I can always predict who the algo wants to win

Look if I’m being real the only question for flagging is: does this thread/post existing make the forums better, worse or the same? If the answer is worse, I’m flagging.

I do think that a good chunk of the time bad ideas, falsehoods, etc do NOT actually make the forums worse. I do NOT flag a post simply because I disagree with it. But there’s a distinction to be made between a ridiculous post that creates a fruitful discussion, and a ridiculous post that does nothing but drop the collective IQ of the forums down a few points.

I didn’t flag the OP here because it was already hidden by the time I got here. But um if that wasn’t the case, I probably would have.

Let me ask you a question.
Every post that the REGULARS flag gets unflagged by the staff.

Do you think that maybe the people who are flagging probably don’t know the COC and are just doing it to terrorize?

Should they be banned for making false flags in your opinion?

Just because YOU don’t think a post makes the forums better does not mean it should be flagged.

Your personal opinion is not the COC. Agreed?

Every post of mine that has been flagged, has been unflagged by the staff. This means… I have never violated the COC.

So why am I getting flagged by REGULARS? Can a REGULAR or anyone explain this phenomenon?

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How about this: just stop posting stupid threads. You’re not a genius and 4chan is not a good place to get financial advice.


You have not explained why my posts get unflagged by the staff.
Would you concede the regulars either don’t know the COC or they are just doing it to terrorize.

Do you also agree your personal opinion is not the COC. And if you don’t like a thread, then don’t read it.

You are not the boss. Got it?

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I view it as a democracy where flags are votes. I’m as much the boss as you are. We are the boss.

If your posts are getting flagged, then you should absolutely stop posting like that. I don’t care if it got restored. The flags themselves are proof that the community doesn’t like that type of content.

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So you are admitting you abuse the flagging system to take down posts you don’t like.

You flag for personal reasons, not for COC violations. That is abuse.

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No, it is not. There is exactly one flagging option for CoC violations. There is another, separate option for things that are “inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.” Anyone who is upset by your post existing can validly flag it.

That said, I would be inclined to believe that choosing flag option #1 when the CoC hasn’t been violated is probably abuse of the system. Not a hill I’d die on because of how option #1 is worded, but it doesn’t seem fair to me. When I am merely upset by a post, I go option #2. Or maybe #3 if that’d be more appropriate.

Moderating a forum shouldn’t be solely about the letter of the law. It should be about maintaining appropriate community values. Values like learning, fun and healthy debate. It’s hard to value learning when people tell falsehoods then refuse to be convinced otherwise, and it’s hard to value fun when anyone who has anything good to say is derided as a shill. Tolerance should have limits, and one of those limits should be that if you’re not going to agree to certain things, then you’re free to exist and speak your mind somewhere that isn’t here.

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Only narcissts do IQ testing on purpose.

From a medical perspective they get offered to troubled minds, sometimes.
So in this regard the OP could be right, lmao.

Ppl with very high IQ’s could struggle at school for example, mostly cuz they are overbored or have concentration issues.
Social issues are also quite common.

Ofc you can have a high IQ and no issues at all but then it’s very unlikely that it ever gets tested.


Ultimately, narcissism is a form of stupidity that IQ tests aren’t good at catching.

When I was growing up my mom, who was a narcissist, made me, who was one too at the time, take IQ tests. As in, she thought one might not give a reliable result, so she wanted a sample size of three. She only told me the median result, 143, while hers apparently was 147 which proved to her that she was intellectually superior.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Whiplash, my mom was basically JK Simmons’ character but female. She was the sort to save the info of a 4 point IQ gap specifically for the times when it could most sadistically be brought up. She didn’t overuse it, that’d just wear it out and make it banal.

I also did very well in standardized tests of all sorts. SAT, etc. Generally I’d see anything other than top percentile as a failure. As a teenager and as a young man, I cared a lot about how I had scored well.

But after living for 42 years and some change, my opinion of standardized tests is that they don’t measure intelligence very well. Or maybe there’s some important distinction between intelligence and wisdom, or something. But the point is that I don’t think I got smart in any relevant capacity until I was at least 30. Being able to pencil in the right bubbles doesn’t make you any kind of a genius.

It’s surprising how angry some of you guys get with a troll post. Guy can’t even muster up a single paragraph, just a series of high rambling he finds funny.

I just hope he lives in the states, we pay politicians very well for these sorts of rants.

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Exactly. It’s the other way around. Being genius allowes you to pencil in the right bubbles.

To be fair most of the people that use game forums regularly do have some mental issues no doubt, maybe even a diagnosis. Like minds attract each other, trolls and intellectuals alike.

As someone who also does/did well on standardized tests, I agree with this

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Even if the game is rigged you are still delusional to think you can read the pattern…especially knowing that the cards deck is a simple list that pulls a .choice from the list and removes it from the list…

Of course you can always make an algorithm that says if more than 5 wins: match against counter deck or if player > 5 wins: deck_list sort higher cards first in order to make you draw badly . But that cannot be proven even if it can be definitely seen in some scenarios after a streak of winnings.

One thing is sure… when the game wants you to lose… then you will… no matter how hard you try… unless your enemy makes a mistake… then you might win… but lose the next one in an absolutely impossible situtation… that is Hearthstone now… It is just impossible when enemy get everything in time in hand and you get nothing… not a single useable card in the current situation or can’t use it because need to defend non stop to survive to the next round…

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You know nothing on how random works at least how the method random works in computer programming…please refrain from posting stupid spewege.

Also can you post your evidence on how the game is not rigged ? You say you have it, I do not know whom “we” is but if you think you are multiple personalities that’s ok I guess, post the evidence please.

Do not call people deluded just because in your narrow minded vision a coin flip is random, it’s rude and you will just get banned from the forums.

Also you assume a lot, I am not like you to see blue and call it black just because in my head there is currently no light.

Scr0tieMcB knows better and thinks you are wrong. Even though most of us know how the algorithm works…Also he thinks everyone who stares at what he thinks is random and has any other kind of opinion that it is not, the case being that HS is and will not be ever random, are deluded…Dude thinks he has the solution in his eye sight and everyone else are just delusional .

He also most probably has some issues with his mom probably due to the fact that he actually did random who to love more.

scrotie is addicted to this forum. an addict will say anything just to get their stuff, which includes making stuff up on the daily

The problem is that, not just the card drawing is controlled in this game, but also the mechanics… and I know that because always building my own decks… not meta… It is really funny when always the worst mechanic outcome is happening when there is only 1 card which can be activated in the pool to ruin you in 1 second… and it happens too often to be “random” :smiley: … THIS is the time when I can realize I am in the must lose streak… there is no other explanation for that… this is the most disgusting way to stop progress of a player… The game is looking for mistakes in your deck and push it into your face when it wants you to lose… it is that simple. Just pay attention to your “luck” in a few matches one row :sunglasses:

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Okay, let’s test your eyesight then, hotshot.

Which of the following strings of 25 coin flips in order are random, and which are rigged? (All rigged strings use same algorithm. I ran these exactly once each, no cherry picking.)

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