Duels Runs Coming to an End

“More popular game modes” ??? i dont buy it who the f%*k actually enjoys playing Arena or mercs more than duels…


… ive got little over 4200 gold bout to spend it all on heroic duels until i have no gold left then ill go offline permanently in april when duels does…
Such a stupid and uncaring decision to drop what is many peoples favorite game mode from the game… should at the very least just not update it and leave it playable i mean thats basically what they been doing with it for the last year any way… and why are they shutting it down right now for cheaters? If your taking it off in april atleast let us play it til then ffs…


Why would you do this to the game? Duels is the only mode I still really enjoy :frowning:

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I totally understand, bro

Me too, and it was mine too anyway.

Just to give it another try, making an old stinky boring mode more “fancy” … maybe, haha. Never mind.

And all of that … by erasing the best mode ever. Nice trade!

To be fair, … I was playing arena all the day in a veeeeeeeery long gone past … because there wasn’t ANY other option, NOTHING. Okay … Or playing same old normal standard mode since the time of dinosaurs. Yeah yes, I forgot! That was a great other different option too … no time to laugh, sorry.

Sometimes I hate Blizzard, I really HATE Blizzard. Even that no giving a future mercenary mode still survives but by all of that mode’s duels has to go!!

Not fair, no logic. But I can give U the real reason, same reason as ever by Bliz in the last few years,- no possibility of making money with. Even the characters are a special unique character in this mode, so they can’t even create and sell skins for this. Not, they still did a try. Not even that they did. So sad, just sad. Only possibility of selling arena tickets for heroic entry. But why someone should do that, even he could use 150 gold easily. You see?!

Just scared for the money they are in love with today. Better times are gone and were removed the same patch as the dinosaurs. Good job Bliz even for you in that short few last years. I’ll quit in March anyway. But I hope my wish will become true and some or a lot of other players will do the same. Just for the reason of this little trouble, it might hurt Blizzard the only point it could … the Wallet. Goodbye money, see you next seas,— wait, … see you never again o.O" … But that’s okay … We won’t be better again, too. :slight_smile:

Seriously Bliz … How could you do that … NOT DUELS ! The best mode! Okay … Battleground is o k a y too and sometimes very funny.

But still, … How?!! Why?! … HOW?!!!


for all those who said that the cancellation of duels is not a sign of the decline and failure of hearthstone…today microsoft announced 1900 layoffs in the videogames sector, most of which are blizzard… bye bye hearthstone


I just wanted to drop in and make my (likely futile) effort at getting a message across to those in charge of decision making for the game. Removing duels sounds like it will be the nail in the coffin for a lot of players, probably myself included. I have spent hundreds of dollars on the game, attended blizzcon multiple years, played WoW in a top 100 guild for upwards of 10 years, played over 180 hours of mercy in overwatch, and put my time in on diablo, rumble, and many others. I have remained a loyal fan of not only blizzard games, but blizzard as a company. I fondly look back on moments during blizzcon where I got to smoke a cigarette with Chris Metzen when he was still there. The point is, I cherish and value the time Ive spent and kepp spending while playing your games and hearthstone is really all I have left to play. My children are growing up and I was looking forward to the day I could play hearthstone with them but I’m afraid that making decisions like this will kill the game in a glorious fashion.

Please reconsider removing it from the game and spend some time focusing on how you could monetize it instead. There’s a forum post that outlines 1 way this could look and it sounds like a very feasible option to keep the mode, make money from it, and not metaphorically pour salt on everyones wounds.

I don’t eat at chick-fil-a anymore because they removed the ceasar wrap from the menu. Don’t be like chick-fil-a. Please. Thanks for your time.


At this point, closing Hearthstone is also a good idea.

All you care is how many packs you sell. There is no more skill in hearthstone.

Hopefully, Microsoft will fix this a bit.

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This is the only mode I play, the only mode enjoyable to play. Screw you too Blizzard.


uh duels was announced to be shut down weeks before the layoffs…

and a survival game was canceled are you sure not a single one of those who were fired were working on it ?(and before you say it no the survival game wasnt related to HS)

and only 10 people working on HS were fired

there was no good reason to remove duels in my opinion


And this, ladies and gentleman is why the mode never left beta.

And this is why no one should buy anything, especially the new scam mode twist, since they lock it regularly. There’s nothing saying they’ll just shutter it forever while it’s locked and after they had you buy a ton of stuff for it.

Same thing they did to everyone with classic: “muh just use the cards elsewhere!”

Like people have pointed out for years with this company:

“Fun detected.™”

Because they still charge people for one of them, and the other they can’t. Because kotick and co only care about money.

Seems like they are, one mode at a time, and are just milking wallets until they announce it.

Cannot wait for the Microsoft purge, and for them to smash the bot servers too.


Your order was not chronological; BG came into beta during Descent of Dragons/ Duels was added in Scholomance Academy. Anyway I find this news to be utter BULL! Duels is the SHIZNIJAZ!

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Its official. Duels will be removed on April 16th. I’ve been using up my spare tavern tickets, and had a decent run.

I really hope it can come back… I really don’t see why it has to go :frowning:


such a stupid decision. smh. blizzard is collapsing in on itself like a dying star. how the mighty have fallen.


Community slapped in the face once again. GG.


That’s lame. I came back after a couple years because of Duels. Spent money this time, too… Guess that won’t be happening anymore


Today I went through my entire card collection to finally say goodbye. Game uninstalled. I haven’t felt sad like this since I left World of Warcraft (also due to Blizzard’s self-destructive decisions). Who would have thought that this company was once the “Disney of games”.


will there be some compensation for wild cards? I don’t play wild and created wild cards only for the purpose of duels…


Amen!! I just hope BG has the same ending and is quick!!


this is really sad news, I hope Blizzard would still consider this again. I’m very sad about this, I’m a casual player and don’t really play at ranked at all, and I also don’t like arena or mercenaries. battlegrounds are fun, but so long that I don’t often have time or inspiration to play those.
I have really liked duels, so this is sad news for me :cry: