Duels Runs Coming to an End

I don’t think they want you to have fun, they just want you to pay

This sounds like a start of it for sure

ehhh which other card game microsfot has i remember searching months ago and didnt find any

and duels s ounds more way more like they shutting it down because it doesnt make money no idea why you are making it about balance

Why are you even commenting? Do you really think people would be sad if they didn’t play the mode? Are you just trolling?

It merely take less than one person to maintain it ← THIS

Kinda makes you feel Blizzard ain’t the best employer. If a game this big can’t manage duel on the side of “the real stuff” I would think that the staff is understaffed/overworked which is sad. Duel is a wild ground; Come see it once in a while and do simple “balancing”.

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:confused: duels was really the only gamemode i played, i sometimes played the others to get coins for duels, and i bought packs/ bundles when i saw that it might make things interesting in duels.

I guess I’m done playing hearthstone, i wont wait around for april sorry :confused: unless I see a gamemode thats as interesting as duels its not really worth it for me. I made a lot of memories in this game and had fun chats with people i played, even got a few friends into the game for a time. so I will think fondly about it, but It bums me out to see this.

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Is there a plan to summarise your strategy around ‘how to kill a great game’!?

The problem with scrapping mercs is probably the money and time invested. Scrapping duels is like scrapping Arena. The right move for mercs format it like battlegrounds with a subscription format limit the total number of mercs that are available to refresh every month like constructed and give us every mercs maxed out. Then remarket mercenaries

I’ve crafted about a dozen legendaries and numerous non-legendaries for duels.

The idea that people weren’t invested is blatantly false.

Most of these cards are completely unplayable in other formats. Am I going to get the opportunity to dust freely for full refunds? Doubt it.

Not worth trusting this company now that it’s MICROSOFT. They’ve killed more video games than any other company through gross negligence.

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I’m going to add my name to the list of players who are very disappointed by this decision.

I suspect that the decision was made some time ago, and we only found out recently with a small amount of time before the mode is gone.

We didn’t even get any warning this might happen. Twist has been “paused” and will be re-launched, and the decision to pause it for two months was later reconsidered so there will be only 1 month with no twist.

I hope blizzard will reconsider this decision.


You can allow people to continue playing StarCraft 1 or Diablo 1 on your servers this many years later but you have to axe Duels entirely? Inconsistency! Just let it go unmoderated or unmanaged like it seems to always be anyways. The only reason I buy packs or tavern passes is for my collection to be bigger for duels. I couldnt care less about standard or wild. I certainly wont ever buy packs for those modes exclusively. You are turning actual revenue giving customers into BG freeloaders only.

Maybe someone can make a UMS map of this in SC2 or SC1…or WC3…

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you must understand that Heathstone is a dying game, the recent cancellation of duels is just a sign of the very heavy decline that looms over this project, Blizzard tries to camouflage this crisis with phrases like “so we can focus on something else” but whoever says that knows be in deep crisis, be careful when spending more money on Heathstone


Yeah this move is definitely another canary in the coal mine. Hearthstone has steadily been getting worse. In 2023 I left MTG Arena. Duels is my favorite mode, in 2024 I’ll be leaving hearthstone. I had a good time. GG.


When do you leave? That would remove a lot of bloat right there.

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This is sad news, duels were my main reason for playing Hearthstone.

It certainly wasn’t to play Mercenaries which, for some extraordinarily baffling reason no doubt, they’ll choose to keep.

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He’s going to stay, apparently solely to annoy your 5-post self.

Duels was the only other mode I thought was kinda cool besides playing standard hearthstone out of all the modes. Admittedly i didn’t play it much but when i did I enjoyed it.

This is a horrible decision. Im assuming it’s only because they can’t monetize it as well as the other ones. Like many of you have said. It’s the main version of hearthstone I play, followed by BGs.

Hopefully they will change their minds. But I highly doubt it.


What I love in Duel that it synergize with the conventional Hearthstone cards pool.
Playing BG or Mercenaries doesn’t have that benefit.

This is awful decision to end Duel.


Wow they are going to Axe the best game mode… Duels is literally my motivation to get better cards… Other than duels i enjoy playing battlegrounds but this season kinda screwed that up too imo… i play the other game modes for quests … i play duels because its fun and its my favorite … without it i doubt ill keep playing and certainly wont spend again… Its been fun.