Dust refund Ci'Gigi please

The refund is coming on the same day the refund for Tsunami.


I mean Cigi is not from Perlis so you can’t tourist it from Shaman.


try to troll better next time

It was a typo, your majesty. The fact you had the delusion a neutral comment on deck design was trolling says more about how you behave than anyone else.


I disenchanted Maestra and got only 400 dust

Since when do you get full value only for nerfs, and not changes in general?

It wasn’t like that before

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My dude you only ever got full dust for nerfs. Lay off the booze it is destroying your mind lol


Tbf, I don’t recall when’s the last time I saw something buffed, so xD


Listen to him this is the voice of experience talking lmao.



What i said when people started talking me to shut up about tsunami?
Just wait that the “buff” season has begun.

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about tsunami how often did you play it for the full cost ?

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The thing I never get is…say a card is changed, and people say it’s a buff, and others say it’s a nerf…why not err on the side of giving the refund offer? To those who think it was a buff, great! Keep the card. And those who think it was a nerf, great! Dust the card. Idk why Blizz rejects this sound logic that makes everyone happy (I mean I guess it’s because cards you craft for full price when they are one way and not allowing you to get a refund means you’ve basically been screwed. Which means you’re out X amount of dust/gold/money, which is good for them in some way I guess? Idk)


That´s because noone in Blizz reach your level of IQ (genius level for those who don´t know). You really should apply for a job to show that clowns how it should be done! You have my support, go for it!

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It really does not matter.

The precedent is now open to blizzard say any card change is whatever they want it to be and be sure they will.

While cards exist in context the mere idea that buffs or nerfs depend of it makes virtually any change able to be anything.

I could say the doomkin change is a buff because it got more status and can be played in odd decks now.

This is the type of BS blizzard is now allowed to pull and is already doing.
Or anyone here thinks that they Will always play this DH card with outcast ?

In the end of the day ANY and i say ANY change to ANY card should warrant dust refund by the simple fact that they’re altering a product after release.
But thanks to this type of dumb interpretation here we are now in a situation that blizzard basically refunds whatever they want.

For anyone Reading this that still disagree:
I hope someday they Destroy a deck you play and call it a buff so you not even get the damm dust refund.



Of all the mistakes they’ve done and will be doing, this one is the closest to the slap in the face to everyone

Truly disgusting.

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If they refunded them all, how are they going to make sweet money, with selling more packs?

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Technically speaking, this isn’t really a “precedent” thing. The precedent circa the mid-90’s has been that the end user owns literally nothing and is only conditionally granted temporary access points that can be unilaterally revoked at any time without any prior notice, nor even so much as a post-shutdown apology.

I agree with how it’s wrong that they’re not giving dust refunds. I disagree that it’s a “new or novel” problem though. One should have expected this for approximately two decades.

Not sure why some Americans like to advertise that they are SOLIDIFIED in an Economic Dictatorship.
The EU is having regulations against predatory practices against customers for example.
In fact I’m sure the US has politicians working for that too so I don’t get the defeatism.

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And I’m not sure why you think netdeckers are intellectually bankrupt, but sometimes life is just a mystery.

Yes, and the EU also allowed Britain to “exit” because of an ineffectual old white dude needed a distraction from how the queen was dying. Sometimes, real world politics just doesn’t make sense.

I’m sure tomorrow we’re going to experience a world-wide utopian reform because you made a sarcastic rebuttal on the HS forums.

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This is not a predatory practice, technically speaking

  1. they’re right, context matters, so they got themselves covered. Perspective matters, as well.
  2. You can’t buy a single card for it to be predatory. You can get it randomly, or craft it using in-game currency which can be freely earned, so that’s not strictly marketing gambling.
  3. It’s not gambling.

Can’t possibly compare that to cs go boxes or I don’t know what else has been going on around

But all those facts only make this move even more disgusting xD And not only that - it’s a sign of weakness.

You don’t wanna show such weakness in front of your customers. Now we know they’re not doing good (in case we missed all the other signals xD)

Having to resort to tricks like these is not sending a confident message in line with what they’ve been telling us these last few months or so

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this isnt the first time they buff cards and no refunds for buffs been a thing since the first patch including them

and playing cigi with outcast isnt that hard

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