Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

Same here issue :frowning: Hope for a fix soon.

I just had this happen twice in a row. This has been going on for some time, but I wanted to post my frustration as missing out on two first-place achievements made me a bit salty.

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I gotta join with my 2 cases of this bug. Behavior is same: 3 players left, 1 dcs/leaves, then he again appears as active and you get 2nd place. Both times i had 100% 1st place. And its super annoying since i dont play that much and i always pick heroes i didnt get first place with, so basicly i missed 2 achievements due to bug. In WoW when such things happened blizzard used to grant achievements upon resolving the issue. Hope this will happen in this case also.

Second time this has happened for me too. In searching, this seems to be a known issue for several weeks now. Hope to see a solution soon.

Exactly the same happened to me. Europe server.

This has been happening for weeks now and appears to be getting worse. It happened to me 3 times today. Really disappointing to see that it’s obviously a known and wide spread bug that has gone unfixed for almost a month.

Just happened to me. A guy appeared to have quit in the early rounds, and yet he never lost health for the rest of the game. It also showed him as playing the Elise player every round, even after the round I faced him when he was a ghost and I won as he had no board (I think he quit turn 1).

I only lost 27 points for coming in 7th though, and while it’s possible that I was just playing in a higher MMR range, that feels more like what I lose if I did come in 6th (even in a higher MMR range). So it’s possible it’s a visual bug and not affecting MMR/placement–in other words, if you come in 3rd with a guy that has this bug, you really get what you would have gotten for coming in 2nd? No idea. Only losing 27 for 7th seems pretty unusual though.

This is at around 7100.

Not that Blizz seem to be paying attention but just happened to me

Same thing happened to me twice. Was about to get by first win with the hero too. :frowning:

Same thing happened here, was in second place with 3 people left. Fought the ressurected player and won while the first place knocked out the other guy. Instead of going to the tavern i was just greeted with the second place message. Had 9 health left i think

This bug is still happening, more and more often. Please do something!

I get this about once every 6 games, and it’s a nightmare. Uninstalling the app now for a few months til it’s fixed (if they bother to fix it). It’s pointless playing.

This is truly pathetic. The @#$@ are they doing?

Had the same issue right now very very annoying…

is it a cheat i wonder?

Same thing happened to me!!! Blizzard seem to have introduced insane bug

I could see an improvement there since last update : finished third with two ghosts for the first time :slight_smile:

Same here being 2, i eliminated the 3rd, then i got eliminated.

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I have had the same thing happen to me on a run that would earn some of the harder achievements such as the one involving akazamzarak triggering iceblock before winning. I have tried submitting a ticket to customer support but they just suggest to post a bug report here. So far it has happened to me 3 times most recently today. I managed to record the last minute or so of gameplay and would love to share it with the blizzard team if it would help. Because of the bug the achievement does not trigger and it is very frustrating and difficult to find the hero again and then win. As mentioned above I have a video that exceeds the 15mb limit on file submission but would love to somehow provide that too you if I can. thanks :slight_smile:

This just happened to me. I believe battlegrounds had an AFK George win. Just hope it’s not something that’s being exploited.

this also happened to me the other day. had an afk/conceded player stay on top. I defeated the player in 3rd and it said I finished 2nd with the other player in “First place”. But I think my First place counter went up anyways but im not positive of that