abomination, redemption aloingside doomsayer But not Kodo’s.
Aggro paladin is scary since they got insane refill and can beat other board decks with consecrate.

Even warrior has a aggresive deck thats viable alongside worgen deck and control warrior.

Or just like Ysera is a mid card
Pitlord and void terror might be alrifght even, was a mix of zoo + handlock that uincluded pitlord and moltens and even hellfire that was getting expirimentation and saw succes in classic Tournament.
Nat pagle is good in midrange shaman if wanna do better vs zoo, alognside pyromancer in midrange shaman.
Or pyromancer in a beast / Trap Hunter

Classic was not the same as 2014 days
maybe dint see it at lower ladder, but at (high) legend and in the community run tournaments you saw quite the variation and experimentation that wasnt there in 2014

Yeah ofc they dint bother, they can barly do stuff for 1mode. Let alone doing it for a mode that is most player friendly.
Classic you never needed to BUY BUY BUY, so they ofc wouldnt want people to actully play it.

If all you have to add is to put people down and act superior, why even bother? Aren’t you already so superior to the rest of us that you’re making yourself unclean by slumming it down here with the unwashed?

This is correct.

This is also one of the reasons I wanted them to do it. There are a whole lot of people who don’t understand what broken decks are really like.

I just did it to get the achievement.

It was the only mode I didn’t make the climb in so I did it before it went away. I posted this to let people know that if they want the legacy achieves, they are very much attainable with minimal effort.

Bots are everywhere. The main reason Blizz plans to remove is, simply, the lack of players. Even if they fixed the bot issue, there would be no guarantee that the mode would become significantly more popular and, in terms of business, profitable for them.

After all, a big part of the bot thing is that the percentage of players is small. If the number of bots outweighs the players, then chances are that the game/mode was doomed from the start.

And I bet that most players are like Fireseal about this subject: “I’ve never played and/or I have no interest in it.” The bots aren’t the only problem, the mode just isn’t attractive enough for a good chunk, if not most of the playerbase.

The truth of the matter people don’t want to face is that vanishingly few people had any care for classic.

The node flopped for the same reasons more people paly standard sets than legacy basically everywhere: Mostly no one wants to keep face the same meta tyrants forever, and anyone who tells you otherwise has some serious rose tinted glasses.


So what’s the problem, then? Instead of complaining, rejoice and ‘remember this day, for you are graced with my presence.’ :grinning:

Have they told you this themselves? :grinning:

Now, as for the second part, I think you might be getting closer to hitting the mark. :grinning: How about continuing this line of thought a bit further, until we come to more realistically looking assumtipons? It’s comparatively not that hard to build a full or at least playable Classic collection and enjoy it indefinitely. Of course, this atrocity will not do, especially for such a company, known for its generosity, people should spend more, so shut it down! :grinning:

Are you trying to tell us that HS as it was released was doomed from the start? :grinning:

Oh, by the way:

No, it’s not. You probably haven’t seen those bot waves in the days of yore, even when there was just one Hearthstone (i.e. no Standard/Wild/etc), if memory serves.

If you target audience is twelve-year old kids or something like it, then yes. Those a bit older have likely played original HS — back when it was cool, so you can’t say they aren’t familiar (i.e. clueless about the mode), at the very least.

Another loud (lout?) statement without any figures to back it up.

Ha ha, that almost sounds like wishful thinking — assuming that the audience is that smart to think in such categories. :smirk: Instead, you’d typically hear something about ‘mOaR nEw CoNtEnT’ :crazy_face: — a mentality also excellent for the target audience of a product with this kind of marketing, by the way, so there’s no surprise this kind of sentiment is so popular here.

At the risk of looking narcissistic, I’ll still self-quote a bit from another topic, to which I refer everyone interested, since, as said, the discussions on these forums do get repetitive and I really don’t feel like going through the same thing again and again:

To that, I could perhaps add another analogy. Picture a kid coming to a theatre for an opera, sitting there for half a minute, picking his nose, then declaring, ‘I’m BORED, why don’t you play some NEW CONTENT, because I’m FRUSTRATED? You should respect MY OPINION!’

Sounds ludicrous? ‘It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence’ — cultivated ADHD, urge for INSTANT GRATIFICATION and overconsumption resulting from it are very suitable for selling more junk regularly and often.

Alright, that’s probably enough grumbling for now. :grinning:

Really!? Didnt knew that.
I remember how long it took for team 5 to actually nerf something in early hs.
And people complain about how often things are nerfd today.

I just don’t understand how they can take Classic away when the reason they implemented it in the first place hasn’t changed: people like me invested heavily in Classic cards because we were assured they would always be relevant. Sure we can still play nerfed versions of them in Wild, but that’s always been the case.