I can always predict who the algo wants to win

Excellent decision. I think that would be best for everyone.

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Yeah I assumed mensa did IQ tests, but I’ve taken enough tests in my life and don’t really care what my IQ is. Was more curious about whether or not the tests were common since lots of people on this forum claim to know their IQ

These are people who are insecure about their intelligence. A lot of the time it’s not even true.

No, they are not common, nor is it common practice to assign an actual number to one done as part of a psychological evaluation.

Most are probably lying; I can tell by the number they assign to themselves, & especially the “Genius IQ” nonsense.

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Reminder: I solved the Rubik’s Cube in one day at age 11.
Because I have a genius level IQ. That is not filling in bubbles on a test.
That is testing your agility of mind and abstract thinking abilities.
Not learned information.
Memory tests have nothing to do with IQ.
Abstract thinking and problem-solving do. Your ability to solve puzzles and problems accurately and fast is high IQ stuff.


Reminder, Scrot here thinks that flipping a coin 150 times and writing the outcome on a 6 paragraph in order to find the rigged outcome is considered a legitimate way of testing that people don’t know what random is…

So it is possible better to leave him alone in Narnia.


Blizzard has never said it was random.


But Scrots did, and you should listen to him, or else he will flip coins like a clown and prove even Blizzard wrong


Actually, working memory is a significant portion of standard IQ measurements, a part of what was initially called “the g factor”

Around 30%

But anyway, what we call IQ now is just one type of intelligence. There’s 4-7 types of intelligence, depending on the theoretical framework you choose to work with

And to summarize this thread:

  1. random IS addictive. It’s called “variable reinforcement schedule” in psychology, and it basically says that if we know we’re going to get/win something, but don’t know when, we’ll get addicted to trying that

  2. The game isn’t rigged. The proof? Very easy. Same people are always in top 100 ranks across all the servers. Skill matters.

Enjoy your low IQ discussions.


I have been saying this for years. The pro company posters say it’s not true, but they failed to provide relevant link every single time.


LOL we have a little genius here… Please post your Mensa ID and IQ test result please?

Why? I’m not one of the idiots here claiming to have a genius level IQ

Which I probably do, but never got myself officially tested


Skill always matters. If you put 2 people in the wilderness, one with nothing and one with a rifle and a bedroll, if they’re both experienced in bushcraft then both survive. One does much better much more easily.

If the one you gave the equipment to is a moron he might trap himself in the bedroll and blow his foot off but he was still given a better chance. I’m just saying without all the unknowns known about those in the top 100, it’s not proof. Some may have been given guns and bedrolls maybe not. You definitely need skill to get there and stay there regardless.

When I look around at some of those on my side of the argument, my head hangs low. All I can say is, blizzard already has a patented system and could easily be using it for hearthstone. That and the fact that things happen in the exact same way too often to be coincidence. Both good and bad.

This is good. This is growth. Humans love to see patterns, and it helps us identify actual patterns, but this also triggers in our brain when no real pattern exists.

I think at least half of the posters who claim that the game is rigged are only claiming that it’s rigged for fun because they know it will get a reaction from the community. They don’t actually believe it’s rigged in any way. But maybe that’s giving them more credit than they deserve.

I am inclined to believe that the data aggregation sites would have been able to prove any substantial rigging at this point. I do not believe there’s some kind of Blizzard/HSReplay/VS/hsguru conspiracy


I do understand and appreciate that. What I’m talking about is literally the same thing happening the same way every time. In one of my earlier posts in this thread, I gave an example having to do with quality assurance and training dummy.

That one in particular, for me when using that deck, has yet to happen differently and it has happened at least 7 times that I can remember. Others are a bit more complicated time consuming to explain, but there have been many others. Some I may have made more out of in my mind than there actually was but not many if so.

I’m also aware of the trolls and the fools. It’s not hard to tell who they are but they offer nothing to me except a hurdle. Also, I don’t subscribe to any of the established conspiracies. Everything that I believe is based on my own experiences and research.

I’m aware that there are several means of deducing the legitimacy of hearthstone being rigged but these are all subject to wheels that can be greased just like anything els. A long time ago, doctors used to say that cigarettes were safe because tobacco companies paid them to do so. Writing a few lines of code so that a website will do the same thing is the easiest thing in the world.

I respect the opinion of anyone who believes the game is not rigged but respectfully, let’s agree to disagree. I’m not interested in getting anyone to stop believing that it isn’t rigged, I just wish that they would stop trying to get me to stop believing that it is.

This is a very low sample size and statistically insignificant.

That’s generally where I try to be on the forums. You seem fairly reasonable, and I’m not interested in trying to change your mind anyway, so I’m down with this

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Here is another example where I knew the algo was going to make the other player win.
I just played this game.
I played a druid card runner outter.
As soon as I saw the first card burned was devolving missiles, I knew the algo was going to have the druid win because they had the selfish shellfish card up. This was part of their premade deck to win.
I guessed correctly.
The next cards to be burned were sheep cards and cards that could remove cards like life sentence.
Every card that could potentially hurt their premade card runner out deck got burned.

Of course the shills will say it was just random.
Amirite bois?

Never the less I did correctly predict the winner when the first card burned was devolving missiles.
I have played since inception and I can tell who the algo is going to make win.

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same “random” enemy not according to your rank skill but according to your deck… SAD STORY TOO

Did Yogg polymorph something then shuffle copies of the sheep into the deck? I’ve had that happen

How come the game does not show the rank of the opponent anymore?
No one has ever explained this.
Does it make it easier for the algo to rigg by not showing rank?