I don't have time to win 10 ranked matches

With most players being tryhards, whales, and not actually playing the game for fun but all using the same decks and cheapest decks possible just to win, I honestly don’t feel like struggling to win 10 ranked games just to get my points for the week. Why did it have to become double? This is a stupid decision and a waste of time.


Well, 10 is much more better than before… it was 15 at first just telling you… and you have the whole week to make it completed… you don’t need to win 10 games in just one day… I played 10 games yesterday and made it to 6/10 by playing my own deck, not meta.

And neither is as good as 5.


I don’t see anyone doing that, Mini-Me.

And how many games, in total did you play to get to that 6/10?


Is that change really as serious as posters on forum want it to be seen? I’ve played my gaslight rogue deck yesterday just to go 10-3 and get -2k positions that I’ve lost just doing quests for a week in non-competitive mode.

I mean if someone’s winrate is that low to make 10 wins a problem then the rank would be low enough to see many opponents with weird and absolutely wrong moves to compensate.

I don’t wanna sound like a blizzbot but as lately all that I see is “rigged” and “weekly quests” in topics I feel that some people are just tired of the game and the issue is actually somewhere else.

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I strongly agree.

I disagree. I think quests as a mechanic are DIRECTLY tied to people continuing to play a game they’ve long since grown tired of. I think that quests exist PRECISELY because they keep those players begrudgingly playing every day.

Obviously, what those players should do is uninstall and take a break for at least a week.

But note for those who are paying attention that they are now saying the quiet part out loud: the game has been made tiresome, and has been for a long time. That is a DESIGN issue, not a player issue.

Welcome to the microsoft era, ladies and gentleman!

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Never mind, it was actually 7/10, just checked. Usually I am not watching quest progress, just playing and make them completed. Don’t hurt him, he just probably didn’t pay attention. :wink:

yea. I was on tilt and seeing mention of that quest put me over the edge.


Well, the geniuses at blizzard went with 15 the first time.
Yeah it takes a lot of time, seems doable in a week if you play everyday, but most people don’t. Especially on ranked, lol, their algorithm just matches you with all the counters.

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Don’t let it get to you, those who can’t criticize substance…criticize form.

Hmm… That’s true, good point. Maybe pala/DH meta added some more on top which ends up in lots of negative feedbacks even that things seem to be better already, some sort of lag.

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As soon as I realize I’m only playing to complete my quests, I stop and usually take a break for a few months. The rewards from quests and events are only useful to play the game itself, so I don’t need them if I’m only playing just to complete them.

At first I felt bad because I thought I wouldn’t have enough gold/dust to properly explore the next expansion(s). I don’t need every card though (not even close) and more importantly, if/when I do come back, I am naturally completing the quests while enjoying the game.

This goes for any game btw. The second it starts to feel like a chore, just stop. Your time will absolutely be better spent elsewhere.

That’s probably on purpose tbh. Make it stupidly unreasonable at first, and then change it to only be just unreasonable, so people go at least it’s not as bad as before. It’s still bad, and it really needs to be changed.

meh i dont think is that hard to get those 10 winseven with meme decks

I do all my quests in wild. I Play Standard everyday and leave wild at low rank so i can easily do my quests. That way your questing against bronze-gold instead of lets say platinum-legendary on your main. Makes the questing more enjoyable. Imo

Even tho people will say 10k posts worth…

“They dont want to make you mad to sell packs”

I will tell you, this feeling you have right now is exactly what they hope will prompt you to buy packs.

Yes they knew it would bother many…

They dont care one iota.


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Focus on dailies then. If you also complete the weeklies, you did have time. Weeklies are called weeklies for a reason. They’re meant to be completed during a week.