I can always predict who the algo wants to win

After the flop and usually the way the first 3 cards come out, I can almost always determine who the algo preplanned to win.
If a card gets burned because of too many cards in your hand, and it’s the most important card out of your deck that would have made it impossible for the other player to win, then you already know the algo has decided on your opponent.
Here is an example of the algo showing who they want to win.
The Reno that puts you back to full health would be devasting for the play style I am up against. I have 9 nine cards in my hand. opponent plays taunt that puts a card out of your deck onto the board. It’s reno.
Ok so I have that 4 cost magic spell that makes 1 cost copies.
I play that card and make a copy of reno.
Warriors now have recall like roges, so they recall their 2 cost taunt card and replays it. 9 cards in my hand. Guess which card it popped up? And I knew it would. The reno copy.
And 100% the warrior won as I predicted.
I would say I can figure out the predertimined winner 90 out of 100 games. I will make a video to prove this and put it on youtube.


The topic of your post aside could you please use the actual names of the cards? This is confusing to read as it is.

How many minions did you have in your hand when the copy of Reno was pulled onto the field?


inb4 blizzard shills defending the „random“ algorithm


They will be here soon and flag me. As usual, then the staff will unflag me as usual.

To the other commentor I had 9 cards in my hand and about 30 in my deck.


Yes but how many minions where in your hand? I assume you are talking about the Dirty Rat which pulls minions onto the field.

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how does opponent use a card to put a minion from your deck into play then recall that minion to put a minion from your hand in play?

The warrior plays the 2 cost taunt with the kobald on it and puts one of your cards out of your deck in the field.
The warrior recalls the 2 cost taunt back into his hand and then replays it on the next turn to pull another card out of your hand.
Warriors have recall/ shadow step like cards that do the same thing as the roges now.

I’ve had this discussion with them before. They don’t really read the cards.


I dont bother to learn the names, new players may not know what I am talking about but seasoned pros will know what these cards are.


sometimes, but your posts are often very difficult to follow as a whole, and it’s not always worth the effort to figure it out


…if he struggles to read cards is hard to trust what he says about his" predictions "

if there was a method to manipulate or predict outcomes someone would ve made a live stream showing they can do it with 100% accuracy by now


I agree with the general idea here. The match system becomes less random as you climb the ranks. Blizzard has always followed a rock/paper/scissors balance in every game they’ve ever made. If you climb the ladder high enough it will purposefully throw a rock at your scissor deck every time. Well, not every time. It depends how much money you spend on this game. Higher spenders get a little more lee-way with the match system. It won’t throw a rock at your scissors every time - just some of the time. Basically it will ease up on you enough so that you can get into legend.

I’m not knocking it - it makes sense from a business perspective. HS is free to play but it’s not free if you want to compete. I would spend money on the game if they put a little more thought and balance into it. But they don’t so … yeah.


I have a genius level IQ which lets me see patterns and stuff lower IQ people can’t see.
Higher IQ brains work differently.
When you get down to an IQ of 90 or lower, those people cannot even do a hypothetical situation in their mind.
That may seem odd to you, but that is how different levels of IQ work.
It only took me one day to solve the Rubik’s Cube when it came out.
Higher IQ brains see the world differently.
Which i why I see the algo patterns. I will do a twitch stream and prove it.


Please post a link, I can’t wait


I will give you a recent example of a game where I knew the algo wanted the other player to win.
I knew right away when on the flop every card was a high card, my highest cards. No playable cards at the start of the game.
Every card I drew for the next 6 turns was also unplayable. Basically, the algo gave me every high card I had in my deck. Not one playable card.
The person I was up against didn’t have a great or special deck, more like a starter deck of low card murlocs.
Probably a newer player that needed some wins. The algo does have to let new players win, right? Or they will quit.


This is a card game. If every deck was sorted in a way that you only recieve low cost cards at the start then it would not be random.

It can happen in a game that the expensive cards are at the top. It can also happen that the low cost cards are at the top.

Of course games like this happen.

At least you are open with your intend. No need to invest anymore time in this.

In the future please shift your pattern oriented mind onto learning the card names.


The point of my OP was that I could predict who the algo would have win at the start of the game.
I predicted correctly when I was given all high cards on the flop because I have seen this pattern by the algo over and over since the game came out.
A lower IQ person might have thought it was just random and that they had a chance to win, but I have seen this pattern many times and knew it meant “I LOSE” this game.


You are brilliant. It probably saves a lot of time because you can just concede right away

I am similarly high IQ and on the high functioning spectrum (aspergers) I also have 10 years experience playing this game and many more years experience playing other games of skill/luck/chance combo, I can confirm Silent is right in their assessment of the game (as they usually are)


imagine how many hours of overtime at blizzard hq this guy has to do to achieve 3.3k posts loooool

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