Duels Runs Coming to an End

Meanwhile i think the mode was created just to remove it so more players play arena which is always p2p. Just cause its the closest to Duels.
Since Duels is gone i payed around 1000% more for arena than before and everytime i regret it :stuck_out_tongue:

Still no duels mode?!?

What a terrible decision.

Stil will not install hearthstone then.

I agree 100%. I spent loads of cash to buy tickets… now i’m all f2p.


I’ve been playin HS basically since the start and DUELS were the very best mode and fun. basic game is boring, battlegrounds is slow and boring, arena is trash, mercenaries super trash.

I dont get it blizzard… you could just keep it in the game and remove the free option (that I havent played a single time because why would I,right?)