1st place, but 2nd place in battlegrounds

One to one problem, like mine, I wanted to contact the support service, but they told me to write to the forum, so I note that I also encountered this problem

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And I think if this is a problem of the game, then fix and return the points, and if the players of the program, then ban

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it happened to me twice: in december and yestarday.

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I got the same Problem for 2 time now -.-
I don’t know if I get the points the for 2nd place or for 1st.
I’m also don’t understand the system.
Sometimes I’m 6th place and get 30+ points and next match I’m 4th and get 5- points -.-

Got screwed by this twice now while playing with some very hard heroes. I’m trying to get the first place achievements for all heroes and this is very exhausting to play against…

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Exact same thing happened to me. I fought him twice and ‘killed him’ both times, but when I killed the first place guy Patches was still dc’d or alive/also a ghost at the same time and he won the whole thing. Kinda sucks that you’ve added achievements that can be taken away or cheesed by doing some stupid DC nonsense.

I just had the same issue, finished first but got second place, one player was bugged the entire game: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/kxyler/finished_first_in_battlegrounds_but_got_second/

Same happened to me today as George the Fallen. After winning my last battle I was placed as 2nd, Nozdormu was first, but I never played against him.

Still an issue. Missed on Sir Mirgl achievement.

Player dc’ed turn 3 or 4 and ended up winning the entire lobby. Could never played him. Cost me points and achievement

I wish they would fix this already, it happens way too often. Probably at least 1-2 times per day for me. Missed so many achievements (and just wasted my time) because of it.

Same issue here. I was playing my last battlegrounds game as Captain Hooktusk. When semi-final finished and I beat my opponent, the game skipped final round straight and gave me second place directly. Was confident to win as 1st but was not even given the chance! This bug really hurts player experience especially when it comes to achievements. Please fix!

Exact same thing happened to me just now. Played against N’Zoth early in the game and he showed as DC’d. Never leveled past 1 on my screen. It never registered that I did any damage to him though I did. It showed him as first place the entire game. I faced against the only other remaining opponent 3 or 4 consecutive times in the final (Milificent) until I finally killed her (as Rag). Gave me second place without ever facing N’Zoth.

Blizzard needs to fix their shi*t.

Yup just lost my first place Eudora run from this, so stupid Blizzard still hasn’t fixed this garbage…

This is still happening…

I guess… I had this issue almost everytime more than a month ago. Since then it’s been fixed for myself anyway, or I just haven’t come across it and they are proactively taking steps to correct this which can be seen in much fewer instances of it happening. I’m handicapped from lag usually mid-late game in battlegrounds so when you still snag a win and it gets snagged from you… oh man lol

I just had something similar happen but, instead if me getting first, I never got to play the person in 1st and it just ended with me in 2nd. Was really odd.

Me to this evening, no way to have the right reward?

Just happened to me. Would have been my only first place finish on C’thun. Player afk and never fought anyone after the first few rounds. Very frustrating.

happened multiple times to me, very frustrating when trying to get achievements