Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

Now the same thing happened to me that the guys reported above :confused:

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Hello there is a bug in the game. There were 3 players left in the game, 1 was Kelā€™Thuzad and I won the final game against the other player, but stayed in second place. If necessary, I will attach a photo. I would be grateful if you could give me the No. 1 Reno achievement.

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Yep this happened to me as wellā€¦ after a long battle clawing my way back from 8th place I win the semi final match just gi be given a 2nd place. So frustrating as I had beaten the first place player 2 battles ago and was looking forward to seeing if I managed to get the 1st place win

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Can confirm this is still an issue. Kinda tired of taking 2nd to people who have sold off their minions and quit. Are there ANY responses from Blizzard on this issue?

I was able to capture a couple of images, but donā€™t see how to post them.

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I never really post on the forums, but this issue is getting out of hand. Happened twice in the last hour.


Did happen to me just now, around 23.30 on EU-Server. I did beat Patches (Pirates) with Rafaam (Menagerie) and it would have been 1 on 1 against Reno (Pirates). I was kinda happy thanks to my strong board and then the 2nd Place showed up. So still no 1st Place Rafaam achievement for me :frowning:

Just happened to me. Won the last battle against the 3th player with 4 players still being alive. Ended up being second without actually going below 1 hp

Hi! The same thing happened to me around10 minutes ago. I was playing a game of battlegrounds as Yā€™shaarj and doing very well. A player, Jandice, disconnected very early into the game, but instead of going to the bottom of the lobby she stayed at the top due to her health percentage still being close to 90%. I finished the game by beating the last person, Rafaam, but since the lobby was bugged it only gave me second place with the disconnected Jandice in first! I got 300 points for my rank, which is good, but I did not get the final achievement of ā€œRage your Dreamā€ since it did not consider that I got first place. Honestly, I felt like I got robbed by a bug and I just want the achievement.

Happened to me just now as well. There were 3 people left, but I got to face the same guy twice in a row. I knocked him out, then I was given a second-place finish. I did however get as many points as I would have for first place.

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I just faced the same exact problem. Iā€™ve seen it many many times, but this is the first time I ran all the way to ā€œsecond placeā€ with the buggy ghost in playā€¦ I definitely should have came in first. And I probably wouldnā€™t have cared so much but now thereā€™s achievements for coming in first place with every hero so it kinda grinds my gears. Iā€™ve been playing the game since itā€™s release, and 1st place wins arenā€™t exactly easy to come by (I have 112 and Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ve played close to 1500 games)

It took a while to find this post. Blizzard doesnā€™t seem to give an F

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Hey there,
I faced the same Problem twice! The 300 Poits come in handy but the missed achievement sucks. Gonna try again ^^.

I got an answer from the support. They said quality assurance has to take a look at it and fix the bug.
Lets hope it wonā€™t happen again.

Forced 3rd this time, I have a screenshot that shows me hitting ā€œPseudo 1st Placeā€ over and over for 23.


Yesterday I played as Nozdormu in the battlegrounds and finished the run in first place. There was a bug in which a defeated hero still appeared in the lobby until the end. So after I defeated the last legit player I had the surprise to appear as second place on the results. Please fix this bug as I missed the 1st place achievement with Nozdormu. The scoring seemed to work since I got 101 points.

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Hello, same happened to me just now. Iā€™ve been fighting for Khaelā€™thas 1st place achievment for days and now when I got it, the game just said 2nd place, and no achievmentā€¦

Very annoying, blizzard give me the achievment in the next update pls. I wont play this game till the fix for no reasonā€¦ Im fighting all day for a specific achievment and when I got it this happensā€¦

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Hi, just had the same issue. Finally beating the guy in third place, and then automatically assigned 2nd place without ever even getting to fight against the guy in first place.

He wasnā€™t even in the game anymore, but for some reason got assigned first place, instead of being placed at the bottom of the lobby.

Iā€™m glad I already had the Alā€™Akir 1st place achievement, but lost an extra first place in stats because of this bug

This sounds like we wont get our achievement which we lost to the bug :frowning:

They should give us the achievmentsā€¦ we are not fighting months for a specific achievment to not get it properly when we shouldā€¦ no reason to play the game thenā€¦ Imagine how much time it takes to get 1st place with Khaelā€™thasā€¦ about 8% to play with him, another 8% to win the game, so its about 0,64% per game to get the achievmentā€¦ calculating with 15 minutes per game (when you win it could be much more) itā€™s around 150*15=2250 minutes which is 37,5 hoursā€¦ I wont play full time heartstone for a week to get this achievment againā€¦ So blizzard should check these games carefully and give everyone the achievmentsā€¦

Had the same like 5mn ago

Just had this same but myself as J Barov with a full board of poisonous murlocs with beefy stats 1 with divine shield windfury and had 30 hp. (Next to no chance I was going to lose the next fight) Forced me 2nd place after defeating 3rd place. Shame to see no blue replies in this topic is there a linked topic elsewhere?

I wanna see a blue post as well, this is the biggest bug in Blizzardā€™s historyā€¦ I dont remember anything game-changing like thisā€¦ I literally dont play the game nowā€¦ no reason to fight for achievments this wayā€¦