Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

Same thing. Seems a lot of people are having this issue, see this post for additional folks having the same problem.

same thing happened here. I was playing patches. I had huge pirates. golden salty, golden amalgamadon, golden eliza, golden ripsnarl. and somehow i was forced to second place. so frustrating. why is that?

The bug has struck again, I was playing as A. F. Kay with a pretty decent Element comp going had just defeated the person who was in 3rd place and heading back to the tavern when it decides you came in 2nd.

Now I normally shrug things off but this happening when trying super hard to get Iā€™m guessing one of the hardest 2 BG achievements: brb & Idol Idol as A. F. Kay it really sucks.

Edit: Not sure if this helps much but my last minion standing was Amalgadon which let me finish the person off in 3rd. I would have faced Mr. Bigglesworth whom I know I would have been able to beat.

Just experienced this bug playing as George. Final 3, I lost a round against the 2nd place player and was queued to play him again, finding that odd. I managed to win the next two rounds and ended with a 2nd place finish with Millhouse stuck in 1st for the last 3 rounds playing against neither of the active players.

Same issue here. Given 2nd place after defeating all other active players in the lobby. Sir Finley stuck in 1st.

Blizzard, when will you fix this issue? Itā€™s been around for a month and it is a problem for a lot of people. :frowning_face:
I am experiencing this issue quite often as well. Just happened to me again.

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Same thingā€¦ 3 players, I beat the guy in second. Never played the guy in first, game ended without ever playing the last match. Seems like there is a pretty big bug in the win condition logic. Iā€™ll add that I was also on Desktop at the top (Iā€™ve havenā€™t had this happen in mobile yet)

Similar issue just happened to me i never play the player on the 1rst place and when i defeated the 3rd player in game i got 2nd place (two of us left) without final battle. Got this on Android phone.

Same. I was third, beat the person in second, and was given 2nd before the tavern. Person in first was tavern tier 2 with 36 health left.

Same :weary: just now. Not pleased.

Same againā€¦ Can finally Blizz do something, we raise this about a month now

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Guy was named Boss, he was Barov, DCā€™ed in first round, won with full HPā€¦

I got the same thing twice now, and hereā€™s what I noticed:
What happens is someone picks Zephrys, and another picks Aranna. The Zephrys then becomes AFK. Throughout the game it will say they ONLY fought Aranna, took 10 damage each time. BUT their health is permanently at 30, they never leave level 1, never have a streak, never have any triples, and NEVER even have a single card! When you get to the end of the game (as I did, and have screenshots of) if Zephrys is still present the game will just end - youā€™ll never get to fight him, and heā€™ll automatically get 1st place. If Aranna is still around at this point, she will automatically get 2nd and you cannot face her either.

Again this has happened to me now twice with the same exact scenario and same characters

Just happened to me either. An A.F.Kah player who was frozen at 32health and never went down. Tavern 1 the whole time, always shown facing the same opponent (rafaam) and taking the same amount of damage.
When I got to face the afk there was no minion, was shown as kel thuzad etcā€¦
And in the end after beating the rafaam I got granted 2nd place without fighting for the first one.

Happened to me again!
beat the 3rd place and was about to go up to face the leader who was still tier 1 about turn 11-12, but instead I insta ended as 2nd place.

It is happening to me almost every game now!

It is quite annoying ā€¦ this is happening to me as well. Could it be a perk of some kind?
Edit: Or maybe the game is calculating the results even before the battle has started and if there is absolutely no chance for a win it saves time :slight_smile: ?

Almost a month here and not a SINGLE response from anyone official. SAME OLD BLIZZā€¦ I guess somethings NEVER change

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Same thing just happened to me and came here to report. Blizzard not even going to comment on this?

totally, it happened like 3-4 times to me too. Always when i was fighting for an achievement and due to this ā€¦ bug I did not reach it. Icannot write down how annoying that is.
If u need any info how we could help on fixing it, just say so, but pls do sth. It is not a secondary issue!