Free Deck for New and Returning Players

What the hell Blizzard?!? I haven’t played the game since Rastakan, so it was well over 1 year since last login and when I get into the game, I get no returning player quest or deck, just a bunch of balance updates from whole last year. The reward is a LIE!!!


or dust for to make a legendary .
i mean, its about helping the new players catch up which im not against, but we shouldnt be left with little reward for sticking with the game for so long.

with the new patch though i just received over 6k of dust , so in a sense because i had been with the game i for so long i received that much , but on the down side, i only received those because those cards were going from standard to wild. i dont care much on that side since i play exclusively wild.

still, i i get your point since there wasnt much reward for being a long time player.


Haven’t played for like 8 months before 17th, and after today’s update, no free desk was given…

Same thing for my son’s account, he hasn’t logged in to Hearthstone in at least 6 months or longer, logged in and had some quest thing to defeat 3 NPCs. He did it and…nothing. He got packs for defeating them but no deck.


My son always enjoy making those fish-fined minion sound effects in the game :slight_smile: , I hope both of us can play the ladder next year.

A blue post with some direction would be greatly appreciated, neither my established account with a couple years of inactivity or any new account I create rewards a free deck. I would love to get back into the game with this generous offer but the few games I’ve attempted have been essentially unwinnable as I am only going against established meta decks with the basic class and core set cards.

Hi there. I had this old account for playing Overwatch a couple of years ago and I never logged on to Hearthstone. On March 17 (Australian Eastern Standard Time) I logged on to Hearthstone, went through the whole tutorial thing and played Battlegrounds for a while. Does my account qualify as a new player? I think it does, but I didn’t get the free deck today.

how did you get your deck on pc?

i just updated the new patch from PC. Once i logged in the main acc and then it shows all those cards changes and then it popped up to let me to choose a deck right a way.

Yeah it didn’t work for me by logging into my secondary server which I hadn’t been on for atleast 6 months, but whatever /shrug

is it below rank 25? my main acc can get new deck, this new acc cannot

Isn’t this an easy solution to those who complain it’s unfair? Stop playing for 4 months then log in again. I’m trying this on my alternate account lol. Starting today (can’t recalled if I played yesterday but just to be safe, I’d log in again on 27 July).

I don’t play on the alternate account much so it’s pretty much sucky cards, so to have one of these cool decks is really nice!

Btw which of these new decks are the best? The mage one attracts me…

Mage giving you all the highlander legendaries seems like the best deal if you don’t have any of those.
The rogue deck is the 2nd best in terms of giving you the best expensive cards.

They are all pretty good decks though, I like the warrior one

Yes if your account is still at Rank 50-26, you need to get to Rank 25 to get your deck.

Idk he brings up a good point. Theres no reason blizzard couldnt reward the whole community for being loyal and introduce a program like this for everyone. It would bring new players in and keep people who spend money on the game but aren’t “whales” happy. Its the start of a new set, it might even help their bottom line if people have a fleshed out collection and several classes they’re trying to build.

That said I really like what the team has been doing with the last few sets.

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You know that is a good point. I got about 2k more dust than someone who hadnt played since rasta.

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I also logged in to my secondary server (EU) which I havent used for the past 6 months or so and I got nothing. Does the game give new decks to players alt accounts in different servers?

They’ve adopted the Comcast way of life.


Just wondering if I wait for 4 months, meaning I’m not logging in from now on on my alternate account, will I lose any free cards, HoF dust or and good stuff?