I can always predict who the algo wants to win

I produced my evidence you just won’t acknowledge it. Again not knocking it either but as you said most can’t tell the difference so both would foster addiction while one has a higher potential to generate revenue. This isnt the work of an “evil genius” but that of an average businessman…

I’m beginning to think there was some truth to coffee’s post they removed.

I would like to ammend my statement. You acknowledge it. You are just working strangely hard to discredit it. It’s fine I’m really just stirring the pot at this point and I’m bored with it now so you win.

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A good analogy would be: imagine if someone said that “of course” cigarette manufacturers laced their product with trace amounts of a powdery illegal narcotic (stupid forum word blocker), to make it more addictive. Maybe that would make it more addictive, but it would also significantly increase production costs and open them up to significant potential legal liability. Nicotine is cheap and legal, so they don’t really need to go all out.

That said, cigarette manufacturers DO add all kinds of weird additives, which are not expensive and not illegal. And I’m confident that Blizzard’s algorithms live in some kind of similar gray area, where they aren’t lying and can’t be successfully sued for fraud due to lying about the game having matchmaking by skill, with no deckscan — these are claims that they have made and could be found liable in civil court if false.

Rigging in a way that created legal liability wouldn’t be more profitable. This is a company that knows that it couldn’t get away with a Cosby room. If they break the rules then they will be caught.

I agree, these folks seem like they have zero anything going on in real life and were likely picked on during their formulative years in high school.

It feels like a generational thing to me. I can’t imagine even caring enough to flag some stranger on an internet forum for any reason.

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And btw you absolutely should look at randomness as a legal addictive drug.

That’s not a good analogy. People already buy cigarettes but you yourself said they dont already buy hearthstone products. I lied. This just got fun again. lol

Also, powdery illegal narcotic has several costs attached whereas blizzard already owns that system. It costs nothing.

2% or more do. And some of them spend ungodly amounts. Just because a business model relies on a Paretto distribution doesn’t mean that it isn’t viable.

On the other hand, a matchmaking algorithm that relies on a Paretto distribution can’t possibly function.

It’s invalid when you consider the number difference.

Bro any two statistics of the same kind can be a number difference. Be more specific.

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2% of customers versus 100% of customers. I cant believe you have the nerve to talk about what you think should be obvious and then need me to elaborate that… bro

So technically instead of answering my question you deflected again proving me that the test was nothing but a sob attempt of getting the answer you want to hear, by reverse psychology an known error ?

What is it with you and all this deflections … Do you need acceptance in some sort of way ? You took this whole time , and instead of bluntly letting everyone know the answer to your “intelligent test” you just deflected it again into some mathematical mumbo jumbo and a known error that everyone can google ?

And also, you said above you have proof that the game isn’t rigged, which you didn’t post…Also your non-semantical beats around the bush, doesn’t really explain how random is in computer programming, in an area in which this game is…

Technically your post just proved me right…I can come here and ask anyone “why the sky is green , because I have this test here and if you cannot answer it then it proves me that the sky is green” and after everyone tells me that my test is dumb, I can just scour up some math a flat earther has post on google, reverse engineer a known error in gambling games, and tell people they are wrong and that the test is easy and you don’t know how people do not see it as easy ?

I mean are people really taking you serious in real life ? You just seem that you have a clue about what you are talking about and no one really begs to tell you that you are just beating the bush with dumb stuff that you manage to tailor from things around google ?

I am assuming you will deflect again right ?

Given your attitude and lack of anything rational to grab ahold of in your posts, yeah pretty much. I don’t know much what to say except you’re wrong about me saying that the sky is green (even metaphorically), you’re wrong about me proving you right, you’re wrong about having a right to my attention, and you’re wrong about pretty much everything. I feel like the others have a lot more in the way of good faith discussion.

A right to your attention…Pretty rich coming from someone who can barely put any attention in what everyone is writing to him, and instead of answers just circles around his tail…

This is not even a good discussion, you just posted a stupidity, you expect an answer that only you know is right, do not take anything outside the answer you want, but you do not explain the answer you want because everything you do is deflect the discussion around walls of text of nothing wrapped in pretty words…Even though people above made fun of your so called easy test, you still stick your head in the ground and say that everyone is silly and you are smart

Did I get it right mister attention ?

To say that I even had a discussion with you would bring shame to my intellect, because all you did is beat the bush around something that you wanted to explain but failed miserably to even think of explaining, instead you just said “hey look at my shiny coin, if you can guess why it’s shiny I will answer all your questions”, but no one can really tell you why the coin is shiny, and you will never tell anyone, because we all know little Timmy is smart and doesn’t need to justify himself, and now like a cape crusader that you are will just leave the discussion leaving the veiled mystery to fall upon our narrow minded sight, while you fade into the night having solved yet another mystery.

To explain what I said above because I am sure you need explanations, you can put your smart pants test into chat gpt 4.0 and I am pretty sure that not even the computing power of perfect functional AI couldn’t give you the answer you desire cuz you are smarter than that I guess, right ?

Scratch real life, I do not even know how people take you serious from the back of your keyboard.

So anyways, to anyone who remembered that I was intending to address silentstorm’s prediction abilities: Just because matches, opening hands and draws are SOMETIMES rigged (something I believe and not a proven fact) for a variety of reasons, mainly revolving around encouraging purchases and increasing/retaining new users, it does not always guarantee you will lose. If you know what your doing there is usually still a chance. When you know for a fact your defeat is inevitable, by all means concede but don’t just base it on that fact that you’re on the worng end of a set up.

Just to clarify I’m in no way validating silentstorm’s example. Theres a lot of unknown context there and it can be easy to mistake bad luck for being victimized by a biased algorithm. Doesn’t mean I haven’t seen several examples in consecutive turns and matchs to a point that I could and did predicted accurately that something would happen before it did.

I believe Samuel Clemens said it best:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

Unfortunately, all that will happen is that Mountaineer and Scr0te’s cronies will flag your responses, moderators will side with them and you’ll get them removed plus forum vacation. So no matter how well thought out, constructed and points shown; it was all for naught. No matter how much evidence you put before them, they’ll never change their belief which is why I’ve simply chose to ignore their spews and I’d suggest you do as well in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:


First words of wisdom I’ve heard in this chat. I’ll do my best to heed them.

Let me add this… take if for what you will.

I understand Scrot gets on people’s nerves. He even annoys me at times. Truth is though if someone unfairly attacks you, despite whatever was said before, he will defend you. Even though he is wrong about a lot of stuff, he means well and means what he says. I kinda like the guy. Again, not excusing anything and haven’t been reading replies ITT.

With that said…

Mountaineer absolutely should be perm’d. He abuses the flag system and has been called out by numerous people. He definitely needs to go. He is an extremely toxic poster, contributes virtually nothing but causes problems all the time.

This will probably greatly annoy both you and Mountaineer but real talk, you’re basically the same. I mean, you have more of a sense of humor, and obviously you are on different sides of the rigging debate. But the only actual problem with Mountaineer is that every once in a while he’ll go and say that some behavior is unacceptable and that someone needs to be banned, when he’s wrong, they don’t need to be banned and he’s just being a salty wuss. Which is exactly what you’re doing right now.

I mean, if I didn’t know better I might think that Mountaineer is living rent free in your head and you’ve made a deliberate decision to lower yourself to his level.

But bottom line, I wish both of you would just chill out and stop acting the way you both do when you’re angry.

Edit: in before Mountaineer reads this and flags it, once, because he doesn’t have any alts, and it never gets removed unless you flag it too

lol ok man.

Can you please tell me what side of the rigging debate I am on? I would love to hear your take, hahaha.

Your passive aggressive post is definitely because I said you are annoying (you are) and you are usually wrong (truth).

Many people think you should be banned and truth is, you probably should be. How you are not banned for breaking forum rules consistently is beyond me. I guess that is what you get for friending the flag abusers like mountaineer and shyla.

You can use tired childish memes like living rent free all you want if it makes you feel better. I call it as I see it. And I see it a clearer than you.


I take back the part about the sense of humor.

I do have a sense of humor, a really good one. Don’t get sad man!

I still like you. You are like that neighbors kid who is always over pestering everyone about everything and you want to punt him but at the same time the little booger grows on you.