I can always predict who the algo wants to win

People were always complaining that they were being unfairly matched against people of another rank, but that’s because matchmaking is usually by hidden mmr and not rank


It would only match you with people of the same rank though.
Now you have no idea what the rank is.

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Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master.


It’s the same as if there was a hidden weight category in boxing and boxers who are currently winning in their category would be matched with opponents 3 times heavier… Fair match sure :rofl: Blizzard patented technolgy

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SURE! :100: :100: :100:

All of these lines are equally as likely to be generated randomly :rofl:

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Oh, scrotie is a real gem. Careful or he’ll attack with his superior intellect. Lol


Scrotie isn’t the one claiming to be an intellectual titan in this thread. But that said, the posts are so silly they don’t merit a response.

Once again you demean opinions you don’t agree with. For someone who claims to be a scientist, you lack even basic concepts of science.

You admit these are the only kinds of theads you read and are extremely bias. You seem exactly like the other handful of regulars who seem to have made it their job to come into these threads, attack, harass and demean people all because you don’t agree with their opinions.

You also seem unable to be able to actually have a discussion without raging the moment you are questioned. These are what a real scientist would call observations and your behavior backs them consistently.

I think he’s referring to SilentStorm calling himself a genius.

I know. He claimed to be a scientist but has shown nothing but bad faith in his posts. Saying posts are too silly to reply to is just another example. If he has nothing to add, don’t become a problem.

Self proclaiming genius is lame don’t get me wrong but I have no hesitation calling out these trolls who’s only reason here seems to be harassing others and Elchar is showing that is all he is.

I take your point. That’s fair.

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I really have no idea what you’re talking about, just seems like more rambling to try and get attention. Scrotie’s test has a flaw, pointing it out is my contribution to this thread.

Responding to someone who proclaims they’re a genius is not required. They’re probably not even serious.

P.s. Scientists are people who employ scientific principles in their day to day work. It’s very common, probably one of the most numerous groups out there. My background is computer science and physics, and I work mainly in IT. Also very common :slightly_smiling_face:

I explain I am genius because it is important.
Higher IQs can see patterns and have better abstract thinking.
People with lower IQs need to consider that when they are not seeing the things I and other higher IQ people see.

When you get to lower IQs, these people cannot even do hypothetical situations in their head. Some have zero abstract thinking.
Most people in prison are like this because they can’t understand consequences. It is an abstract idea.

This is why it is important in this situation to state IQ level. People with lower IQs are not just not going to process or see things the same way Einstein or other people see them.
They will be sure they are not seeing any patterns, but they need to know why.
Like I said. I solved the Rubik’s cube in one day at around age 10 or 11.
I think you agree, I have very good pattern recognition and abstract thinking.

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“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

It was obvious you were no real scientist lol. You are just another troll. Employ childish deflection at me all you want, I saw through your lies.

Massive yawn goramier.

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I’d advise you stop responding to him and just ignore him. He accuses others of having alt accounts to report him, but in reality he has alt accounts and just recently got someone banned by doing the very thing he accuses others of doing.

He’s already admitted to purposefully trolling these forums. You’re better off not engaging.

just a heads up. And he hates it when you don’t respond to him directly. I speak from experience.


This really sums it up I know this because I am high IQ person but I identify as low IQ because it helps me to understand the plights of the masses, I try to be like Jesus


LOL this thread is :circus_tent: full of :clown_face: :clown_face:
Though genius level IQ :clown_face: :clown_face:
Those guys cant be serious or even real, right?
Or…? :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t know anymore. It’s hard to tell.