Duels Runs Coming to an End

Duels Runs Coming to an End

An important Modes update as we near the end of our Duels run.

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Bummer, but I haven’t played this format in probably a year now. It got me back into playing Standard, which was cool. RIP Duels.


This is a horrid idea. Battlegrounds duo looks like crap, scrap that and mercs and keep duals, one of the only good modes.


Tell me, did you plan this “news” or did you come up with it in a drunken stupor? The only mode in which you can play is when you discover something new in the game, you close it, but the mercenaries and twist non-working modes remain. This is, at a minimum, stupid, and at a maximum, it causes irritation and hostility. The ladder becomes boring after a week of playing with new cards. If you release new cards once a week, I think this might be the right decision. Otherwise you’re just killing the game.


LOL, 10 bucks say they’re only removing it because they can’t monetize it as well as BGs.


And now what is Roffle going to play?


They saw a boost from Roffle playing and decided “nah, let’s delete the game mode.”


Yes, lets keep Mercenaries around but remove duels. /s (just keep both like why…)

Duels, one of the most fun game modes with so many different ways to play and experiment. Just leave it without updates at least and turn on Diablo every now and again when it’s good marketing.

I cannot comprehend why removing content from your game that is in its own space and has its own fans is a profitable solution.

I guess it’s too much like solo content which they have effectively axed. I wonder when that will be leaving the client… So sad tbh, and this is probably all just to churn out an extra expansion each year or something.


Too bad, this was close to being a good mode. But it was too reliable to just build a meta deck and run with it. It needed to truly be a “build as you go” mode, and it never quite made it there because it was too consistent to just pick a starting hand with the same two treasures every time.


this really sucks, duels was where i had the most fun in hearthstone, and seeing it leaving entirely hurts so much when for example mercenaries which no one cares about is still kept up instead. it feels like it could very easily be kept in the game exactly as it is now, with no new cards added and just leave the mode stagnant to me


I know I’m in the minority here, but Duels is why I play Hearthstone. I love the crazy powerful stuff you can do and everything it is just so fun. I have literally crafted decks specifically for duels because I love the unique play style and now all of that dust is wasted. I will delete hearthstone after this eventually happens. The least they could do is keep the casual mode running in the background, and if it gets broken some day with the exact same decks running over people that’s fine, at least it’s available. F you Blizzard for destroying my favorite Hearthstone mode


It really hurts to lose my favorite mode. That feeling of newness that Duels had initially where there was so much random and so much new content that everything was played by ear was fantastic, and I don’t think any other competitive mode has come close to that feeling of exploration. Dang, this really sucks. Just yesterday I was still experimenting in the mode, using Murloc Shattered C’thun Druid, where the Murloc treasures helped me thin my deck fast enough to reliably get C’thun on 10- what a shame to lose out on this. We miss you Ates <3


Also, this brings up a very valid point from a consumer perspective, if they are just gonna AXE ALL OF THEIR EXTRA MODES WHAT’S THE POINT IN PURCHASING STUFF IN THEM? WHY SHOULD I BUY BGs stuff NOW?!?!


i have no idea whats going to happen to hs at this point. they keep printing infuriating cards like solid alibi and print overpowered bs like reno to hope to nerf the influx of permanent effects like sargeras and rheastrasza, turning standard into a mad dash of an arms race. wild is full of bots ever since they removed classic, and when you’re not playing against a bot, you’re playing against infinite turns mage. they made twist that had like 1 season with actual thought put into it, with the current season just being dictated by whatever broken card they printed for caverns like chamber or telegram. they made mercs dead on arrival by predatory monetization. arena is plagued by the same broken legendaries as standard in addition to the sold accounts with broken drafts.

and now the most fun gamemode is being completely removed? the one ive spent dust and time on learning the intricacies of the meta? the one that fixes the main issue that wild has had for years, being ultraconsistent combos and aggro decks? that also adds its own randomness into the mix, making every run very unique? i swear it’s like the game wants me to either go play bgs or just leave by removing all the things i enjoy, and im not very fond of bgs.


Ya when this leaves I’m leaving too. Only reason I play and craft cards at the moment. Sad to see duels go ya it has is crazy broken moments but it was fun to play crazy decks and cool synergy.

Will miss ya hearthstone.


On behalf of achievement hunters/completionists, I’m curious what the plan is for the achievements? Will they just forever be unachievable?

(Same question applies to Classic. Personally, I’ve completed all the Classic achievements, but I’m sure there are others who wish to and haven’t. When Classic was retired, Matt London said “more info to come” on the achievements front, but nothing has been said since)


Sadly, they charged people mercenary packs and sold mobile game type speed up packs for Mercenaries, so they cannot ditch that mode. Duels is one they can cut without issuing refunds. Stupid move, but as much as Mercenaries is a dead mode, it will never go away, at least not within the next 3-5 years, while people can still reasonably complain if they paid for content.


the mode is still in “beta” too. really telling of how much effort is being put into the game, and also of where the real problem lies. what a joke.


IDK if I’m leaving, but same, this is the only mode I crafted for. I live for weird decks, and the treasures in Duels let me pull off weird things I can’t elsewhere- it really sucks to see every mode I get into be removed. Purely constructed modes devolve into rock paper scissors after a week, and Arena feels so low power compared to the other modes. Duels scratched the itch of letting me build and use my collection without every game being an exact repeat, at least, before support slowed to a trickle. I’ve made dozens of custom Duels heroes for chatting with friends, but after all this time it’s still just Scholomance and a handful of others? We still only have one true Demon Hunter?!


Dumbest thing I ever heard of, we will keep mercenaries going with no support. But take Duels out. Guess I’ll be finally be letting go of Hearthstone after years and years. Since duels mode was the only thing that was keeping me playing 2 accounts
Guess on the bright side of finally, be able to stop playing and save hundreds of dollars!:man_facepalming: