Dust refund Ci'Gigi please

It is the first a card is outright worse by itself but it does not matter because some random interaction got better.

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outcast isnt so random and bartendobot needed better targets
i pulled a signautre cigi and i played it a lot

im getting cards from it more often after the change

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Again. Pointing interactions with other cards can be done all day.

Anyone using this method Just entered a slipery slope where anything can be called anything.

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Whatever happened to the Outcast mechanic anyway? It was the fun part of playing DH to get the right hand setup to pull off interesting turns. It’s like they forgot that is what the DH was built around.

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Because the best way to build with outcast is making the lower curve as possible.

It is a solved puzzle.

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That’s not true. Some of the best outcast cards were high cost cards. Not to mention combo decks that existed playing all kinds of different cost cards.

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are the chances for duplicates low because i havent seen a single one yet

how often did it happen for you?

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Anyway it seems its the only thing worth having a discussion around(Hunter is also talking about the Egg change) given how uneventful this balance changes have been.

Im just glad its not only Mage anymore ,feels good to see people lose their minds when just 2 weeks ago they were singing a different tune.

Heres hoping Blizzard continues to do this kinds of “buffs” to other classes, i could use the laughs.

If you believe my logic is flawed, by all means, point out where. Or continue to be childish and unproductive; what am I gonna do about it?

Oh, forget about it, you wouldn´t understand anyway. Better go to make another “I WIN card” thread with “funny” mispelled words in it…

That’s a strawman. I believe the best players in the game combine both netdecking and homebrewing; they never do only 1 or the other; they are always sharping their skill on both. They are always on the lookout for the best decks currently played; they are always looking for advice and their own insight on what new cards to use to become better than others; it’s inevitable that they know how to build as well because it’s an inevitable intuition if you understand deeply the …cards.

I feel like the refund should apply when a card is modified.
I’m tired of being dictated what a modification means… a nerf or a buff, i will decide for my own and i want my dust if a card is modified. Period.


The card needs PhD level mental gymnastics to call it nerfed so a refund is not absurd to be denied. That’s not the problem with the card. It’s just still bad; most of the cards it produces are bad; one of them even has higher cost than the Standard card (lol).

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In this case, there are definitely pros and cons.

Battlecries (and Outcast) are faster than Deathrattle. Obviously that is a buff.
+1 Health. Makes it a little harder to kill, but also slows its deathrattle. Meh.

1 - Outcast is conditional. However, that is mitigated by the nature of the effect: Adding resources to your hand is something you probably want to do when your hand is empty, particularly as those resources will be random. Therefore, its a nice card to have when you run out of cards in hand, so Outcast isn’t a problem.

2 - You can get duplicates of the same card. Even though it may be a “good” card, its generally better to have 2 different options than 2 copies of a “good” card. However, the card pool is huge, as any DH card can be generated (currently 84 cards in standard format), so the chances of duplicates being generated are very low.

The pros are very clear positives, and the cons are unlikely to have much effect. Overall, I’d say it is now a better card than it used to be.


On the other hand, Mystery Egg is absolutely a nerf. Sure, its 1 mana cheaper, but it can no longer generate 0 mana copies of Princess Huhuran and Tundra Rhino.

If Mystery Egg needed a buff in Standard, why should its effect be nerfed?
This is a nerf directed at wild format. Refund, please…

BTW, there are a lot of cards in wild that enable OTKs, and two of those just got nerfed (Mystery Egg and Apprentice Sorcerer). Not sure why those cards were singled out, sure they deserve to be nerfed, but so do many others.

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If that were the case, we would probably never see cards get buffed. Why bother buffing old cards when you can just create new cards that power creep older versions? That way we end up buying new cards every expansion that are simply power crept versions of older cards.

However, if they choose to “buff” a card, it should be a clear buff, and not a buff/nerf mixture.

Case in point: Mystery Egg. If this card needed a buff in standard (which it didn’t), why nerf its effect? This is clearly a nerf directed at wild.

Replying to self… The first time I used this card, I got 2 copies of Imprisoned Antean from the Battlecry/ Outcast effects.


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Ci’Cigi generates 3 cards from an 11-card pool of ORIGINAL Demon Hunter cards


If the card got so good after the buff why would i refund it?

Offer refund is giving each player agency over what is in fact a good change or not.
With is only fair considering people have no say about what will be change of not.


Thanks, I did not know that, and of course it explains how I got 2 copies of Glaivebound Adept in another game.

Anyhoo, I just checked in my collection and it lists all the cards it can generate.

So yeah. With only an 11 card pool, its quite a significant issue.

I guess that’s what it means by “first edition cards in mint condition”. I’d have preferred a better description, but whatever.

Anyhoo… hearthstone wiki explains why these cards were chosen, and it finally makes sense: the “first edition” cards are as they existed prior to being nerfed.

  • Ci’Cigi generates 3 cards from a 11-card pool of Demon Hunter cards.
    • These cards are special versions of Demon Hunter cards that were nerfed from the [Legacy], [Demon Hunter Initiate], and [Ashes of Outland] sets.
    • All cards appear exactly how they were when [Patch] launched, with all later nerfs or buffs reverted.
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And there it is. No less than I expected. You had the chance to be better and you blew it. Oh well :person_shrugging:

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