Hey there folks,
Our developers are currently investigating a UI issue and would like some help from the community to locate the problem. To do this, we’re gathering logs of players who were affected by this situation. The behavior we’ve had reported is the free deck for new and returning players selecting the wrong version despite your choice in the UI.
Edited by Blizzard: We no longer need logs of this problem as the underlying cause has been resolved. Thank you all for helping investigate the issue.
In any event, we appreciate the reports and anybody who takes time to help us investigate the problem.
Hello. I have tried to send you the log but the server said the file is too big. Let me know if i can still help out somehow 
We aren’t aware of any planned ways to return or swap the deck, and there’s no way for customer support to allow a swap or replacement of the deck at this time.
Well that is just great i wanted rogue but got warrior deck oh well.
It would not be an issue if i was not a f2p player i love rogue , does this mean i have to create a new account and abandon my old one?
I really hope you guys find a way to fix this unfortunate thing that happened to many players.
I also tried sending the logs, and I also got a reply stating that the e-mail was too large.
If the file is too big you can upload it to google drive or something similar and include a link in the e-mail.
Still not fixed. Great for a new player like me, really great.
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I sincerely hope Blizz will fix this soon. It seems I have to choose a deck before I can do anything else. And since I dont want a warrior deck the game is unplayable at the moment.
Please just fix this asap, I’m stuck on the free deck screen & can’t select anything except warrior. Game is unplayable at the moment.
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The were 2 issues:
We can click all deck’s icons. After click second icon, previous selecting is enabled too. After click next icon - three icons are enabled.
At begin result is empty. After click for example mag icon as first we have warrior deck - as result.
So, what I nedd to do? Confirm this warrior deck? Could I select free deck next time later?
DO NOT click accept until the bug is fixed, unless you really want the warrior deck.
You won’t be able to change it later & support can’t replace ur chosen deck.
Very THANK YOU for info. This info should be after starting Blizzard Client - on big *.jpg.
I see info, that free deck is disabled - this information is misleading.
Without fix this bug I cannot play, beacuse selection form with error starts after game start.
Literally cannot play the game without getting past this screen & I don’t want the warrior deck. Its been 5 days now please, this is not fun.
Well, too late for me, I didn’t noticed this, I just clicked on the Rogue icon and accept.
Then I saw the bug and searching for answers on the web.
By the way, it’s a bug from them, they will replace this deck, I don’t want the Warrior deck and most important I DIDN’T selected it.
I selected the Rogue Deck, I want the Rogue deck, that’s it.
Plus, I Already had the whole Warrior deck fully in my collection (except the legendary weapon I think, I’m not even sure about that, but they can delete this card, and this card only, if they want, no problem for me).
I don’t need it at all.
They fix it how they want but it’s deeply unfair to allow some players to chose their deck properly and some others players who can’t chose AND CAN’T play.
And trust me, they have tools to do it. They can and they will.
I won’t let it go until this injustice will be fixed.
Day 6 and counting #smallindiecompany
When is this being fixed. One bug yet so many days gone by without any update?
Just for reference, I noticed their is no UI bug on my android phone when selecting a free deck. But since this feature has been “disabled” for the moment, it can’t redeem your chosen deck. It lets you continue playing the game afterwards though. Not sure if a blue/dev is going to see this but thought I’d post it here anyways. Any update/feedback from Blizzard on the situation would be greatly appreciated thanks.
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Still not fixed, but new golden cards in the shop. That shows what is most important to Blizzard.
No problem Blizzard, there are some other cool card games without annoying bugs, that prevent new players from playing.
Free decks are disabled ONLY on Europe.
You can start a new account right now on NA or Asia, skip apprentice league and get a free deck immediately.
By skipping apprentice league you miss 23 classic packs and 8 expansions packs (2 packs of each expansion). Notice that when switching to Americas or Asia the [Free Deck Error] notification is gone.
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You only get 1 free deck “per account” and since I’m a returning player that has some cards on the EU region already this does not help me much. Thanks for the info though.
But why is this bug only affecting EU?? Like what the hell…
The UI bug is gone with patch 17.2.2 - THANK YOU BLIZZARD!!!
The EU region hasn’t re-activated the redeeming of the deck yet though… 
Waiting patiently for my chance to get the new mage deck, I just want to thank the devs/blue’s and anyone that was working on this issue for all your effort.
We new/returning players really appreciate it a lot & you guys/girls are awesome!
All the best for the Blizz team & stay safe everyone!