How to report someone in Hearthstone


You are mixing 2 things together. Botting, and using all available time. Those are entire separate issues. And I never said botting is ok. Are you really that incompetent? It is not that hard to read what I wrote, you know.

Botting IS against the rules, and therefore it should be quite obvious I am not talking about that.
And for the record (especially for people like you): I want all the bots to be banned.

However, I have no issue with anyone using their full turn time, since it is not breaking the rules in any way. And I am not a snoflake, who gets bothered or offended by someone’s thinking. Or idling. Or hoping they make me concede. And that haven’t changed.

Also, why the thread necromancy? There is plenty of way newer bot threads here. Oh, right. I forgot. You don’t bother to read…


Not to bot they don’t. Botting is against the tos, and there should be a way to report it.

Botting. Is. Against. The. Tos. FULL. STOP!
There is no way around this, and those defending this are probably botters themselves.

There is no way…I do it every time, it’s like christmas for me. If Blizzard wants to annoy me with long annoying quests, I’ll annoy people by either roping them to madness, friend them and laugh at them, friend them and make fun of them, friend them and make them feel like trash…

It’s like a freaking holiday for me when someone friends me…And If I hit a streamer it’s even funnier, cuz he thinks that I would care cuz he is streaming and people can see my messages :))), which I don’t and it’s even more funnier to trash his stream.

And you know what’s even more funnier, that people think that I have no life , that I am a sad person and so one, which makes me laugh more while sipping on his tears and rage :))…This is literally the only think legit about HS, the fact that it doesn’t have a banning system, and yes they can add a report button, I will still rope you, still rope and hero power at the end of the turn, still rope you while emote you :))))), and while you are crying before your monitor or phone, remember that top players rope turn 1, so I am legit :smiley: and Acti@cr@p cannot do anything :slight_smile:

O P.s I am also getting XP for this so :)))

That’s not even bait, you just threw your pole into the water.

Another -censored- who is incapable of reading. I am talking purely about using all the time, nothing else.
Show, where exactly I talk about botting. Quote me! Or admit you are wrong. If you are man enough, that is.

I specifically said, for people like you, that all bots should be banned. But obviously, you can’t read, can you?

Using the fake “censored” to cover for profanity is against the TOS too. Along with trolling, flaming, etc. So there’s that.

So if you were actually against botting, you wouldn’t be against a report function being added, because it would have zero impact on you. Because you don’t bot. So any report filed would result in zero action taken…unless you were in fact griefing people. Which based on your actions here, it’s not going out on a limb to say is entirely likely.

Could you quote, where he was saying, he was against a report function? He was only talking about not mixing botting and taking your time.

I addressed this already:

That’s the crux of the issue: people are griefing people, in addition to the botters, and they don’t want to be caught up in whatever report system would theoretically implemented.

To tweak the bard: “the poster doth protest too much, methinks.”

So what would stop me from trolling everyone with a report if this function get’s implemented ? Except probably the head-ackes of someone at blizzard to try and solve the automatic bans that would come from frustrated people that report you for nothing.

Do you think someone will sit there taking all the reports and watching the game trying to deduce if it’s a bot or taking his time ? Or if the opponent trolled or just has a curious case of diareea and had to boot the game from phone while running to the bathroom ?

The censoring was real, not fake, and wasn’t censoring a profanity, but a medical term describing a fatal lack of intelligence.

I have never talked about reporting. You just know you were wrong, and trying to deflect, since you are not man enough to admit it.
As for the reporting itself, I don’t care. I have no need for it, and it doesn’t affect me.

I “grief” people by winning quickly. And I “grief” ropers by not caring about their roping. Because it is by far the worst thing you can do to them. Not being affected by their attempts. I’d say try to think about it, but by now, I am pretty sure you can’t.

Being a decent human? :wink:

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Why does having fun on others misery make me less than decent human…I am having fun, he should be proud that he makes me happy and cry some more.

You really need to read the tos some time. This is addressed in other games, so it’s not like they wouldn’t port that feature in here too.

They do it in every other game. Again, you really seem against this for some reason…got a vested interest in not having botting looked into?

The only ones who can do real censoring are the mods, and you aren’t one of them.

Still against coc.

Then don’t use it. Plain and simple. If it won’t impact you, then you won’t have a problem with it being added.

But you clearly have an issue, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, doing the exact thing you claim you aren’t doing.

You answered your own question there. There’s even a term for it. Look up: schadenfreude

Not really. However, trolling, which is what you are doing, is. It is obvious I was never talking about reporting issue. However, you are constantly bringing it up in relation to me. Which is a clear proof of trolling.

if you get enjoyment out of wasting peoples time or irritating them you are indeed a sad person, now go crawl back under you rock.

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Last I looked, trolling is not against the TOS. It is unfortunate and undesired, sure. But Trolls will troll and all you can do is choose how to handle it. Most people honor the signs that say don’t feed the trolls. In the case of HS its to just concede and move on to the next match. Sure you give them a win but eventually their matchmaking will put them against other bots and they can bot each other into oblivion.

Or you can not honor the signs and just play the game and see if you can pull off your combo you wanted to try out in a no risk scenario. You give them more xp the more turns you engage with them but at this point you’ve made the decision already.

Implementing a report system sounds fine on paper, but in reality it comes with more pitfalls than it solves any problems. if everyone decided to report all questline players as a way to try and get them all banned, that’d be problematic. Or One Turn Kill deck players, etc. The report system would create the opportunity for even more grief-ing and false accusations than it would to solve the roping bots issue.

Take the opportunity to either move on or play a non risky version of your deck. otherwise I’d suggest take a break and play battlegrounds for a match and come back when you might not be paired with a bot.

Getting around the language filters is. Which is your stated intent.

On the very thread whose sole purpose is “how to report someone.” You can’t et more disingenuous than this. Pointing out that your crude attempt to bypass the language filter and that you are apparently posting off topic (since you have now clearly indicated none of your posts have nothing to do with the actual thread topic) are not trolling. It really makes one wonder what you’re actually doing here, since it’s clearly not to discuss the actual thread topic.

It most definitely is, and you need to look more closely:

"C. License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

xi. Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:

  1. Disrupting or assisting in the disruption of any computer used to support the Platform or any Game environment. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE PLATFORM OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.

  2. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies."


Yes but roping is not disrupting the game in any way…It’s legit mechanic . Is it deliberate ? Who knows, this needs to be proved … How exactly can you prove that the player is roping intentionally since intentionally is subjective based on experience.

Oh come on now. We’ve all missed a turn, maybe two because we had to step away. But every turn, several games in a row? That’s a pattern, and one that easily falls under:

There’s another section that deals with abusing mechanics for improper means:

" Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein (also under section C):

ii. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;"

Since these individuals are often using clickers, and other scripts to achieve those ends, as well as prolonging the game to the point that many players concede out of frustration (see previous posted section about cheating above). That actiblizz fails to address this, one could reasonably show they are in breach of contract.