Free Deck for New and Returning Players

Wait, so people get what i paid for for free. Exp cards and free decks. What about community who play all the time? pat in the back and laugh it off ?


I played a ton from beta thru TGT and was planning to jump back in for this expansion but I just played a couple Arena runs a few weeks ago. I’ve gotten very few cards since 2017 so I’m at a huge disadvantage if I join back in constructed now. What an absolute bummer.


wow…such a mistake from their side…yes those 20% will log in and collect their new cards. Cool move. So rest of 80%…lets quit for 4 months and lets see how game runs with those 20% who just had their stuff?
im keen to leave the game for this period of time…getting sad murlocs anyway…so whats the point to play?;p


Someone suggested, to make an option to buy one of the free deck recipies for like a 1000 gold or so.

I think this is a nice idea, would still be good for new players and existing players to.


I didn’t play from May 2018 and I logged just today, still I didn’t receive any pack…is it take some time to receive free pack?

Just realised this may not work. Blizzard said people who qualify are those whose last login are before 11/18/2019.

So if you log on after that, you won’t get it even if you didn’t log on for the next 4 months - is this correct?

Can anyone confirm?

Hey guys
I haven’t had this game installed in a long time (more than 4 months at least) and when i decided to download the game because of this “free deck” i didnt get any. I completed the quest with young Ilidan as a mage, but i didnt get anything?
Please help

Highlander mage for free? Lol I dusted sooo many cards to afford it.

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Marketing part of Hearthstone doesn’t care about You whining. You won’t get the decks You want if You played a lot. I wish it wasn’t like that… but what can You do?
You would need a lot of people to complain about this. I hope that You win this fight. I think this is more unfair to people that started and spend some money just before this went live.

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You have to win three games, play 25 cards and deal 100 damage.

So… screw loyal players I guess. Never mind the fact they may have spent a over a month when they first started playing to make a decent deck.


I haven’t got in years what you are giving away in a day to new players… for free.

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Jesus… this is so wtf. Look at the cards they’re giving for free for people who doesn’t even play their game…


Pretty sure I made my new account after the 17th of March, what rank do I need to reach to get out of this “new player status”? Rank 25?

My main server is NA. Earlier this month/end of last month I created a eu and Asia account around the same time. EU is rank 21 and Asia is rank 24. Why did I only get a “free deck option” on my Asia account when I logged in?

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Have no idea what the decks are, probably overpowered ones to make the new/returning players feel like gods.

Otherwise they are going to play a couple of games in casual, face palm and then uninstall forever.

The only credibility this game has is as a card collection, trying to play it in the state it is with rote play decks and ridiculous board filling minions is tantamount to chewing on broken glass.

The appalling players I come across in bottom feeder casual where I must - deliberately - lose 80% of the time makes my mind boggle at what the ‘good’ players must be like.

It is past the point where I can even face just getting the dailies done the opponents I face are so overpowered.

You realise how ridiculous you sound?
Losing 80% of the time on purpose to “bottom feeder casual” players?

A long time ago, people offered to help you with deckbuilding, getting into the game and up the ranks. And pretty much all offers to help you were ignored by you, Halo572, and you continue to go about on the forums with your resigned attitude.

I will offer you this, since I know you play on EU. I will go on EU, daily for one week, and get you to at least Rank 10, while also going through knowledge you can use to teach yourself in the future, when cards and decks change. Because it’s easy to just offer you an “overpowered” deck, but that doesn’t teach you anything about why cards are good or what they do in a deck.

Unfortunately my main region is NA, so I cannot just stay committed on EU forever.

You say you get all the commons/rares each expansion. That is all you need really until you get much higher up the ranked ladder. And as for someone who says they never got past 18, well there’s a lot of room to improve there.

So there’s my offer.

It’s up to you really.


So what you’re saying is, quit the game and come back for free cards?

I realize that they want to attract players, but that’s a very large monetary equivalence. Look at all of the new legendaries, and some that I have not been able to craft the entire expansion because I didn’t have enough to do it.

That’s several hundred dollars worth of cards!!

I am in the same situation, started playing around 7 March and I just recently graduated from the new player ranks. We could really use a good deck. It’s unfair that someone who creates an account now will have a better deck than us. And I did all the daily quests, I bought the starter package and I only have a few legendaries. So unfair and discriminatory.