Duels Runs Coming to an End

I’m pretty much a duels-only hearthstone player. I typically don’t read your announcements, updates etc. So I was a bit shocked to learn (from a friend) that you are going to discontinue my favorite game mode. I realize you put very little effort into balancing it (dragon decks are far too powerful IMHO) but the level of disrespect you are showing your players is legendary. You’d think you could at least spare one employee to CHANGE THE BANNER THAT SAYS “Season ends in > 1 month” !!! That’s the only info that a player who’s uninterested in reading your updates has.


Sadly, this means I won’t be participating in anything hearthstone any longer. Duels could be a lot of fun.


I too am done once duels is.

Can’t play standard without having to face a million bots before a human.
Not even going to think about doing wild with all the broken decks it has. The later end of duels gave me a preview of that.

Arena sucks. Learned that lesson before duels was even a thing
Mercs is a joke (much like modern Blizzard)
BG is fun but doesn’t have long term potential for me


Farewell Duels, you will be missed!


10 years of me playing Hearthstone… It’s finally coming to an end. They’ve taken my favorite mode away =(


That’s it for me, duels was my fave by far. Mercenaries and BG are so boring. Oh well bye hearthstone


Its one of the worst days in this game. I hope you realize how much money you will loose with removing this mode.
All mode related statistic i found online just say eg Duels was so much more played than Arena so why not remove arena?

What i rly like is that all comments share this side of opinion. So even more unbelivable why its going this way.
Guess i will stay away from the entire game with the hope that many do it and Blizzard starts thinking about doing mistakes


RIP duels and my HS days. Been playing this game for 10 years and feels like the end for me. Every mode has become dull and boring apart from duels. Feel like there must have been a way to make the mode profitable for Blizzard - I’d happily have paid a subscription to play it.
Thanks for the many happy hours duels gave me, the players I beat, the players who beat me, the crazy synergies, buckets and treasures, the excitement of new expansions changing the meta.
I hope all the players that loved duels log out today and send a message to Blizzard through loss of players.


this was a really dumb decision imo … even, if the game mode never received another update, it was a fun and some people may have still been chasing achievements in it (or with it by searching for cards in buckets that they didn’t care to craft) … hopefully it will be brought back some day … maybe you can replace twist with duels since twist is somehow super problematic and duels lasted for quite some time fairly successfully


Just wanted to add my voice to the “Can’t believe they made this choice!” pile, before I uninstalled the game and joined all the people saying blizzard sucks, instead of just trying to ignore them…


Bring Duels back. This was a bad choice.


It was real simple, just axe casual duels. Arena exists as an entry fee only mode so why can’t duels

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I don’t comment much on this game because I have been enjoying it.

Recently, standard has focused on meta so hard it’s unfun, Arena is boring, Battlegrounds is worse, and Mercenaries is terrible.

You can check my account. I am sure outside of streamers I am a high spender on your product. Duels was the game I played regularly and why I built my decks.

You are losing people like me. Standard is just not fun for many games anymore. And that’s all the game has going for it.

Maybe you aren’t interested in money, and would prefer the game be free to all players. But considering the decisions this company has made recently, I don’t think it’s that. So I’m at a total loss as to why you removed Duels. I’ve seen the explanation and it’s not a good or satisfactory one.

I am a real-money-spending player and you are losing me entirely after this battle pass (which I unfortunately already paid for) ends. I hope you reconsider cutting back your staff, or at least consider allocating the remaining staff into modes that were fun.

My real name is Drew. This is a plea from me. Or perhaps a warning for what is to come for your game if you don’t reconsider doing things like this.


It honestly just makes me sad. I looked forward to progressing through the battle pass enough to get 150 gold to play Duels. I paid for the battle pass for an xp boost to play more Duels. I bought RUNES to play duels. Back when it was just cash, I paid cash. I have not paid a cent to play any other mode, outside of buying the battle pass (which again was ultimately for Duels).

Found this game mode interesting, challenging, and also relaxing. Enough RNG to not necessarily get a meta deck and the feeling of triumph when things did come together.

Playing against OTK meta decks is not fun. They have build Standard around that.

This game will tank.


I really hope the devs are reading through this and realizing just how many people enjoyed duels. I can not believe their first course of action was to just dump the mode. Surely there are solutions they could take to keep it around. I hope it’s just a stunt to get ideas from the community.:crossed_fingers:


They don’t make money from it.

Any thoughts on bringing Duels back yet? please


Imagine that Blizzard removed one of the best modes to play in Hearthstone. If they wanted to delete a mode it should have been Mercenaries or Arena. Those modes suck. RIP Duels

Blizzard really knows how to kill a game don’t they.


Worst thing you could do!


You suck! Bring it baaaaack :sob: You suck you suck you suck and you suck. At least put in a free mode in for Arena. :persevere: