I can always predict who the algo wants to win

So, to elaborate on my point earlier. I had been playing highlander warrior for 2 months because I only had the dust for one deck, it was the most reliable one I’d seen for the ladder at the time and I already had bomb boss and some other cards. In all that time, I had seen a handful of yogs. I recently crafted a training dummy warrior and since I’ve been playing it, I see yog several times a day. I just played 22 games and saw yog 16 times. I’m not exaggerating. Another thing is whenever I have quality assurance in my opening hand and I keep it, I will draw one of the dummies on either my first or second turn( they are the only taunts in the deck). That happened 3 times tonight and I knew it was going to happen before it did. I knew that because it has happens that way every time unless I get it from the mulligan. More than a few of the players I was playing had either heroes or diamond/signature cards only available through purchase. I still won around 70% of them but atleast half were massive struggles against terrible draws and strong opponent board presence/good draws( timely yogs and what not). Had those players been better, more experienced or both I have no doubt I’d have lost. These are just examples from the last few hours. Also, I see counters to this deck a lot more frequently than I did with the highlander. I don’t expect the naysayers to believe me but I felt it was worth sharing.

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Fair, but in this particular case he didn’t even start trying…He just stood there taking boots in his head…

Do not really care about their actions…Getting the other person from the discussion banned, just means you need help to prove your point because it probably is a bad point.

The only reason why I animated the discussion was because that gnome avatar said “we have the proof before our eyes that the game is not rigged”, I wanted to know who those “we” are and the proof…Also he said he knows more than everyone else about random, and I asked him to explain random in programming…The only answers I got was deflections and 5 or 6 badly written strings of T and H’s which from what I understand is easy to get the answer and proves what random is, but later on it was discovered that the answer, whatever you would have answered, was never right, whatever you would have replied to it, and you needed to pass the test so that you can ascend to a higher knowledge point in order to get the answers he said he has.

To be a honest a waste of time, at some point my boot hurt from hitting him so much.

But the real question is - Are you also genius level IQ?? That´s only thing what matters!

Just kidding,

I am the only non genius ITT unfortunately :frowning:



is that there is no substance to his “arguments.”

His drive-by comments of “no, you” have long been polluting threads, and discourage actual conversation.

It’s due time the guy gets permanently banned so we won’t have to see his comments. Goramier is completely right:


I’d been on the forums for the second time ever when mountaineer commented attacking me for the views I expressed in my initial post. As soon as I said something back he ignored me. It was absurd and pathetic and it only took that long for me to get a taste of it. If he does this all the time, he should absolutely not be here.

If lacking substance is all that’s needed to ban someone then about 80% of forum users should be banned. I’m sorry, but being vacuous isn’t exactly bannable.

Well, obviously not. We’re saying it should be.

Every single post saying that the game is rigged has been vacuous. It’s a completely stupid thing to believe or even entertain. You’d be banned under your own policy.

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That’s your opinion and it’s one sided and stupid. And at least my stupid arguments have some kind of substance whereas you just use big and copious amounts of words and say I’m right and you’re wrong.

Mountaineer’s repetitive behavior makes his comments always fall under trolling, because they don’t mean for the other to understand they are wrong, it’s just him being a contrarian for the sake of it.

Just because he is pro-Blizzard, it doesn’t make him not be a troll. And yet, the “rigged” threads get taken down usually. I would like to see him go on a long vacation finally to show this place is supposedly impartial.


Okay. That’s not trolling. It’s okay to just say someone is wrong without further explanation.

If you do it once or twice maybe.
His insistent pestering on the anti-Blizzard threads is tiring. I much rather report him for trolling consistently, rather than the double-digit accounts making a thread in 5 years.

Simply put, he should know better.

No it’s fine, straight up

I guess so you do it all the time, and instead of an explanation just write a whole bunch of vomit that has nothing to do with anything.


Mountaineer’s substance can literally amount to me typing the letter “X” on threads repeatedly and not getting banned for trolling. Or spamming for that matter.

It’s always the same premise.

Anti-Blizzard thread - Mountaineer’s “No” comment.

There is no difference ever.


Yes, I enjoy being contrarian when I believe that the majority is wrong. It’s not against the rules, and it can help the majority.

I didn’t say anything about rules. I just pointed out that you do that. It doesn’t help anyone. And anybody who bothers to read your posts can tell that you’re not half as intelligent as you believe yourself to be. You’re really just childish.

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From now on, I’m just going to put “rigged” on ignore, & not try to dissuade them from their conspiracy theories.

I certainly don’t need to read a bunch of ignorant nonsense, & hysterical hateration.

Surely, you see the futility of this engagement.

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