I can always predict who the algo wants to win

You said you’ll do it on stream, so go ahead and link it.
Otherwise, spare us the bs. Nobody cares about your room temperature IQ.


Ironic post, that is ironically correct. I do that quite often. Indeed saves time.

No it’s not unless you can testify to the outcome of the conceded game through some unbeknownst way.

You do realise that’s actually the premise, right? I know it requires the reader to realise what people are replying to, but it is not that hard.

I was being sincere. I love conceding myself and having my opponents concede. Concessions for everyone!

Genuine post deserves genuine apology.

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Whatever makes you happy lol.

But I’d edit your post a bit, currently, it violates forum rules. At least 2 of them.

That’s fine. Whatever happens; happens.
Sorry, though. I didn’t mean to be rude. I don’t always think before replying.

A genius doesn’t actually tell others they are a genius that many times, while insulting the supposedly less intelligent.

Sounds like someone watched too many Scorpion episode re-runs on binge mode :wink:


Also, and I am genuinely curious about this, who actually takes an IQ test? I’ve never been offered one nor know why I would need it for anything

No you do not.


While I do not endorse the opinions reflected in this thread, I do endorse the right to express them. Flagging is so weak.

While the idea of self proclaimed genius is ridiculous so is the flagging. It shows both sides are very weak.

There are a couple names ITT that I am starting to think are the same account. While I do not regret my stance, it sucks when the people you stick up for are as deluded or worse than those who attack anyone who doesn’t follow in line like a good soldier.

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I’ve kinda been going back and forth on this lately. I will admit to flagging some posters sometimes, and probably going overboard occasionally in the past, but I would not have flagged this initial post. Even though it is obvious trolling, it’s also fairly amusing in it’s ridiculousness. I would not like the thread to be deleted, but I can’t really be angry at anyone who calls it what it is

It flagged for spam when it is not spam.
This is why my posts always get unflagged.
They need to start banning the REGULARS who do this brigading flagging.
Obviously it is one person with several accounts or several “REGULARS” who communicate with each other to get someone.
These REGULARS are probably the same ones on the WoW help forums that do the same thing.
Same style and method.
They live and breath the forums, it’s their dopamine hit. It seems their entire life revolves around the forums. Look at how many posts they have.
Its like trolls who are addicted to twitter waiting for the upvote. lol

The REGULARS on the WoW forums live and breath the forums and spend day and night terroizing people telling them they violated the COC and linking the rules.
The most bizarre thing about that is… telling someone they violated the COC is a COC violation.
I used to flag them for that and send tickets to Blizzard about it.


It’s kinda spam, kinda trolling, hard to pick one really lol

I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. I think it’s likely a handful of people who are tired of reading your frequent and very similar takes over and over.

I agree that social media is a source of dopamine and that I am guilty of using it that way myself. I deleted most of my other accounts, but that’s probably why I spend so much time on this forum. I have also been banned for short periods and had comments deleted, so I believe that the system is unfair and easily manipulated, so I try to keep that in mind when I do any flagging of my own.

They don’t have to read my posts. They can just move on if they see my name next to the thread.
Why do they care so much?

Agreed? There is no justification.

It’s like that meme with the guy all big mad saying “This thread makes me really angry, cry cry cry, why am I being forced to read this.”


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I do not know this meme. It sounds very funny

You will normally see it posted as a reply to someone on an image board website like 4chan or others when someone is in the thread crying about it.

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I have never been there. I have never heard good things

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Well, it has boards on everything from video games /v/ to literature and science.
I trade stocks and stock options, so I use the business and finance board quite often. /biz/

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