How to report someone in Hearthstone

Hi I was just harassed by a toxic player in a game of HS classic. I looked up how to report someone and came up with this page, which offers options for basically every game except Hearthstone.

What’s up with that? Is HS just the one blizzard property where toxic behavior is tolerated, or how am I supposed to understand this?

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First off I’ll say that no one deserves to get berated in this game and you are not alone in receiving the occasional unwanted friend request just to blast us for using a deck they didn’t like.

Now, that said. You don’t need to report them in HS. You do not have to accept friend requests from people and thus they can’t force their toxicity on people.

I truly understand how we might feel that punishing them with a ban or a reprimand would curb the behavior, but all it does it create more accounts. The mere fact that they will eventually run out of people to talk to makes it easier to bear.

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I never said anything about chat, they did not add me. From what I’ve read if they had, I would be able to report them no problem. No, they harassed me in the actual game, armoring up every turn and casting a shield block once but doing nothing else the entire game, and roping for the maximum possible duration every turn.

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That likely was a bot.

Beyond that there is no way in hearthstone to report beyond friending the person. You can try contacting support but you’ll probably just be given steps to do it in wow, which is what happened the last time I tried.

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Go to Contact Support and follow the steps as best you can. There’s seemingly no Code of Conduct for Hearthstone because interaction largely doesn’t exist. You can still file support tickets to report stuff like names or abusive behavior on the client and they’ll certainly field the ticket.

That just makes it all the more frustrating, and is all the more reason why there needs to be a report function ingame. Obviously if it’s a bot problem and the solution is to write an email and have a human maybe (probly not) do something, then nothing is ever going to happen on any sort of meaningful scale. There needs to be an automated system that gets triggered when a player receives a certain amount of reports that analyzes recent matches and hands out suspensions. Otherwise this is just gonna become a fact of the game.

This also implies that there are people out there deploying botnet resources specifically to ruin hearthstone players’ time. Which, idk, seems like something blizzard should maybe want to do something about? It’s at the point where 2 out of 3 days where I play HS I end up playing less than I wanted to and quitting in a sour mood because of an experience like this one.

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This is absurd…
@ax1m you can’t get someone ban over that…
?!$&*€£;? :laughing:

@ax1m bots however you can but make sure to take proof.


Of course not having a decent play but wanting to stay in the match isn’t a problem. Roping every turn then ending turn at the last second to avoid starting the next turn already on the rope is where it in my view crosses the line. They are literally doing as much as is possible within the confines of a game of hearthstone to ruin my fun, piss me off, and waste as much of my time as possible. I fail to see how that’s acceptable.

Tbh there shouldn’t even need to be a report button, it could be fully automated. Rope and last-second cancel is literally always toxic behavior. Could be auto detected and auto suspended after 3 strikes, nothing of value would be lost.

Just because Hearthstone is limited in its interaction to where they don’t also get the opportunity to hurl slurs at me while they’re doing it, doesn’t mean that shouldn’t be bannable. It’s called sportsmanship, and banning people for repeated unsportsmanlike conduct in an online game isn’t uncommon at all, unlike you seem to think.

I agree with that, however, it can happen to anybody…
I don’t like it either, but they have the right because you have the right to have the same time to play a card as they do… I’ve been down that road… I’ve gotten pretty red too… Nowadays when it seems someone is doing it to me I do it back… If they increase the timing of their plays I follow suite… No one’s cheating here… Sportsmanship… Maybe…maybe not because the time is the same 4 both players.


That’s not why they do it. People use bots to farm XP in order to progress further along the reward track.

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I would gladly forfeit that right. If I’m deliberately using my time to get on someones nerves and accomplish nothing else, I should get banned 100%. Also I want to be very clear that I’m only talking about rope then end turn. Rope then play a card last second is in my opinion always fine, there’s plausible deniability there. They could’ve just had a really hard time making up their mind between a number of possible plays. Been there, done that. There isn’t any of that with rope-then-end. It’s griefing, no ifs ands or butts.

Breathe friend… As some mentioned it may have been a bot. If so take screenshots… Video of your screen is better… Cover the name of players if you post it here…shaming someone will get you banned. So find the spot of Blizzard site and report and include the proof there.

I assumed as much, but why does it have to rope cancel? Wouldn’t it work just as well if it insta passed every turn or played a random playable card then passed, while being a lot less infuriating to play against? If so then yes, it is deliberately to ruin people fun. If not then that’s a horrid system that Blizz designed and put in their game and a great example for how perverse incentives ruin things.

That’s a really stupid state of affairs. Action like that is categorically incapable of even making a dent in a botting problem. So I guess the real answer is Blizz just doesn’t give a crap about botting in Hearthstone and isn’t going to do anything to deal with the problem except maybe in individual instances if I go out of my way to gather and spoonfeed them evidence that would be trivial for them to generate programatically.

Guess I won’t be coming back to Hearthstone after all. Shame.

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Nice. Victim blame. You know, ignoring toxicity means you’re part of the problem.


I encountered another bot just now. Basically every week I will have encountered one. Most of the time if I were playing aggro I will just concede. But if I were playing control and grinding up ladder it is really a pain. Blizzard knows this all along but they have no actions, not even plans to fix this.


A way to stop the armor up thing is put a max amount of armor you can have up at any one time. I mean some times I play a warrior who goes well beyond the amount of armor needed for the game, and all the cards in the world will not remove that much armor, plus blizz moved the remove armor card to wild.

Warrior armor needs a definite nerf to lower the amount a player can have at any one time.

Given that most defense-oriented Warrior decks (whether in Standard or Wild) perform worse than aggressive Warrior decks, I don’t think a nerf to armor gain (or limiting the max possible armor gain) is warranted.

It is not breaking the rules of the game. You are trying to force your personal preferences (forbidding someone to use all the time they can) onto others here, while demanding they do not force their personal preference (using all time available) onto you.
Either you are a big hippocrite, or jsut not smart enough to realise the irony.

What the literal *** is wrong with you @horatio. You think it’s NOT a problem when someone programs their game to just sit there and annoy you into quitting?

Yeah, I’m getting the same bot. It’s really *** stupid that we can’t report more easily. Blizzard is amping up their cosmetics to milk this game for everything, but they won’t put in basic safeguards.