Dust refund Ci'Gigi please

It’s legitimately a far worse card then it was before I don’t know how you did this.

Can we get dust refund status or revert the “”“buff”“” please?


Are you really unaware, there are silences and steals? Do we play the same game?

i am legit more scared of it now than i was before

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Cannot remember the last time I’ve seen a silence in standard.

It has outcast (hard to get value out of), still gives shtty cards, still costs 4, just ugh


The cards are actually on average quite strong. The only card I hated getting was skull of gul’dan because my deck was more midrange.

Warglaives are absolutely bonkers with going down swinging.

And with the new way of being worded, you can now get multiples of the better cards due to it being 3 separate triggers rather than 3 all at once. (Although this hurts the consistency of getting warglaives)

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they dont refund buffs


Play more I guess? Also I’m sure you don’t play handbuff paladin, since they’d keep stealing your Amituses left and right.

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you can tutor it now

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Got a particular deck in mind?

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no but being able to search it with bartendo bot made cigi a lot better

maybe a deck cigi few outcast in it im guessing a deck with just paraglide *2 +cigi?


It still has the same Deathrattle effect as before, but now it also gives you cards on Battlecry and Outcast.

If you think this is a nerf, please do consider the fact that you might be the only player to include Ci’Cigi in a deck that relies on tutoring a specific Outcast card. A buff to a card that nerfs your very specifically constructed deck is still a buff to that card for everyone else.

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it gave all 3 on deathrattle, now it only gives 1

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if you can’t

a) play this from hand
b) from left-most or right-most slot

it’s less of the bad cards than you got before. No, 1 health does not change the fact that this gives less resources and like Smeet says, you can actually get duplicates now which sucks even harder.

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It’s a rebalance.

Instead of getting 3 different cards on deathrattle, you now get 1 on battlecry, 1 on outcast, and 1 on deathrattle, and because they are different triggers, you could get duplicates.

It’s less synergistic with the recycling card for deathrattles now though.

But you get some more immediately, and it’s no longer as disruptable once on board.

Overall, the card quality of what she generates are fine though. They are just more midrange, which DH isn’t really focused on right now.

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Can you clarify what you consider a nerf?

I see it got a stat boost, immediate impact, and more ways to be drawn from the deck with certain cards. So, where’s the nerf?


Good point. I was thinking deathrattles; but that class probably has better support for outcast; it’s very reliable with that tutor.

And it’s not Perils so you can’t Shaman (edit: I mean with tourist).


what do you mean?
paraglide is a DH outcast card

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If they didn’t give a refund for Tsunami (which was literally nerfed and buffed at the same time, changed significantly but not even sniffed getting a refund merely offered) then I don’t see them giving refunds anymore for cards even when refunds are in order.


Deathrattles are significantly worse than battlecries. The outcast part makes it a little questionable and context-dependent, but it’s compensated by the fact you can now easily tutor this, discover it and randomly generate it. Even just dropping a 4/4 for a good card now and another good card later is a worthwhile play, let alone 2 good cards now and 1 later.

You would pretty much never see this card played ever for any reason before. Now I guarantee you will see it played, if only simply because it will now be discovered and generated often. That instantly turns a failed legendary into a legendary that people play with. It’s a buff and a smart way to fix a design failure.


It’s not - it’s a sidegrade. It’s better in some ways and worse in others.

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